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Welcome to Week 13! Sixteen songs have left the game, and it is time to continue to separate the wheat from the chaff by moving onto bracket W1. These songs won their first-round matches, but we haven't heard them for awhile. Have our opinions changed in a few months?
Please listen to the songs before making your choice, and provide comments (however brief) to form the basis of your pick.
The deadline for Week 13 is 11:59 PM, January 15th AM time.
You can read the descriptions of why these songs were nominated in the rules thread.
Match W1.1:
The Fiery Furnaces- "Here Comes the Summer"
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity"
Faces- "Ooh La La"
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races"
Brazilian Girls- "Homme"
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
Game Theory- "Erica's Word"
Match W1.1:
The Fiery Furnaces- "Here Comes the Summer"
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
I didn't expect these choices to be so hard; particularly the first two matches are incredibly close. I enjoy both of these songs immensely, but I'll stick with my original designation of "Here Comes The Summer" as the fourth best song of the week and "Flight of the Pelican" third.
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity"
Faces- "Ooh La La"
Ugh. So tough. Ooh La La is an old favorite of mine, while Scorn Not His Simplicity is probably my favorite discovery in this entire game. I'm gonna go with Luke Kelly just because it's the lesser known song and maybe some newcomers in later rounds will discover it as well.
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races"
Brazilian Girls- "Homme"
The choice here was not too difficult, I really enjoy "Heart It Races" whereas "Homme" doesn't do much for me.
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
Game Theory- "Erica's Word"
Brassens is the man. The man, I tell you.
"Flight of the Pelican" has better instrumentation and I just enjoyed it more.
"Scorn not his Simplicity" is my pick of the week for it's emotional value.
"Homme" is beautiful. "Heart it Races" is weird, but fun. I think, however, that "Homme" should win, simply because it sounds good even in a foreign language.
"La Marine" wins due to the humor and wit in the lyrics.
Ooh, I just realized I didn't even have to re-listen to vote in this one.
Vote: Lil Waterson & Oliver Knight
A song I liked so much on first listen it inspired me to try to chase down Bright Phoebus.
Vote: Luke Kelly
Another song I really liked first time.
Vote: Brazilian Girls
Heart It Races was my least favorite of round one. It's so sugary, bouncy and twee it grates immediately.
Vote: George Brassens
Another one of my faves from round 1.
The Fiery Furnaces- "Here Comes the Summer" WINNER
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
Really strong song from one of my favorite bands to emerge in the '00's. "Pelican" doesn't come close to engaging me in the same manner.
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity" WINNER
Faces- "Ooh La La"
As with previous posters, Luke Kelly was a surprise to me- a great song that I'm willing to choose over another song that I once loved but has since been ruined by blatant commercialism.
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races" WINNER
Brazilian Girls- "Homme"
Easy pick. It comes down to the bands' overall sounds - I tried to like the Brazilian Girls but failed, whereas AIH is right up my alley.
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
Game Theory- "Erica's Word" WINNER
Would not be sad if Brassens won (really got to enjoy "La Marine" courtesy of the 50's/'60's poll), but Game Theory is a long time favorite.
Match W1.1
To me Flight Of The Pelican was one of the revelations of round one and here it rules again, over an otherwise fine track by Fiery Furnaces.
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight win.
Match W1.2
Although Ooh La La has grown on me since the last time I heard it, showing that the Faces were not only 70s rock 'n' roll swagger but also had a more acoustic melodic side to them, it still cannot beat Luke Kelly's Scorn Not His Simplicity.
Luke Kelly wins.
Match W1.3
Brazilian Girls was another pleasant surprise from the previous round and it outclasses Architecture In Helsinki, which seems a bit too much 'gimmick over real talent'.
Brazilian Girls win.
Match W1.4
Not my favorite Brassens song, but it gets the nod anyway.
La Marine wins.
Match W1.1 Winner - Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
Again, I'm not a fan of Eleanor Friedberger's voice. But I really liked Waterson's on a beautifully spare number.
Match W1.2 Winner - Faces- "Ooh La La"
This surprised me. Remembering them from the previous round I thought, "Oh yeah, I'm gonna vote for 'Scorn Not...'." But then I listened again. The beauty I saw in the Kelly number faded for me on second listening... the fun I heard in the Faces number increased.
Match 1.3 Winner - Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races"
This was a really tough call. The Brazilian Girls song had higher highs (particularly the impressively funky breakdown in the middle), but it ran overlong and my interest flagged. By contrast the AiH track maintained energy and delight throughout.
Match W1.4 Winner - Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
Again a tough call, but I didn't care as much for these two. I loved Brassens' delivery, but the song itself felt too simple. I thought Game Theory's song was okay, but the thinness of the lead singers' vocals really detracted. Brassens' charming vocals wins out.
Match W1.1:
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
For me the FF song is just way too grating on my ears.
Match W1.2:
Faces- "Ooh La La"
Neither was spectacular, but Faces were catchy at least.
Match W1.3:
Brazilian Girls- "Homme"
"Heart it Races" was a little gimmicky for me.
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
GT is good but Brassens is awesome!
The Fiery Furnaces - "Here Comes the Summer" over "Flight of the Pelican"
"Here Comes the Summer" is a sublime song, and I am shocked it will likely lose this matchup.
Faces - "Ooh La La" over Luke Kelly - "Scorn Not His Simplicity
I liked "Scorn Not..." a lot more this time around, but "Ooh La La" is my nominee and I will support it until the end. I love its guitar sound and lyrics, especially in the chorus.
Brazilian Girls - "Homme" over Architecture in Helsinki - "Heart it Races"
"Homme" grew on me quite a bit since the first round. It's definitely in my top five new discoveries from the entire field of 64. My opinion of "Heart it Races" can be summed up by my opinion of the outfits worn by the band in the music video.
Game Theory - "Erica's Word" over George Brassens - "La Marine"
Two highly melodic songs here, but the Game Theory tune is a little more interesting this time around.
Match W1.1:
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican"
Here comes the Summer is one of the 00s songs of the Pitchfork 500 I enjoy the less, while FLight of the Pelican is pleasant enough
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity"
Tough choice, I enjoy both. I have to give the nod to Lue Kelly though.
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races"
My pick against a song I did not enjoy much. How can it be "too" twee ? Twee is cool !
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine"
One of the most awesome moustaches ever.
Match W1.1:
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican" wins over The Fiery Furnaces- "Here Comes the Summer"
Pretty close match for me. Each song provided some qualities that I enjoyed but neither was one that I would likely listen to on a very frequent basis. There is a sameness and consistency to the FF tune that made it less than impressive for me, while the vocals in Flight of the Pelican were already starting to be a little bit grating despite the lovely acoustic instrumental performance.
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity" wins over
Faces- "Ooh La La"
Another tough match for me. I enjoy both of these songs more than the songs in Match W1.1, but the live performance by Luke Kelly is magical.
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races" wins over
Brazilian Girls- "Homme"
Homme is just a bit too predictable for me to move it forward in the competition. I am not a big fan of Heart it Races, but it was able to hold my attention well enough in large measure because of the variations and transitions throughout the song.
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens- "La Marine" wins over
Game Theory- "Erica's Word"
Here Brassens earnestness wins out over admittedly tightly performed Erica's World.
Strange, the winners week has been my least favorite so far in the game. Probably all the songs I voted against but which ended winning appeared together in this week.
Match W1.1: Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight win
The Fiery Furnaces- "Here Comes the Summer": I remembered of this song as it being better than it actually is. It's good, but maybe too repetitive, I don't know...
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight- "Flight of the Pelican": And this was the opposite. I remembered of this as a tedious track, but it's a beautiful piece, specially because of the vocal.
Match W1.2: Faces win by a little
Luke Kelly- "Scorn Not His Simplicity": It has a good melody, but it's the kind of song I wouldn't listen that often, sound's too sad for me.
Faces- "Ooh La La": Nice song, but not much more, aside from some interesting instrumental moments.
Match W1.3: Brazilian girls win
Architecture in Helsinki- "Heart It Races": Not that great, but makes want to hear more from them.
Brazilian Girls- "Homme": The only really good song of the week. Well crafted arrangement, makes the track truly great.
Match W1.4: Game Theory win
Georges Brassens- "La Marine": Not bad, but the melody is a bit obvious. At least at first listening.
Game Theory- "Erica's Word": Another good song, specially in the beggining. Quite a Nirvana-esque melody.
Voting for this week is over!
Here are your results for Week 13!
Match W1.1:
The Fiery Furnaces - "Here Comes the Summer": 2
Lal Waterson & Oliver Knight - "Flight of the Pelican": 9
Match W1.2:
Luke Kelly - "Scorn Not His Simplicity": 7
Faces - "Ooh La La": 4
Match W1.3:
Architecture in Helsinki - "Heart It Races": 5
Brazilian Girls - "Homme": 6
Match W1.4:
Georges Brassens - "La Marine": 8
Game Theory - "Erica's Word": 3
I'll post the updated brackets once Week 16 is finished. I can no longer bookmark edited pages, so I don't want to spam the forum with constant bracket updates.