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Re: Connections

Whilst my series of connections is not quite as convoluted, it is nevertheless, quite fascinating.

I live in a small village in the Blue Mountains of Australia. By Yorkshire standards it would hardly rate as a hamlet. Recently a new family moved into the house next door, I introduced myself, the fellow had a strong Northern English accent. Not Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, but the odd thing was that he was actually Australian and had been born on the other side of the Mountains and had gone to England when he was 10. He is a retired Police Officer, but his first job was as an apprentice diesel mechanic with, wait for it, West Yorkshire Buses, based in, you've got it, Keighley. To top it all, he moved into the house on 1st August.

Now they are connections

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1958-1961

Current location (optional) Blue Mountains, Australia via Haworth