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AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


This is the new results thread, since the other one had passed 100 answers.

If you missed the beginning please go here to see the 200-124 section.

before going back to the rest of the list, just a recap of the 68 voters who contributed :

Vanilla Fire1000
Rocky Racoon
Tim O
Harold Wexler
Alex D
Mitchell Stirling
Dr Robert
Henry Groth
tim E

now it's time for number 123

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

Total Points = 953.84

AM 3000 rank : 999

Appeared on 16 ballots / 68

Fans: Tim E # 7, Toni # 20

The AM community was more prompt to acclaim this album than the critics, probably because the fact that it was not a "real album" has much less meaning today.

Only in retrospect is this considered a great album. It was actually first conceived as more of a collection of singles and toss-offs from Sgt. Pepper. That the singles (and, heck, even the toss-offs) outrank Pepper's seems to be forgotten (… . At this point McCartney and Lennon may not have been working together, but only cause they didn't need each other. The former outdid Lennon's "Strawberry Fields Forever" with his own nostalgia piece, "Penny Lane", and proved how simple a hit could be with "Hello Goodbye". Lennon made up ground with his psychedelic classic "I Am the Walrus", held together by Martin's incredible orchestration, and "All You Need is Love", which is notable not only for its weird timing, but also because the vocals were recorded in the first global television link. 350 million people around the world watched Lennon botch the verses while mere feet away (and completely within frame) Mick Jagger puffed a joint. He was in court the next morning on drug charges.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

122. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin – 1969 – AM 125

121. Massive Attack - Blue Lines – 1991 – AM 32

120. Blur – Parklife – 1994 - AM 153

119. Mercury Rev - Deserter's Songs – 1998 – AM 275

118. Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan – 1963 – AM 179

117. The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs – 1999 – AM 278

116. Nirvana - In Utero – 1993 – AM 138

115. Stevie Wonder - Talking Book – 1972 – AM 105

114. The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat – 1968 – AM 187

113. The Cure – Disintegration – 1989 – AM 314 (Greg's number 1)

112. Nick Drake - Pink Moon – 1972 – AM 256

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


Led Zeppelin II (1969)

1053.07 points

AM 3000 rank : 67

2005 and 2008 polls : not in the top 200

Appeared on 21 ballots / 68

Fans: Alex D # 10, Mindrocker # 17

Like its brothers Led Zeppelin and Physical Graffiti, Led Zeppelin II was absent from the 2 previous AMF polls. This regain of love for the fathers of metal is due to the recent generation of posters like Alex D or Mindrocker, from all countries and generations. While never reaching any list's top 5, it ensured its position by being present on 21 ballots.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

It seems that many fans of Led Zeppelin among new AM'ERS

the Evolution in AM forums


111 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - II
122 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
135 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


Elliott Smith – Either/Or (1997)

1060.75 points

AM 3000 rank : 575

Appeared on 13 ballots / 68

Fans: Nassim # 1, Marc # 7, Jackson # 10

Elliott Smith did way better with you than with the critics. However the late singer songwriter did not reach the top 100 with these albums and Either/Or did about the same as in 2008 when it ended at # 107. Sorry, Nassim…

It did not need more than (a few) listenings for this album to become my favourite album ever. I have now arrived at a point where I think only a shrink could try to guess why I like it more than comparable artists like Belle & Sebastian. Still, I think my 3 favourite artists represents what I show of my personality (Beastie Boys), what I would like to be (Queens of the Stone Age) and what I am inside (Elliott Smith). I truly empathise with the music of the album, and really I mean the music, not the lyrics. I know they should seem sad, desperate, dark, but I find every vocal harmony, every instrument arrangement, every chord strung comfy, reassuring, always gripped to a spark of hope, love and compassion. It sometimes seems to go beyond the music, it's a world for me where to hide, feel secured and cheered up. It's an evidence that Elliott is gifted but I wont claim he is the most talented songwriter ever ; I just know that he is the one that means the most to me and that among all his songs I love, the best collection is Either/Or. "Pictures of Me" sounds like my anger, "Between the Bars" like my lonesomeness (even more than my lonelyhess), Angeles like my resignation and Say Yes my hopes... and it is not by chance that hope has the last word..

I could describe the technical aspects of why I love Either/Or, but this is an album that needs to be felt, not thought about. Elliott Smith's primary talent was creating personal connections with the listener. Even if you're nowhere near as depressed as he obviously was, I think that everyone can connect to some of the feelings described in the lyrics and substantiated by the music. What really seals the deal is Smith's voice, which--cheesy as it may sound--is downright angelic.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

It seems that many fans of Led Zeppelin among new AM'ERS

the Evolution in AM forums


111 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - II
122 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
135 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti

Nice to see those LZ albums in the top 200 (and IV in the top 100) although I didn't vote them.
I voted the wrong albums (III + Houses of the Holy)

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavillion (2009)


AM 3000 rank : not ranked

Appeared on 18 ballots / 68

Fans: Steven #2, ChrisK # 21

The most acclaimed musical sensation of the moment almost broke the top 100. Younger voters from the USA particularly loved it.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I have Zeppelin II at 115, Physical Graffiti at 81 and Zeppelin IV at 29. They probably never had an original idea and often stole stuff without giving credit but they were able to process and distill materials in a creative way.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

These albums stopped at the treshold :

108. Curtis Mayfield – Superfly – 1972 – AM 155

107. Otis Redding - Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings Soul – 1965 - AM 55

106. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme – 1965 – AM 68
(sonofsamian's # 1)

105. Leonard Cohen - Songs Of Leonard Cohen – 1967 – AM 176

104. Björk – Homogenic – 1997 – AM 400

103. De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising – 1989 – AM 75

102. The Replacements - Let It Be – 1984 – AM 229

101. The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground – 1969 - AM 200

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

The Evolution in AM Forums


101 - 113 - 152 - The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground
102 - 093 - xxx - The Replacements - Let It Be
103 - 169 - 109 - De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
104 - 095 - 083 - Björk - Homogenic
105 - 120 - 099 - Leonard Cohen - Songs of Leonard Cohen
106 - 081 - 060 - John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
107 - 087 - xxx - Otis Redding - Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
108 - 182 - 140 - Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
109 - xxx - xxx - Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
110 - 107 - xxx - Elliott Smith - Either/Or
111 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - II
112 - 116 - 095 - Nick Drake - Pink Moon
113 - 171 - 069 - The Cure - Disintegration
114 - 149 - xxx - The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat
115 - 117 - 142 - Stevie Wonder - Talking Book
116 - 104 - 051 - Nirvana - In Utero
117 - 140 - 094 - Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
118 - 108 - 185 - Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
119 - 154 - 173 - Mercury Rev - Deserter's Songs
120 - 089 - 046 - Blur - Parklife
121 - 085 - 088 - Massive Attack - Blue Lines
122 - xxx - xxx - Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
123 - 115 - 171 - The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Thanks again otis, for seconding me with excellent stat

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Thank you for your work and be able to handle 13,600 votes! (68 x 200)

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Velvet Underground did better than previous times. That might mean VU&Nico is in top 3.
It's sad that Homogenic didn't make it to the top 100 (it was # .
The high placement of MPP (by AC) was very good thing (maybe not the huge surprise but still).
It's not my favourite AC album but I voted it because of its chance to make it to top 200 (and it did).
Actually I voted more AC than Radiohead albums (although all Radiohead albums (4) were in my top 100). AC albums I voted:
#40 Sung Tongs
#62 Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
#123 Feels
#135 Strawberry Jam
#148 Merriweather Post Pavillion

Oasis isn't only brit pop band who's reverence has gone. Parklife didn't succeed either.
But Deserters Songs did and I'm glad of that.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II

AW stupid me

I shouldn't have added that (123-101) to the thread subject

Now I'll have to open a new onr for the top 100.

I have a little time this afternoon to start posting little by little but that means comments will be mixed up

So please make your comments about THIS section HERE and not in the top 100 thread

got it ?

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Nicolas: you'll still with the list? If you tell me no, I'm going to lunch

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Go, otis

Anyway if I post it will be album by album so you'll have time to add your stats.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Another high one from my list shows up: MPP at 45. I have a feeling this will actually fall down after a few years: the hype for it right now is huge.

Sucks to see Leonard Cohen out this early, but I doubt I'm Your Man will show up this late. I prefer his total body of work over all those singer-songwriters, even Dylan.

Its also great to see the evolution of this poll: Britpop and Country-Rock going down while American indie and Classic Rock going up. Alot of the 80s/90s/00s British Rock groups seem to be doing worse and worse in each poll.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I am absolutely shocked to see Parklife outside the T100. I wish Merriweather Post Pavillion could have broke the T100, but 109 is pretty damn impressive for an album that came out 10 months ago (seems like forever, doesn't it?).

3/4 Velvet Underground albums are outside the T100 :(. I was hoping WL/WH could break though, but oh well. I'm sure VU&N will T5.

I had a bunch of albums in this last section. Now I'm even more excited for what's in the T100. If my count is right, there will be 12 albums from the current decade in the T100.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

So my #2 and #3 have gone: Parklife and Definitely Maybe. Well, for Parklife I already expected this performance, since there're not much of it's fans on the forum, and some of them have not took part on the poll. The great surprise for me was the huge fall of DM, from #20 in 2005, to #150 now. That's quite comprehensible. There's some kind of prejudice against Oasis given the annoying personalities of their leading members and the fact that the quality of their material went lower and lower each album that came.

Happy with many inclusions here, also, especially Paul's Boutique, Magical Mystery Tour, Either/Or and, the most shocking, Merriwhether almost cracking the top 100!
I wonder where will Fleet Foxes place...

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

If I had to guess the reason for Oasis's poor performance in the poll, it would be because of their reluctance to break from the classic rock-inspired britpop formula. Because of this, they will always be unfavorably compared to artier bands like Blur who embraced American indie music.

On a board as concerned with artistic merit as this one, it shouldn't be surpring that a band like Pavement outperforms Oasis. I do think (What's the Story) Morning Glory will crack the T100 though.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I had quite a few from that section:

Deserter's Songs (#19)
69 Love Songs (#8)
Pink Moon (#16)

All amazing albums and glad that they made the top 200 list. Also voted for Blur as well. I didn't vote for "Definitely Maybe" by "(What's the Story)..." was high on my list and to me, the definitive Oasis album.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

So far out of the 100 albums I voted for, these made 101-200:

The Replacements - Let It Be (Top 10)
De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat
Nirvana - In Utero (low teens)
The Velvet Underground – Loaded (30ish)
Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique (Top 10)
Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf (Top 10)
Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)(Low teens)
Slint – Spiderland
Wire - Pink Flag
Bob Marley and The Wailers – Exodus
Gorillaz - Demon Days

Im pretty confident another 3-4 albums from my top 10 will make it in the top 100.

And its nice to see an '09 album on the list too (still havent listened to MPP though).

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I,m wondering, if kevin had taken part, how much closer might MPP have gotten to the top 100.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

yeah, but he didn't take part

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I,m wondering, if kevin had taken part, how much closer might MPP have gotten to the top 100.

It would have been #1, because he would have placed MPP in every slot just to be safe.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Harold Wexler
I,m wondering, if kevin had taken part, how much closer might MPP have gotten to the top 100.

It would have been #1, because he would have placed MPP in every slot just to be safe.

Thats terrible Harold, but I can't stop laughing

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

MPP over Either/Or makes absolutely no sense to me. And seeing albums like A Love Supreme, The Velvet Underground, Songs of Leonard Cohen, and Let It Be outside the top 100 is just bizzare. There better be some really good albums at the next level to make up for this.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

kevin just sent me his top 1

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

I had these in this group:

The Cure- Disintegration (#4)

The Cure's magnum opus jumps out of the gate with the sheer enormity of the cosmically beautiful "Plainsong" and doesn't let up. Disintegration sees the band at its lyrical, melodic and instrumental peak, slowly weaving through twelve immensely affecting and dazzling anthems. It soars with a regal grandeur that is second to none.

Björk- Homogenic (#21)

Phase 2 of Björk's career begins with Homogenic, which makes her previous material sound rather peurile in comparison. The travails of womanhood are blazed thoroughly with this record, and every emotion is stretched to its fullest potential.
Otis Redding- Otis Blue (#111)
The Velvet Underground- White Light/White Heat (#123)

Boo to the VU's 3rd album beating out White Light/White Heat! Also, it seems Björk's acclaim was spread across 3 albums (unless Vespertine somehow cracks the top 100) as opposed to being concentrated on only 1.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

122. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
121. Massive Attack - Blue Lines
120. Blur – Parklife
116. Nirvana - In Utero
111. Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin II
109. Animal Collective – Merriweather Post Pavillion
107. Otis Redding - Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings Soul

106. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
103. De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising
102. The Replacements - Let It Be
101. The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground

.....and these 11 albums all made my top 200.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Moonbeam I agree with you about the vote spreading for Björk

That happens when artists make too much good albums !!

But I prefer the third Vu album to White Light. Both were on my list though, but the 1969 album was higher (141 to 195)

WLWH is a bit too arty for me, except for "The Gift" which is a masterpiece.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

white light/white heat, a love supreme, and pink moon all deserve significantly higher. interesting to see MPP do so well not even a year after it's release! other than that all the rest are deserved rankings

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

white light/white heat, a love supreme, and pink moon all deserve significantly higher.

agreed. OTOH, i don't even have ALS and PM in my 666KOTA, henceforth i should rather STFU..

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Moonbeam I agree with you about the vote spreading for Björk

That happens when artists make too much good albums !!

But I prefer the third Vu album to White Light. Both were on my list though, but the 1969 album was higher (141 to 195)

WLWH is a bit too arty for me, except for "The Gift" which is a masterpiece.

White Light/White Heat was my first VU album, and it absolutely blew me away. I think they work best when they unbridle the craziness, and they do that more on White Light/White Heat than any other album. In fact, that was my go-to VU album for quite some time! The Velvet Underground is startlingly tranquil, and while they pull it off ok, I don't think it suits their personality quite as well. That said, I do enjoy it and prefer it greatly to the loathesome Loaded.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

That said, I do enjoy it and prefer it greatly to the loathesome Loaded.

shame on you, doug, for that oh sweet nuthin..

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

That said, I do enjoy it and prefer it greatly to the loathesome Loaded.

shame on you, doug, for that oh sweet nuthin..

It's waaaaay too much of a Beatles album for me to stomach!

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


It's waaaaay too much of a Beatles album for me to stomach!

more like Black & Blue but I think we have an agreement here anyway..

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Another high one from my list shows up: MPP at 45. I have a feeling this will actually fall down after a few years: the hype for it right now is huge.

I agree, it will fall down. Not that I dislike it, but you're right, there's a lot of hype surrounding it right now. As Nicolas said, it received a lot of its support from younger American voters who obviously follow the critical herd more than forming their own opinions.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Rocky Raccoon
Another high one from my list shows up: MPP at 45. I have a feeling this will actually fall down after a few years: the hype for it right now is huge.

I agree, it will fall down. Not that I dislike it, but you're right, there's a lot of hype surrounding it right now. As Nicolas said, it received a lot of its support from younger American voters who obviously follow the critical herd more than forming their own opinions.

I dont mean to call you out or anything, but maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the young Americans that ranked Merriweather highly actually enjoy the album?

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the young Americans that ranked Merriweather highly actually enjoy the album?

if the nazis can, maybe americans might do as well...

(here goes the most inappropiate joke between pennsylviana 1.0 and 1.1 ever...)

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the young Americans that ranked Merriweather highly actually enjoy the album?

if the nazis can, maybe americans might do as well...

(here goes the most inappropiate joke between pennsylviana 1.0 and 1.1 ever...)


i'm a young american who actually enjoys the album. i don't think it's the pinnacle of anything, i don't even think it's their best, i just really like it.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Rocky Raccoon
Another high one from my list shows up: MPP at 45. I have a feeling this will actually fall down after a few years: the hype for it right now is huge.

I agree, it will fall down. Not that I dislike it, but you're right, there's a lot of hype surrounding it right now. As Nicolas said, it received a lot of its support from younger American voters who obviously follow the critical herd more than forming their own opinions.

I dont mean to call you out or anything, but maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the young Americans that ranked Merriweather highly actually enjoy the album?

I'm sure some do. It was just a general statement not aimed at anyone in particular. I think, though, that some have ranked this even higher than normal because they've been influenced by the press clippings.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

Did it ever dawn on you that maybe the young Americans that ranked Merriweather highly actually enjoy the album?

if the nazis can, maybe americans might do as well...

(here goes the most inappropiate joke between pennsylviana 1.0 and 1.1 ever...)


i'm a young american who actually enjoys the album. i don't think it's the pinnacle of anything, i don't even think it's their best, i just really like it.

Exactly this.

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)


i'm a young american who actually enjoys the album. i don't think it's the pinnacle of anything, i don't even think it's their best, i just really like it.

well, az long az you hump someone elsez backbonez unborn child, just go along...

just dizzpose us da attest... WEZ invented the poopin rest AND we know how to deployyz it.. karlzruhe isn't so far off.... mmememememmuahaaahaaaahaaahaAHAHAHA

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

to be allenfalls continued....

Re: AMF Top 200 Album poll : the results part II (123-101)

important notice

Due to a few mistakes, the results above are slightly incorrect.

You'll find the real list in part 3.