I just had my first negative comment (from an obviously very negative person)- didn't even have anything to do with the topic at hand (in this case, Pink). And I don't think he/she knows the definition of a cliche.
Wrote a little blog in anticipation of the upcoming Madge hits compilation: www.entertainmentdissected.today.com.
I had been slacking on the blog (with the holidays and such, and it being a rough time because of what's happened in the last year), but I hope to get back in the groove of it.
I will be counting down my 10 favorite (with a possible bonus featrure of those filling the 11-20 slots) at my entertainment blog, so if you enjoy these kinds of features, visit www.entertainmentdissected.today.com.
I will be counting down my 10 favorite (with a possible bonus featrure of those filling the 11-20 slots) at my entertainment blog, so if you enjoy these kinds of features, visit www.entertainmentdissected.today.com.
Even coming up with a top 25 list is kinda tough. One female I left off, as I found that I didn't REALLY like enough of her slo work, and then work she did with a man as part of a duo, I didn't love enough. So how do I justify having Paula Abdul over her? I loved the Forever Your Girl album that much back in the day.
my No. 1 Favorite Female Musical Act (www.entertainmentdissected.today.com). Totally shocking, I know it. But if anyone's interested in the write-up (for her or others), take a gander.
on Flo Rida and how his album sales are poor in relation to his digital singles sales. Actually, that's true of many acts. But his especially is pretty bad, considering how big his lead singles were from both his albums.