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Re: Under Appreciated Albums Of The Decade

I'm also a huge fan of In Case We Die by Architecture in Helsinki, this album makes me smile whenever I hear it.

Re: Under Appreciated Albums Of The Decade

I don't get Ys. At all. I don't enjoy her voice and the music just doesn't appeal to me. I agree with Tim that it's pretty overrated, but I don't really hate it.

Re: Under Appreciated Albums Of The Decade

Hounds Of Love is the better record, no doubt about it (for me). But Ys is still wonderful. It's also very controversial, and I'm not even gonna try to argue the issue. So many people say it's overrated, that it almost makes it underrated for the people who love it.

Re: Under Appreciated Albums Of The Decade

I love Ys, but I also completely understand not liking it. Rambling vocab word packed stream of consciousness folky weirdness with isn't for everyone.

It bothers me though when she gets accused of pretentiousness. I don't care if you use big words or small words, Ys' lyrics flow off the tongue beautifully, both poetically and conceptually.