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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Mark Cook
I've now paid for the Field Stand Spring Clips, so it shouldn't be too long before I receive them. I just hope I don't get buried with too many of them :(

Also I have the bracket to mount them on, though still to be bent.

I've placed an order with another company for the spring that goes in the knuckle.
I don't expect them to be quick as it too a few weeks for them to answer my emails.
I would also be very keen to have this item please ?

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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

For those who don't want the in my eyes unnecessary plating, just dump it for 5 minutes in a plastic container with battery acid, and all will be gone.

Most paint will not adhere to zinc plating!



email (option): welbike@welb***.net

Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Lex, please don't think for a minute that the plating is for you. Don't forget we make parts that very few will ever buy. You must have seen after all the effort made 80 years ago to protect parts from corrosion it often just doesn't work. Then you have the horrible job of cleaning the part. Our parts can be viewed without making them unfit for sale. The plating helps with long term storage when the parts are bulk stored. We also go to the trouble of making many parts "baby safe" so you won't cut yourself. Also, unnecessary. Though we do it.
Yes, BZP can be in your face a little. Simply leaving the parts in the rain will remove the brightness. Also aid good paint adhesion. Don't do it with your bike if it's sugar coated.

But seriously,

If you go to our web site and search for the parts required, you should be able to find them. We still have pictures to post on some items. The full kit for the clamp on field stand is still to be listed. Some parts are still at the platers as they were rejected but should be done by now. If you have any problems with the website, please email us and Anita should be able to help you.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

To clarify too - the knuckle itself wasn’t painted it was plated & seen this way in many photos - at least early short stands

This might have changed later with pressure on & requirements for vehicles at a high where additional production processes increased cost & extended delivery times


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Thanks for the explanation for the plating, Mark.

John, you're right, the knuckles were plated, but cadmium plated, I had several NOS ones, even sold you some.



email (option): welbike@welb***.net

Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Hi lex
No I never got any from you - I can’t believe you had do me e & sold them 🤣🤣


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

This is the short Field Stand kit mounted with the later panniers fitted. Lots of room and adjustable.
The black passivated zinc was still not too standard and will be a fight for another day, but I expect everyone will paint the items.

The clamp on Field Stand kit is yet to be tried and I'm still not convinced about lengths. I guess I will have to work with the first few customers to get the length right.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Finally, what you have all been waiting but will never buy.

What's required now is a bike to fit one too, to confirm lengths. There are so many ways to fit this, but right or wrong I've worked to the knuckle being below the clamp bolt and the axis of rotation being parallel to the ground with the bike vertical. Also, to avoid the battery the clamp should be close to the seat spring lug.
A word of warning the paint on the frame may act as a lubricant causing the clamp to slip.

This has been a tougher project than I ever imagined.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

I'm very impressed, not only at the quality but also at the fact someone has finished a project, thats pretty rare on here.

Now if you can make set of M20 girders which allow us to risk an accident and have a an insurance repair that would be great, but ideally without the PES branding which would make me think twice.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: New Field Stands and Parts

How much is the complete field stand assembly?....Ian

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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Here is the link to the Stand kit Ian.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Hi Mark,

Waiting mine, I'll keep informed once fitted,
Will there be any plan in the package ?


Yannick (from belgium)

email (option):[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Rob Miller
I'm very impressed, not only at the quality but also at the fact someone has finished a project, thats pretty rare on here.

Now if you can make set of M20 girders which allow us to risk an accident and have a an insurance repair that would be great, but ideally without the PES branding which would make me think twice.

Thanks Rob, it's been a fight. I think without the kind willing helpers I would have given up. So far, I think this has cost me more than the price of a bike.

Yes, I agree the branding on the fork kinks is a little heavy, though it will hardly show being on the inside. It will grind off. At the moment the forks have slipped to low priority due to a lack of interest. The big problem is that their large amounts of forks in private collections. Rear frames are in shorter supply.
Also, the foundry that was helping me has changed ownership and only wants to cast "Tree quantities" only. This makes it expensive to test a mould tool.

At the end of the day, if Anita doesn't see sales, the time I'm allowed to work on this stuff diminishes. All the CNC machines are overdue replacement and that's not cheap.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Yannick Haccourt
Hi Mark,

Waiting mine, I'll keep informed once fitted,
Will there be any plan in the package ?


Your kit has been sent partially assembled and should be easy to workout based on the picture above mounted to a bike.
The clip plate is a fiddley thing to mount, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
Watch out for the collar in the knuckle, it must line up with the notch in the bolt.
If the stand pole is mounted the wrong way round the bike will lean too far.


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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

One of my favourite sayings:- "The price is forgotten, long after the quality is felt"


email (option):

Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Mark, thanks so much for your efforts, really appreciated
i just ordered one to be sent to Canada

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Re: New Field Stands and Parts

Thank you Kevin,

Anita will process your order in the morning.


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