I can't buy CDs anymore.
The Cd is not a beautiful object IMO
The other day I was at the shop and there was this huge special offer on Cds, loads of cds at 4 or 7 euros, but I just couldn't.
For me what matters is the content.
Vinyl is a different thing.
CDs definitely. I have to have a physical object, whether it's a CD, and LP or anything else I can hold in my hand. Paying for mp3s is like paying for sex.
I'm with Nicolas, cd's are just not a pretty thing. It doesn't mean anything to me to have a cd collection or to put a cd in a tray. I pay for a monthly Rhapsody subscription and buy my favorites on LP. If the band didn't release the album on vinyl or it isn't available anymore (or available at a reasonable price) I don't buy it.
I'd rather have a physical object, but also, I don't want to risk having to pay for something twice. I'm sure I'll eventually have to switch to downloads, but I won't do it until everything is available legally DRM free.
I want all my collection in one format, so if I can't get anything and use it however I want, I'll stick to something I can use however I want.
It depends on one thing: can I download an album for free in lossless format. If only mp3s/m4as are available, I'll purchase the CD. If I can find perfect sound quality online (and it's surprising how many albums could be downloaded lossless 'cause FLAC is gaining in popularity), then I'll save my money.
I dunno, downloading as an alternative to paying for an album makes me feel lame. I know most of the money goes to the label instead of the artist, but if that were more profitable for labels, labels would take more risks instead of just doing all the safe dance loop + lipsync + borderline pornographic music video crap.
So if I downloaded, I'd be paying for downloads. Only, then maybe my computer crashes and I have to re-download everything. (Or buy an external hard drive just to avoid that.)
If I ever switch to download it'll be after companies like Clear Channel get the class action anti-trust suit they're long overdue for.
Definitely CDs. That's why I only listen to about 15-20 new albums for each year, because I can't afford to buy much more plus all of the older stuff I buy.
Music is valuable to me, and downloads cheapen music for me, for whatever reason.
Now, finding adequate shelving for all of my CDs has proven to be a challenge....