Vote for your winners, results posted Monday:
#1 Madonna vs. #16 The Outfield
#8 Lionel Richie vs. #9 Billy Idol
#5 Midnight Oil vs. #12 Skid Row
#4 Morrissey vs. #13 Whodini
#3 Duran Duran vs. #14 Tom Tom Club
#6 Whitney Houston vs. #11 Bad Religion
#7 Living Colour vs. #10 Steve Winwood
#2 Run DMC vs. #15 Spandau Ballet
pass (Never heard the latter)
#9 Billy Idol
#5 Midnight Oil
pass (Never heard Whodini)
#3 Duran Duran
#11 Bad Religion (Whitney Houston is the biggest oversinging culprit in the world.)
#10 Steve Winwood
pass (Never heard Spandau)
#9 Billy Idol (I hear both Lionel and Billy are very nice guys.)
#5 Midnight Oil (I used to hold them in much higher regard, but come on…Skid Row?)
#4 Morrissey
#3 Duran Duran (This is very, very close. Depending on what day you ask me, I might tell you that “Genius of Love,” one of the best songs of the 1980’s, is better by itself than the whole Duran Duran catalog.)
#11 Bad Religion
#7 Living Colour (They were always a little too on-the-nose for my taste, and it’s cringeworthy today to see how many critics back in the 80’s fell all over themselves to praise a slightly-better-than-mediocre metal band just because they…um…were not pale. But Steve Winwood’s solo career is very undistinguished.)
#1 Madonna
#9 Billy Idol
#5 Midnight Oil
#4 Morrissey
#3 Duran Duran
#6 Whitney Houston
pass (haven't heard anything I can say I like from either)
#2 Run DMC
#1 Madonna: A top 5 artist vs. a relative unknown.
#9 Billy Idol: An underrated 80s star vs. an overrated one.
#12 Skid Row: One of the best hair metal bands vs. one of the best Aussie bands. Tough choice, but I just enjoy Skid Row more.
#4 Morrissey: I would have voted for Whodini against some other matches this week, but not Moz.
#14 Tom Tom Club: Easy choice. If for "Wordy Rappinghood" and "Genius of Love" alone, they win.
#6 Whitney Houston: I'm your baby tonight. Wowfow!
#7 Living Colour: Another underrated but great act against a relic.
#2 Run DMC: I like Spandau Ballet, but come on...
This is very, very close. Depending on what day you ask me, I might tell you that “Genius of Love,” one of the best songs of the 1980’s, is better by itself than the whole Duran Duran catalog.
It is! And I like some Duran Duran stuff.
They were always a little too on-the-nose for my taste, and it’s cringeworthy today to see how many critics back in the 80’s fell all over themselves to praise a slightly-better-than-mediocre metal band just because they…um…were not pale. But Steve Winwood’s solo career is very undistinguished.
I think that's unfair to LC. They were vibrant, musical and much more eclectic than your appraisal, I think. Time's Up is very diverse and manages to succeed in lots of different ventures- from understated balladry ("Solace of You") to uplifting soul ("Fight the Fight") to weird experimentation ("Ology") to guitar wizardry ("Information Overload") to their trademark political hard rock ("Type").
I don't mean to pick on you, schleuse, but I thought I'd offer a counterpoint to a band that it seems few people know or care about anymore.
#1 Madonna - Though The Outfield have one of the greatest late night bar songs in "Your Love", Madonna managed to keep herself relevant for a long time and put out a few really strong tracks along the way.
#9 Billy Idol - I am not afraid to admit I like a few songs from Billy.
#5 Midnight Oil - Skid Row is a blast from the past during my brief encounter with the Hair band Years, I do not mind them in small doses, but I can enjoy listening to an entire Midnight Oil album and not cringe after about song 3.
#4 Morrissey - Solid post-Smiths solo career, though gems like "Freaks Come Out At Night" that preceeded the Golden Age of Hip-Hop make me consider Whodini, I can not deny the brilliance of songs like "Suedehead", "Tomoorow", "Our Frank", "Interesting Drug" and others...
#3 Duran Duran - I still really enjoy this band, a number of timeless classics...
#11 Bad Religion - This band has a full catalog of good records, in my eyes Whitney has none.
#7 Living Colour - Very underrated band, their first 2 albums are brilliant.
#1 Madonna
#9 Billy Idol
#5 Midnight Oil
#4 Morrissey
#3 Duran Duran
#6 Whitney Houston
#7 Living Colour
#15 Spandau Ballet
Nice to see so many votes for Spandau Ballet. While they are not one of my faves, I used to very much enjoy the song "True" - which was the song my wife and I selected for our first dance at the wedding reception in 1984.
Madonna 92.3% / The Outfield 7.7%
Billy Idol 67.9% / Lionel Richie 32.1%
Midnight Oil 70.8% / Skid Row 29.2%
Morrissey 87.5% / Whodini 12.5%
Duran Duran 82.1% / Tom Tom Club 17.9%
Bad Religion 51.9% / Whitney Houston 48.1%
Living Colour 52.1% / Steve Winwood 47.9%
Run DMC 75% / Spandau Ballet 25%