Re: Can someone help me with: Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
Yes. It's about melody and feedback and noise. Some melody is disharmonic. The backbone of the album are the songs "Taste The Floor", "In A Hole", "Never Understand" and "Inside Me". Upon which the others takes a free ride. The album reminds about "Revolver" by The Beatles in that there are few bad songs and the variation is good. They are no snobs, JAMC. They want to have a good time, and they use the feedback and the noise to get there.
Re: Can someone help me with: Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
I've got a question about the variation. It's the same question that I have with "Loveless" as well - I just don't see the variation. It's just pop melodies with a layer of sound and I pretty much get bored since it all sounds same-y to me. I like "Loveless" (though I don't listen to it much), but I don't know how to handle "Psychocandy"...
Re: Can someone help me with: Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
Psychocandy has groove, which MBV is not about imo. Some songs breaks this pattern and maybe tries to capitalize on what Ramones and Pixies did on their first albums. Maybe it's a good sign with Psychocandy that the process of discriminating between songs is still going on with you guys. Psychocandy digs deep in the psyche and maybe there's no catharsis needed for you happy, normal people :)
I created my own mix of the songs mentioned earlier with uses excerpts of each song so that the listening experience gets a bit intense and flows free. It become my before-going-out favourite for a few years. Two beers and loud volume accentuates this.
Btw, Does "Yellow Submarine" have a counterpart on "Psychocandy"?
Re: Can someone help me with: Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
some of their best songs aren't even on Psychocandy. I think they get too much credit for this one album when they were making great songs throughout their entire career.
Re: Can someone help me with: Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
I don't really fully "get" PSYCHOCANDY *or* LOVELESS right now. I did hear an acoustic version of 1 of the songs from PSYCHOCANDY on YouTube and liked it quite a bit. I don't necessarily "hate" noise per se...but I have a feeling if the noise washed in and out on PSYCHOCANDY I'd like it more.
In LOVELESS' case, I can almost never HEAR the lead vocals...and that's a cardinal sin for me. I've never believed in the virtue of burying vocals behind the instruments.
Perhaps more listenings will change these for me but at least in MBV's case I doubt it.