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Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Ugh. Making a top 100 is difficult enough, but ranking 500 albums seems like an impossible task to me.

It pretty much is. But it's fun!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

I love the quote on Thomas Schultze's German music list website.

"Creating ranking lists is exactly the opposite of creativity - but it is fun."
Helmut Krausser

The link to this site


seeing 500 albumsis EXHAUSTING. I couldn't even make it top 100! I wanted to include Blondie, but Parallel Lines didn't have all the other great Blondie tunes, so I opted to leave it off.

I'm mainly a compilations guide, so it was kinda challenging to come up with some albums.

Thanks for all the efforts, Jacek!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

I think it would be great to make a list of favourite songs as Honorio suggested, but I think it would require a different approach than the albums' list.
For instance each person might nominate a certain number of his favourite songs and these would be then voted for. Otherwise there would simply be no consensus, there are two many great songs. But it's a thing to consider for the future.

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

I think songs is doable in a similar ranking method (I've done it before on another forum). Usually you get more consensus if you expand the list to 200 rather than 100 (and songs should be easier to come up with, but yes, it's daunting), and if at least 40-50 people vote.

However, even if fewer people vote, the final results will be much less predictable given the lack of obvious consensus -- and all the more exciting!

thanks Jacek

This are the albums that i have been heard in the past 10 days, for half of them are the first fair listen, but i still think they need another listen and for the other half is my very first listen and they all sound GOOD.

LEONARD COHEN "Songs of Leonard Cohen"
SUEDE "Dog Man Star"
THE CURE "Disintegration"
NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea"
CHARLES MINGUS "The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady"
LOVE "Forever Changes"
KING CRIMSON "In the Court of the Crimson King"
COLDPLAY "Parachutes"
WILCO "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"

Top 100 albums

Thanks, Jacek (and everybody)! It's been such fun!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Jacek, big thanks once more.
I'll be definitely browsing through this fascinating stuff which these individual lists are and getting to know some of your favourites this month.

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Fascinating... Great work Jacek ! I think I prefer personal lists than magazines rock critics lists which always acclaim the same old classics. It's much more fun. Thanks again to Jacek and all the people who have voted for this poll and who love music as much as me !!! I'm already excited by a next coming songs poll !


As it is now apparent from my list, I'm a big fan. I was shocked to see that only Sign o' the Times and Purple Rain getting more than 2 mentions. There's a lot more to Prince than those 2 albums!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

This is a very interesting list. As a music writer for a newspaper on the West Coast of the U.S., I stumbled across this Web site a few years ago doing some research and found it very enjoyable and also useful. I still drop by two or three times a year to check out the updates. Unfortunately I didn't see this project in time to vote, but since the paper I work for is doing its own best albums list in the next month or so I guess that will have to do.

A couple of observations:
First of all, Moonbeam is right, there should have been more Prince. At least Sign o' the Times and 1999 should have easily made the top 100. But as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case the ear of the listener.
Secondly, it was interesting to see that with so many total points on each list (100-1 equals a total of 5050) and only 23 total lists, there seemed to be both a consensus of good albums at the top while still allowing for highly-ranked personal favorites to make some noise.
An example of how one list among so few can make a difference can be seen by adding the numbers from just my list to the master list. Purple Rain would have moved up to No. 14. Not a big change, but that's at the top. Led Zeppelin IV would have come in at No. 48, and Are You Experienced? would have climbed to No. 57.

This site is obviously a labor of love for all those involved in its upkeep, and since a lot of people enjoy those efforts, including me, I say keep up the good work. Hopefully the list I'm compiling with help from the staff of the publication I work for will turn out as well as this one.

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Hi Adack,

Thanks for visiting Acclaimed Music and I'm very pleased that you like it. I'm looking forward to seeing the list from your newspaper, please let us all know here in the forum when it's been published. Hopefully I could then add it to the Acclaimed Music list, making it even better!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

My list apparently wasn't included.

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Hmm, I had to much other things on my mind in July, but now I compiled my own list. As Adack already mentioned, one list can really make huge differences. With mine it would have been another number 1, Joy Division in the Top Ten and Daydream Nation around place 50 instead of 104. This would have been the Top Ten:
1. THE BEATLES "Revolver
2. RADIOHEAD "OK Computer"
3. THE BEATLES "The Beatles"
4. THE BEATLES "Abbey Road"
5. THE BEACH BOYS "Pet Sounds"
6. THE VELVET UNDERGROUND "The Velvet Underground and Nico"
7. THE SMITHS "The Queen Is Dead"
8. THE BEATLES "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band"
9. JOY DIVISION "Closer"
10. DAVID BOWIE "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars"

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Huh? What are you talking about, bdang? I included all the lists people sent me. If I didn't include yours it means for some reasons I didn't get it. I'm sorry, but it's not my fault.

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

I sent it on July 30. Thats ok. Great work though Jacek. Would love to see it done again in the future!

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Hmm, I recall that weekend there was a massive storm in Warsaw which caused disturbances in the electric network and I know some of my friends had their internet access cut off. Maybe that had something to do with it, I don't know. Anyway bdang you can post your list now in the forum.

Re: music for a football player

I want to load my son's I-pod (birthday present)with the best music to get in the game mood. He is a football player and loves classic rock and rap, Eminem etc. Any clues on a list of top 25 songs to get in the mood to hit? From my generation it would be The Eagles 'Somebody's going to hurt somebody'.


Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

did Black Sabbath's PARANOID make a single list?


Wasn't it Henrik's no. fortysomething?

en acapulco

gracias jòvenes por lee este comunicado donde lavan dinero alo bestia dolares y euros es una imprenta en un local de herreria avenida cuauhtemoc 293-E siempre tienen sucio pero es donde yace la sospecha de porque tan sucio eldueño es garza mehan pedido que el programa del señor torreblanca mexico seguro mejor moleste a estos rufianesy no a la poblacion del puerto mas reconocido del mundo

Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums


Re: Acclaimed Music forum top 100 albums

Any King Crimson fans out there?

What are your favorite albums?
Mine are;
Starless and Bible Black
In the Court of the Crimson King

I prefer to read about King Crimson on justmusicstore.com