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Re: Contemporaries

Doug- I don't remember the name of the head of the senior school. The Junior head was the formidable Miss Barker.I was smitten by my form teacher - a young lady from Darlington whose name now escapes me though it may come to me later.She was responsible, I am sure, for my scholarship to the Grammar School My own mother taught me to read before I went to Holycroft aged 5 so I was off to a good beginning.

Re: Contemporaries

I just remembered some other names. There was David Raistrick (I came across his brother later), an Ackroyd whose first name I don't recall - could he have been related to the Ackroyd who posts on this website? There was a Dale (Peter?),the late Derek Mosey (how could I have forgotten him?), Joe Galvin (whose email address I still have) but again haven't heard from him for some time though he does seem to visit this site.Someone I forgot to mention - a great friend of mine - David Hewitt who tragically died of a brain tumour just after School Certificate for which we had revised together.. There was also Binns (Malcolm ?), Leslie (?) Northrop ... here memory fails me again. In the Arts Sixth there was Nigel Earnshaw, Cedric Phillips (aforementioned) but who else?

I apologise to any I have forgotten for now - if they read this perhaps they will remind me. Regrettably I have no papers relating to this period.I would dearly love to have the full list of 5B in 1945 and the Lower Sixth Arts in 1946.Does anyone remember a full list of Prefects in 1947-48?

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) '40-'48

Current location (optional) Epsom