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Re: Eric Pickles

Were the two mixed-gender "grammar" schools still selective or not at that time? My recollection of Keighley's secondary education system since 1965, when I left Oakbank, is vague to say the least.
Seeing Eric today, and having being made aware of our relative ages, makes me feel considerably better anyway Brian!

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1958-65

Current location (optional) Dudley, West Midlands

Re: Eric Pickles

If you have been listening to BBC Wireless 4 this week, you will have enjoyed wall-to-wall Pickles. His latest appearance is on "Question Time" (radio) tonight. He is fast becoming an amusing wit - approved by the audience - although he did say on "Today" that the interpretation of another speaker about "garden grabbing" was "bloody stu..... oh I nearly sweared then", Nice one Eric, you've nearly succeeded to the Prescott crown already.I have noted that he has slowed down his delivery and deepened his tones - a la Thatcher. More fun to come.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1952-60

Current location (optional) Lincoln

Re: Eric Pickles


The subject of this week's Radio 4 Profile is Eric Pickles.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1952-60

Current location (optional) Lincoln

Re: Eric Pickles

A rather extensive profile?

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1958-65

Current location (optional) Leeds

Re: Eric Pickles

Eric Pickles, former cabinet minister for local government, has a new job working for a Yorkshire offal tycoon whose animal by-products business has been repeatedly fined for safety and environmental breaches.
Brentwood MP Pickles is earning £40,000 a year on top of his MP's salary to sit on the board of Halifax-based Leo Group, according to the latest register of MP's interests.The group has a history of spills,accidents and safety breaches, on one occasion being fined £300,000 plus £150,000 costs.
An ex-government minister and current MP might be useful to Leo's board as ity deals with these regulations and licensing matters, but what Pickles' constituents get from him working for the offal firm is less obvious.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 55-60

Current location (optional) Harrogate

Re: Eric Pickles

Time to change the nomen-clutter.
No longer EPMP, he is Sir Eric Pickles (SERPS - Thank the Lord for Barbara Castle, we old boys cry)
And clutching a new Excalibur, thither chucked by David Cameron, he becomes the "government's designated anti-corruption champion".
You don't get qualifications like that at KBGS.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 1952-60

Current location (optional) Nirvana

Re: Eric Pickles

Honours exist to massage the egos of those insecure enough to need them, and to create an impression that they are more important than those who genuinely care.

Years at KBGS e.g. 1958-1964 (optional) 55-60

Current location (optional) Harrogate