I've been coming here for a long time (3 Years) and quite frankly I think it's starting to suck. The updates are few and far between. Im sorry Henrik, I know your busy; however if you can't handle the load, I'm sure someone would take your place. Buy your computer, or codes (However it works) to continue it on there own. This site is only exciting when we have updates, and its been a long long while since our last one. Don't get me wrong, I love the site, it has been very useful to me over the years. I just feel it needs some new life. Sorry.
First that "please hurry" post and now this. I am happy that you care about the site and its content, but the tone in these posts don't exactly encourage me to work harder. That I started this site doesn't mean that I'm obliged to continue. I will continue as long as I think it's fun and have at least a little time.
The thing is that the site update is such a huge task and when I only have an hour here and there it's very easy to start with smaller projects instead, such as digging after albums I haven't heard, create a Spotify playlist and prepare for the 1974 poll...
In an old thread we agreed that one site update per year would be enough. I think Stefan's Mega-Critic updates and all the forum discussions keep AM alive in the meantime and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same.
apart from thankfully not being in your shoes, Henrik... I remember that the last consensus on AMF went "there will be no more groundbreaking albums from now on"... so let's just double that "why the hurry then?" question.
..music is dead... rock and roll is dead... acclaimedmusic.net is dead - the carcass just kept rolling down southern alien lane, spitting out some mulletberry bats before it gently disappeared..
..buttwhaddawaikiki, that's w2.0, for crust's sake, the doggamn poll era... we get updates every ckufing day..
just take all the time you need, Henrik - their fanboy restlessness merely reflects the most unfiltered passion this site spawned right from the beginning in /sniff/ all. of. us...
I guess I don't see the need for a rush either. Is it really that important to see how a few new lists changed the rankings every month? In fact, I think the list would lose it's credibility if it were changing on a regular basis.... and we'd have trouble staging games around the lists!
There are a few sites that track critical consensus of current releases- Use those during the year and check back annually to see how they compared against history. Or stick around and join our wonderful forums and talk about music while you wait. This site has plenty to offer after the AM3000.
Well, something keeps me coming back to this site everyday. The updates are indeed awesome and important, but this site has grown to become about so much more than that. I'll still stand up and say that far from the website starting to suck, it's still the greatest website I know. There's nothing else like it on the net in scope, detail or legitimacy, in my opinion, and the characters that inhabit this forum make my visits a daily ritual.
Yeah don't worry about those people, Henrik. I agree with John that there needs to be a semblance of stability as well as, maybe more than, perpetual change. I wasn't here when the site first began, but I wouldn't like it if the albums kept changing numbers 5+ times a year. The only good reasons for an update (to me personally) is to see how recent albums will stack up in the 2000s rankings, and if some of my under-appreciated favorites have gone up. And I can wait for those things. There are so many lists counted in already that the site is by far the best reference for music today.
Plus, at least new albums are in provided spreadsheets and STEFAN does that very useful MEGA-CRITIC, so recent stuff gets their due anyway.
And my username IS my real name. (I've got facebook too.)
I think the site is great. The top 3000 lists last far longer than a year for me. I discover new things about them every time I look at them. But the important thing here is the forum. There are just a couple of sites I visit every day: Facebook, Chesshere, Wikipedia, some Norwegian newspapers, and Acclaimedmusic. Henrik should be rich.
Not much to add here, just wanted to toss in my $0.02 and echo what all the other regulars have been saying. I've been worshipping, um, I mean visiting AM since the site began, and yes, Henrik DID update more frequently once upon a time - but the database was a lot smaller then. I mean, for the first couple of years there was -only- a top 1000 albums list. As several have already stated, it's nice to have some stability in the lists, to know that Henrik's increasingly authoritative lists are only going to be changed once or twice a year.
I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm not incredibly eager to see what the next update will bring - with a backlog of lists finally added, plus the 2008 albums & songs, PLUS the potentially hugely significant 1000 RECORDINGS book, the new AM album and song lists promise to be as close-to-definitive as we're ever likely to see. (Not too much pressure, right, Henrik?) But I'm fully aware that it takes an enormous amount of time to achieve this, and I'm willing to wait. And, again to echo everyone else, there's more than enough fun stuff happening on the forum to keep us busy.
Henrik, I love AM, so keep doing what you're doing, however long that takes. We're all incredibly appreciative of the site, and you've given plenty of people a way to reference and discuss our favorite music.
Mystery person: You're a tool. Make your own damn website if this one isn't good enough.
Listen...Im not saying the site isnt great, I love it. Im just saying someone more capable should take over. I don't have the time or I would. I feel as though th year end poll should have been up by now, it's been a while.
Thats it, thats all, Im sorry. But someone had to say it.
Based on your second post, (mystery Man), I doubt we can reason with you. Implying that you're "more capable" than Henrik is pretty cheeky, and is not liable to endear you to the forum.
You note that you "don't have time"...well, neither does Henrik, as he's informed us many times recently. Henrik provides a great service here, but he's under no obligation to his audience. This is a labor of love, not a public utility.
Sure, it would be (will be) nice to have 2008 music incorporated into the list, but really, that's a drop in the bucket (I might note that almost all of the relevant all-time lists have already been incorporated into the rankings). This is first and foremost a site about music history, and in the sheer vastness of material here, I can get by without 2008.
Henrik will get to it when he gets to it. He has, incidentally, asked for help more than once, so if you can't live without an update, you have a better option than complaining and insulting the person who created this thing in the first place. You can help. (BTW, Henrik, once the HOA is over, I'd be happy to provide an assist.)
Claiming that the "site is starting to suck" just because we don't currently know where exactly Fleet Foxes will slot into the list is churlish indeed.
I can't say it's my go to music site (that would probably be RYM), but I never really looked at it that way. I think the list is a great reference but most importantly the forums are a great community. I can live with infrequent updates to the list and enjoy when the updates do come but I'd be very sad if the site and forums ceased to exist entirely. It's sad when we lose a frequent poster- other sites I wouldn't even notice it.
I just wanna say I love this site.
Sadly i don't go there as often as I'd wish to now.
I have nothing more to add to what the others said.
So you masked marvel, I guess you don't know what you're talking about.
And I don't know why you wanna hide like this. Why not come in the open ? We're not gonna eat you!!
I found friends here.
I guess friends are better than updates.
I come her as a regular, to chat, to compare my opinions and tastes with other's.
I don't behave as a fucking client.
i'm wondering what good would come from updating more than once/year anyway. the older albums aren't likely to change much. as people have already mentioned, most of the important lists have already been included. and for recent albums, only one update can include the end of year lists and i honestly wouldn't pay much attention to an update if it DIDN'T include them. so why bother? i think one update per year is perfect.
What about when the decade end lists start rolling in. They are important, and feels like they'll fall by the waste side.
Im dont doubt Henrik has done alot of work over the years, that was never my intention. He just seems to have alot on his plate. I know for a fact that some of the regulars dont have lives or jobs, why dont they take over.
I know for a fact that some of the regulars dont have lives or jobs, why dont they take over.
Whoa! Um...In the words of Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott: "Laddie...don't ya think ya should...re-PHRASE that?" Rather a sweeping generalization, no?
why do I need to rephrase that? Are you gunna hunt the mystery man down...lol...Maybe I'm Henrik, and Im trying to get someone to help me? Maybe I'm YOU! The fact is I speak for the majority because In a way. I am.