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Re: 15-39 Washer

The rear inner cover bush has a locating shoulder on the inside so it can't move further back than the inner face of the rear cover as it sits against it...
The shoulder on the gear change spindle should protrude slightly beyond the rear edge/face of the bush (behind the cover) when assembled and the nut and washer tighten against that, not the bush...That allows the spindle to move/rotate freely....The washer isn't hardened but from memory it's a 'heavy' class washer and a reduced flat 7/16" washer is fitted...Ian

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Re: 15-39 Washer

['and a reduced flat 7/16" washer is fitted..']....Of course that should say nut....:laughing:

The gearchange assembly 'floats' between the faces of the inner and outer cover 'top hat' bushes..With the nut and washer fitted against the shoulder and the circlip fitted at the outer end of the gearchange shaft there should be no axial loading....If the bushes are the correct fit in the cover nothing will move as there is no force being applied to move anything...Ian

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Re: 15-39 Washer

Thanks Ian, it's nice to get the little things right.


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Re: 15-39 Washer

Yes that washer is a thicker / heavier type than a std 7/16”


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