Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

May the good Lord heal her, bless her, and keep her safe from all attacks from Satan, from this day forth. In Jesus' name I ask and pray; Let it be dear Lord let it be so!!!

Agreeing with you Valerie, asking God for His mercy for Lora to continue to bring her through this, to please continue healing her. Thank you to God for bringing Lora home. Asking Him to please sustain you and your family to be able to be among the living who rise to meet the Lord in the air...

Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Holy and merciful Father, I ask for You to please heal Lora, Valerie and her husband. Please give them restful sleep and strength for all that each day brings. I ask that You would heal and protect Valeries eyes. Please heal her husbands stomach from whatever is causing the pain. I ask for mobility for both of them, so that their daily activity needs can continue to be met in their own home. And Lora, Father, You know her heart and every vessel. I ask that You would protect her and please either heal her heart outright or give the doctor insight into what the problem is and guide her treatment so that she recovers. Thank You Father God for hearing our prayers. You truly are our hope. In Jesus name I ask, amen

Thank you so very much for your passionate and powerful prayer. Surely God does hear and answers the prayers of the righteous for they avail much.

Regina, In my reply to Michelle, I mentioned:

" Lora has some pain today but not that bad that she needed the nitro; God is moving on her behalf.
I barely slept last night as my husband was up and down most of the night because of pain; however, today he seems to be improving. He rested all day, and I did my best to help him as much as I was able too. My eyes have been overtired without getting proper rest recently, however, I feel some relief today from pain, and that is awesome in itself. I can't wait to thank you in person one day in heaven, when all our trials and tribulations will be a thing of the past, never to be remembered if we so wish."

I believe it has to do with the prayers of the righteous here, who have been praying throughout the years for my needs and that of myself and family. God has seen us through many trying times, and has always come through as our merciful, loving, God and Father, who loves His children, and meets their needs accordingly in a timely fashion. We are so grateful for people like yourself, who lift up those in need in prayer, in turn God, is listening to those prayers coming up to God's throne for your needs in this life on earth as well.

Regina, Dear Sister in Christ Jesus, I have also been lifting you up in prayer daily, for your needs, and that of your husband. I'm praying that God will move in a mighty way, and ease your mind for whatever time we have left here on earth. God knows and sees all, and the Lord will make a way for each one of His children, until the Lord comes at the imminent Rapture. Look up our redemption draws closer each and every day.

Almighty God and Father, you know the petition and immediate needs that Regina and Grant have at this very moment. I lift them up daily in prayer, asking that accordingly you move mightily on their behalf. Nothing is impossible for you Lord, for you know the beginning and the end of all things. Bless this couple, and help them be victorious over all evil doers. In Jesus name I pray, Let it be dear Lord let it be. Amen & Amen!

Much love in Jesus,


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Thank you Regina, for your comments, and comforting words.


Yesterday morning, Lora called us had terrible pain in her right arm, where they put in the needle in for the angiogram, which was done in the hospital just this past Monday. Her hand was painful, swollen, and she couldn't move it without pain.

My husband and I headed out to where she lives, and picked her up and took her straight to emergency at the Toronto General Hospital. One of the top hospitals in the world, especially in Canada. It was an extremely,
long process and wait, as there were many in the emergency ward. We got there at 2pm yesterday and back home
2 am morning. It was exhausting but worth it. Lora, had another CT Scan done, blood work taken, and two bags, of
heavy duty medication given through intravenous. She was totally, exhausted, however, we drove her home, and she went straight to bed. The diagnosis was a 6 centimeter blockage of a blood clot; with two choices to get rid of it; one surgery to cut into the vein and remove it; however, the doctor said that afterwards could lead to more serious complications. The second choice was to treat it with Heparin a potin drug that breaks up a blood clot.
Lora went for the second choice, and has to give herself an injection of Heparin to her stomach, every day for 30 days. Then she has to follow up to see the vascular specialist in his office. Her husband will be administering the shots.
They put her right painful arm in a sling, also for 30 days. She also received a prescription for stronger pain killers.

This is the reason I haven't posted the daily updates until now. Therefore, bare with me, I'm just one person, and I am doing the best I am able to do every day.

Please continue to prayer for Lora's healing; she still has a hard road to recovery; however, God is good, and He will intervene because of His love for His own.

Lord have mercy on Lora, and all the poor and suffering souls today. Amen!


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

am thankful to God that the blood clot was found and there is treatment. praying for your family, Valerie.
is it ok with you if I ask prayer for Lora on Friday, at a bible study I plan to go to?

Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!


Of course it's Ok, to ask for prayer at your Bible Study; it's always alright to pray for one another!

Thank you & God Bless!


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!


I’m glad to hear you were able to get to be with your daughter the last time she went to hospital .. I bet that meant the world to her having you guys be able to be there!!❤️

I as well as probably everyone else here completely understands you not being able to post as much as you would like with so much your going through!!! We are praying for your daughter and you as well!!🙏🏼💕

Your poor daughter is going through ALOT!!! Will continue to pray for her and complete healing!!


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Amanda, thank you first of all for your continued prayers for Lora, and your comments.

Yes, she has been through alot. It hasn't been easy for her, her family, and especially for us her parents.
We actually celebrated a belated Canadian Thanksgiving this past Sunday, so that she and her family could be with us together, like every year. This was a Thanksgiving, of prayer, that she is with us, and all of us were in attendance, together, giving God thanks for her, and ask blessing for our food. She had her right arm in a sling,
as this is the only way she can relief from chronic pain. She ate dinner with us, her brother Paul and his wife, along with her family present. It was a very quiet celebration, but very nice. The turkey and fixings were good, and I was surprised I'm still able to cook such a large dinner at my age, and disability. The granddaughters helped set the table, and our Son, and wife, cleaned up afterwards, which was very much appreciated.

I spoke to her today, and she said, the heparin needles, are giving her bruises; injections in the stomach. However, she doesn't have much choice. It's either these 30 injections or a surgery that has a high risk of complications. Her choice was the injections. Her husband has been given the injections every night.

I'm trusting God, to see her through all of this; and hopefully, all this, will be soon behind her, and she will be able to go on with her life without more pain and suffering.

God Bless,


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

hi Valerie. how is Lora doing? is she finished with the injections she needed? we prayed for her again today at the ladies study I go to.

Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

hi Valerie. how is Lora doing? is she finished with the injections she needed? we prayed for her again today at the ladies study I go to.
Thank you Regina for asking, and especially thank you and the ladies whom are praying for Lora. Once again, thank you to everyone who has prayed for her here and is continuing to keep her in their prayers.

Regina, she is half way through taking her heparin injections. She has another 15 more to go. Yesterday, Thursday her Dad took her down for a doctor's visit with the neurologist for her headaches; Unfortunately, she will not be able to take the injections for the migraine headaches she has been experiencing, and these were helping her to control the headaches. He was shocked to hear what she has been through since July, since she had seen him last time.

She also went to see doctor visit at the hospital ,the vascular surgeon at the Toronto General Hospital this past Monday, He told her she must finish all the heparin injections. Her arm is slowing improving, but still swells up and stiffens at times. The pain is much less now, but can still be very disabling and just washing and dressing, can be quite a chore, with her arm is still in a sling, she strives to give it a rest from the sling now and then. The doctor is hoping the blood clot will completely dissolve. He wants to see her back in few weeks time, and take tests to see if the clot is gone. etc.

Lora is grateful for all the prayers, she is very grateful, for each one. This blood clot set her back, has been very trying time for her. However, she is believing, God will see her through it all and I believe it to be true as well.



Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Lora is on her last 7 heparin injections, thank God for it. She was told to put them in her stomach because that is where they hurt the least. Her right arm is still in a sling, to prevent the pain caused when she moves her arm where the blood clot happens to be in. She is concerned that the blood clot may not dissolve, and she will be left in pain this way or have risky surgery as it is inside her artery in her arm. Please pray that the blood clot will completed be gone beforehand, or by the end of the 7 days left for these injections. Please pray there will be no need of surgery, especially after all these blood thinners, very risky for surgery.

I'm praying and believing God to heal her completely; she is so much in need of a rest from all that has happened to her recently.

Lord have mercy on Lora, dissolve the blood clot, heal her right arm, and make her heart whole again; in Your Holy name I pray and believe, Lord Jesus Amen & Amen!!!



Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Update on Lora...

Lora just recently finished her 30 heparin shots. Her arm, right hand and fingers are still sore and swell up. Her doctor from Toronto General is going to be away in Israel, and won't be able to see her until mid January of next year. She does have a cardiologist appointment tomorrow Monday Nov.25 at 11:30am, which my husband Ed will be driving her to, as she is still unable to drive. She has not had any doctor check to see, if the blood clot is gone, however, she feels it is still there at present. The doctor in January was to check it out in December, but he is leaving for Israel. Hopefully her cardiologist will check it out sooner we hope. Please continue to remember her in your prayers.

God Bless!


Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Dear Ones in Christ Jesus,

Here is a short update on Lora.

Lora, and our family want to thank everyone who has prayed or is praying for her; may your prayers
be answered as well.

Lora, has been steadily improving, although she is unable to use her right hand too much because it
still swells. She is grateful that it is steadily improving. She has an appointment with the specialist,
at Toronto General Hospital on Jan. 7, 2020. He will have her take tests to see if the blood clot in her arm has finally dissolved.

She has her good days, and some down days as well. Lora has been through so much the last 6 months, and the processes of recovery has been delayed to the blood clot caused by the second angioplasty done. However, your prayers have seen her through, and she isn't out of the woods yet for another 6 months, as she will continue to be on blood thinners, through the medication she is taking, and the stent in her artery which is also releasing blood thinners as well.

I have been on a roller coaster ride myself, with what happened to her, and then another cancer scare. It's been quite a difficult year, for our family. I have felt depressed at times, and all I could think about is the Rapture is anytime soon now, so that we could be Raptured, and no more suffering for anyone of us, anymore.

I want to thank you all for praying for me as well as our family too; I pray for all here daily, and ask God to
answer your prayers. I also pray for the salvation of all here, including your loved ones daily; may God have mercy on us all.

God Bless you one and All,

Much love in Jesus, our Lord and Savior

Merry Christmas, & Blessed New Year

Re: Urgent Prayer Request - Please pray!!!

Update on Lora;

She had an appointment with the artery specialist at Tor. Gen. Hospital on Jan. 7th, 2020.
The news is promising, but not exactly what she and all of us wanted to hear. She had an artery test done, to see if the clot is still there, etc. The specialist told her it had improved with those 30 needles she took and the brilinta blood thinner she is still on; however it is still there. There is also a smaller clot nearer to the wrist which had developed since. He wants her to stay on the blood thinners, and come back and see him in July, to reassess this situation. She can't stop using the blood thinners, and she can't have surgery, because she would bleed to death. Please continue to remember her in your prayers. God Bless!

This year the Rapture in 2020; no blood clots or sick and dying in heaven. Amen!!!!