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Re: vehical numbers

To the best of my knowledge, no-one has ever discovered any Admiralty vehicle records.

Period photos show RN used as a prefix and as a suffix. I know of photos of RN 6908 and RN 6914.

What colour is the tank, if it's dark blue or battleship grey then almost certainly an owner's artistic licence.

Re: vehical numbers

Out of interest Colin. What make of bike is your tank off?

Photos seem to show that they started to use RN as a prefix and then went over to RN as a suffix??

I have two ex RN bikes and the numbers are fictitious. Ron


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Re: vehical numbers

Its a G3 painted Navy blue with chrome wheels and exhaust. looks pretty so I will keep it as it is, and the number false or not sets it off so it can stay,

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Re: vehical numbers

As Senior sub-editor for "Fantasy" Magazine, my advice would be to to whatever takes your fancy.

Re: vehical numbers

Have it how you want it, you paid for it...
Personally, I think the post war period should be better represented but it isn't (yes there was one). However, the fixation seems to be with the 39-45 period....If people think Burma was the forgotten campaign Korea et all are more forgotten...Ian

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