It doesn't influence how I rate the music, I just don't think it's very nice to cheat. It's deceitful, as to the third person. No big deal. I'm just standing up for some puritanical values, but this isn't the place.
For me, morality is irrelevant to how I hear the music. But I don't agree that cheating is not an indicator of character, or that character is irrelevant to governing. It's deceitful to the third person. If a person wants to give pleasure to a wider circle, and there is nothing wrong with this, then why hide it?
It's not the act, but the cover up that bothers me.
But it has nothing to do with music. That was somebody else's issue.
Of course it is not nice to the third person, I agree.
I just meant that we should be very careful when judging people on these standards. HUman nature is very complex.
You can cheat because you've been cheated, because you fall in love, etc... (that Clint Eastwood movie with Meryl Streep is so great)
Sometimes it's even better not to tell.
Well I've never done that in my life, but I wouldn't be so prompt to judge people about that, especially in politics. But in France it is a bit different. We don't care about politicians' private lives.
You never know what can happen to you and I think that sexual behavior is a private matter, as long as you don't pdo anything against the law.
Problems with puritans of all religions is that they have an ideal of humanity which is absolutely un-human.
But we're very far from music now.
I'm listening to Chuck Berry.
Who said his music was repetitive ?
I don't think
I think he's vastli ignored.
He was an innovative guitar player,and a true songwriter (his lyrics are way over the rest of the '50s pack)
But I'm afraid that good old 3-chord rock and roll is a musical language that is completely alien to the new generation.
I thought it was the chore, the matrix of rock music but now the roots are too deep and the top of the tree too high.
Sometimes their morality can make you listen to their stuff in a different light but I don't think anyone should stop listening to someone because of the person's background.
I don't think Elvis is going anywhere either. I just think he's becoming more of a quaint cultural relic than a meaningful musician. Heartbreak Hotel will always be around but it doesn't mean the same thing today as it did fifty years ago.