December 24th 2015
09:28:46 AM
Viewing Page 1 of 1 (Total Entries: 4) |
December 24th 2015 09:28:46 AM |
What is your name? |
Marley Sleaford |
Do you have any comments? |
I trust you don't mind me writing a comment on your guestbook because I thought I needed to state something as a result of checking out your blog. You've got to be some sort of specialist doing this website stuff as I found my visit to be genuinely entertaining and will unquestionably be popping back here for a further look in the near future. I have recently had a Sleaford shopping trip and am chilling out with my notebook as a way to wind down, and this site took my mind off my troubles for a couple of minutes, thank you Davis A Sleaford. |
Email website | |
April 7th 2003 02:08:37 AM |
What is your name? |
Janette Stapenell |
Are you a Stapenhill by name? |
No |
Are you from the Stapenhill lineage? |
No |
How did you find this Web Site? |
From Roger |
Where are you from? |
Tasmania Australia |
Do you have any comments? |
I am a Stapenell but somewhere along the line my name comes from Stapenhill. |
January 30th 2003 11:10:05 AM |
What is your name? |
Scott Stapenhill |
Are you a Stapenhill by name? |
Yes |
Are you from the Stapenhill lineage? |
Yes |
How did you find this Web Site? |
Roger set it up and shared it with me. |
Where are you from? |
Los Angeles California, USA |
Do you have any comments? |
It's been fun discovering new families that share the same last name. The name is so uncommon that most of the time we have been able to see a common ancestor not too far down the chain. Scott |
Email website | |
January 13th 2003 10:23:54 AM |
What is your name? |
Roger |
Are you a Stapenhill by name? |
Yes |
Are you from the Stapenhill lineage? |
Yes |
Where are you from? |
Keele, North Staffordshire, UK |
Do you have any comments? |
I've put the first message on to ensure that nobody else is too shy to add theirs. |
Viewing Page 1 of 1 (Total Entries: 4) |