KBGS Old Boys' Forum

A place to discuss Keighley Boys' Grammar School. 

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KBGS Old Boys' Forum
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Re: Facebook Group

I notice quite a lot of you have read my original entry - if fact I believe this is a Facebook attempt to start school-specific sites (my old Cambridge College, Christ's has a Facebook group so why not? Are any of you Facebook members? If so do look up Keighley Boys' Grammar School and add it as a friendly site if you will. I must stress I did not start it but I am no nearer finding out who did.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) '40-'48

Current location (optional) Epsom

Re: Facebook Group

What's the URL?

Re: Facebook Group

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Keighley-Boys-Grammar/110766528944601 is the URL link but as it is a page not a Group it may require you to log in using your name.