KBGS Old Boys' Forum

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Re: 3A Class photo

Thats me to the right of the bearded wonder Mr Crouch.
Good memories of KGBS and most of the masters especially Basher Braithwaite (sadly deceased) who was still good enough in his retirement to get my daughter through her Maths GCSE. He was a gem

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1960-65

Current location (optional) Wilsden, Bradford

Re: 3A Class photo

1962 Brian.


Photographs were taken every 2 years but, in 1962 we couldn't have a 'panoramic' because of the fire - never understood the reasoning behind that as it didn't affect the playground, so we had indiviual Form photographs instead.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1959 - 1966

Current location (optional) Embsay