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CBD oil

Friends, has anyone tried using CBD oil to relieve pain after exercise? I am interested in how effective it is for muscle pain and how often it should be used.

Re: CBD oil

Yes, I've tried using CBD oil to relieve pain after workouts and I can say that it really helps reduce muscle tension and pain. It's especially helpful after intense physical activity when your muscles are tight or sore. I usually use it after a workout, in the evening, to give my body a chance to relax. The effect becomes noticeable in 20-30 minutes.
As for the frequency of use, it depends on individual needs, but usually 1-2 times a day is enough. The main thing is to stick to the recommended dose. If you are interested, I advise you to check out CBD Shop UK https://cbdreakiro.co.uk/ , where you can find quality products and choose what is best for your needs.

Re: CBD oil

Thank you for your detailed reply! Now I know for sure that CBD oil can be useful for relieving post-workout pain. Your information helped me understand how to use it properly. I will definitely check out CBD Shop UK to find a quality product. Thanks again for the recommendation!