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Understanding the Benefits of the SSS Contribution Table for Financial Security

Retirement Benefits:
Contributions to the SSS ensure that members receive a steady pension during retirement. This offers long-term financial security and relieves retirees from dependence on family members or savings alone.

Sickness and Disability Benefits:
SSS contributions provide monetary assistance to members who are unable to work due to illness or disability. This acts as a safety net during unforeseen health-related setbacks.

Maternity and Paternity Benefits:
For working parents, SSS contributions cover maternity or paternity leaves, offering income support during the crucial time of childbirth and caregiving.

Unemployment Benefits:
Members who lose their jobs involuntarily can rely on the unemployment benefit provided by SSS. This helps bridge financial gaps while searching for new opportunities.

Loan and Financial Assistance Programs:
Regular contributions grant members access to loans (e.g., salary, calamity, or housing loans) at competitive interest rates, enabling them to meet financial goals or emergencies.

Death and Funeral Benefits:
Contributions help secure a lump-sum payment or monthly pension for the beneficiaries of deceased members, ensuring financial stability for their dependents.

Medical Coverage and PhilHealth Integration:
Contributions enhance members’ access to healthcare services by integrating with other government programs like PhilHealth, reducing the financial burden of medical expenses.

Compounding Value Over Time:
Consistent contributions build value over the years, ensuring that the member’s investment grows and provides significant returns when needed the most.
