Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
21. The Clash- London Calling (1979)
Total points: 436.95
Place in the 2005 poll: 36
Appears on: 13 ballots
Ranked by:
Vgrd (10)
Schleuse (11)
Michel (16)
Ozphoenix (33)
Neoptolemos (3
Nicolas (40)
Stammer (45)
Otisredding (6
Giuseppe (87)
BillAdama (100.5)
Andre (112)
Ajackson (170)
Lonesome Panda (193)
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
That's likely gonna be one of the few Dylan songs where I'm among the lowest in the list. I am beginning to like "Tangled Up In Blue" more and more though.. last year it probably wouldn't even have made the top 300.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
Fantastic songs, natch. I haven't looked through the 2005 poll in ages, interesting that a lot of these (TUIB, Debaser) did as well, or even better, last time round as well, considering I don't think there were *that* many who voted on both polls.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
18. Otis Redding- (Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay (196
Total points: 452.97
Place in the 2005 poll: 138
Appears on: 11 ballots
Ranked by:
Andre (1)
Nicolas (4)
Rocky Raccoon (12)
Honorio (1
Otisredding (26)
Ajackson (73)
Ozphoenix (7
Miguel (8
Giuseppe (124)
Mark Propp (16
Sonofsamiam (196)
Honorio: Like Spanish hero Cid, Otis Redding won battles after his death. Steve Cropper completed this track that Otis left unfinished. A calm song that was composed in a rented houseboat at San Francisco Bay after the Monterey Festival, pointing that “nothing’s gonna change / everything still remains the same”. He had already conquered the throne of soul in Monterey, but this great song gives us an idea of the heights he could have reached.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
16. David Bowie- “Heroes” (1977)
Total points: 506.63
Place in the 2005 poll: 3
Appears on: 13 ballots
Ranked by:
Ozphoenix (1)
Henrik (9)
Vgrd (17)
Mo (20)
Otisredding (32)
Honorio (33)
Midaso (39)
Michel (60)
Neoptolemos (75)
BillAdama (100.5)
Greg (11
Mitchell Stirling (121)
Eduard (136)
Honorio: Sometimes fiction surpasses reality. Bowie peeped two lovers dating by the Berlin wall (legend says that it was Bowie’s producer Tony Visconti having an extramarital affair) and created a heroic lover’s tale with “guns shooting above our heads”. The atmospheric Eno’s dynamics, the awesome Fripp guitar work and the terrific Bowie vocal performance made the rest. Just for one day…
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
Great songs. And, yes, Stephan, El Cid. One of the legends about El Cid is that after his death the troops put his recently dead body on a horse and the enemies ran away in terror thinking that El Cid was still alive. Yes, it's creepy but it created the Spanish set phrase "won battles after his death". In that sense I've used it commenting the posthumous Otis Redding hit. Quite odd, now that I think of it...
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
15. Bruce Springsteen- Born to Run (1975)
Total points: 514.39
Place in the 2005 poll: 48
Appears on: 12 ballots
Ranked by:
Honorio (5)
Otisredding (12)
Nicolas (13)
Anthony (14)
Neoptolemos (1
Slush (34)
Rocky Raccoon (36)
Midaso (43)
Mo (69)
Giuseppe (83)
BillAdama (100.5)
Schwah (142)
Honorio: The backstreet Romeo and Juliet stories of the previous two albums, the stories about girls that “comb their hair in rear-view mirrors” and boys that “try to look so hard” got here its culmination with Springsteen fighting hard to achieve his more focused and intense effort. Yes, intense is the word. It sounds more like a flood of music overflowing than a band playing.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
Another one of my favorites climbing since 2005, this list is getting better and better. And still my 3 top 10 songs haven't shown up. 1, 2 and 3 maybe?
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
14. Marvin Gaye- What’s Going On (1971)
Total points: 529.30
Place in the 2005 poll: 7
Appears on: 14 ballots
Ranked by:
Honorio (
Dumbangel (12)
Vgrd (16)
Georgie (20)
Midaso (24)
Otisredding (25)
Mark Propp (36)
Mo (46)
Henrik (57)
Rocky Raccoon (71)
Nicolas (89)
BillAdama (100.5)
Sonofsamiam (124)
Andre (14
Honorio: Marvin going from the individual to the universal, from the hard experience of his brother Frankie fighting in Vietnam to all the “far too many” brothers dying (black, white and, yes, yellow too). And to all the people dying and suffering because of war. Then and now. Now still “we’ve got to find a way / to bring some understanding here today”.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
12. The Ronettes- Be My Baby (1963)
Total points: 548.12
Place in the 2005 poll: 10
Appears on: 13 ballots
Ranked by:
Dumbangel (5)
Andre (
Honorio (11)
Henrik (13)
Mark Propp (19)
Otisredding (19)
Rocky Raccoon (39)
Greg (66)
Sonofsamiam (80)
Georgie (82)
Mitchell Stirling (95)
Giuseppe (109)
Eduard (131)
Honorio: An Ellie Greenwich lyrics about a promise of teenager love ’til eternity. A bright melody from Jeff Barry. A brilliant vocal performance from Ronnie Bennett and some delicious harmonies from the other Ronettes. A dramatic drum introduction from Hal Blaine. And the Wall of Sound due to the talents of Jack Nitzsche and, above all, Phil Spector. Cannot fail. These are the perfects ingredients for an immortal pop symphony.
Rocky Raccoon: A timeless classic, if all girl group music of the '60s was this great I'd be a bigger fan.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
11. Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991)
Total points: 605.48
Place in the 2005 poll: 43
Appears on: 16 ballots
Ranked by:
Rendle (3)
Stammer (3)
Ajackson (5)
Rocky Raccoon (5)
Mo (24)
Eduard (50)
Nicolas (52)
Ozphoenix (63)
Honorio (85)
Schleuse (96)
BillAdama (100.5)
Pop Elton (101)
Michel (116)
Lonesome Panda (144)
Vgrd (172)
Anthony (17
Rocky Raccoon: This song is a tidal wave. For those of us lucky enough to be living in Seattle circa 1991 it was an amazing time. Cobain said it all without hardly saying anything. Favorite lyric, "Here we are now, entertain us."
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
I'm playing the songs on my windows mp, typed "smell like"
among the results, this beautiful and poetic song "what's that smells like fish ," by Blind Boy Fuller...
this one is not out yet
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
10. The Smiths- There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (1986)
Total points: 605.59
Place in the 2005 poll: 8
Appears on: 12 ballots
Ranked by:
Midaso (1)
Mo (3)
Honorio (7)
Ajackson (17)
Ozphoenix (20)
Michel (21)
Schleuse (33)
Greg (39)
Slush (43)
Mitchell Stirling (62)
Giuseppe (76)
Rendle (85)
Honorio: Love according to Morrissey. Mozzer sings verses of desperate love (“And if a double-decker bus crashes into us / to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die / And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us / to die by your side, the pleasure and the privilege is mine” wrapped by The Smiths in state of grace, with dreamy orchestral arrangements courtesy of Johnny Marr.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
1) Like A Rolling Stone
2) A Day In The Life
3) Good Vibrations
4) Common People
5) Strawberry Fields Forever
6) God Only Knows
7) Waterloo Sunset
8) Gimme Shelter
9) Karma Police
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
I've got to go out for a little bit, and may not be here for the top spot. Put me down for a push between "Karma Police" and "Common People," with "Like a Rolling Stone" and "Waterloo Sunset" as dark horse contenders (and I'll be really embarrassed if I'm wrong about "Creep").
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
9. The Beach Boys- Good Vibrations (1966)
Total points: 609.99
Place in the 2005 poll: 4
Appears on: 16 ballots
Ranked by:
Vgrd (5)
Neoptolemos (9)
Andre (16)
Otisredding (17)
Midaso (22)
Rocky Raccoon (24)
Giuseppe (2
Honorio (2
Mo (53)
Henrik (55)
Mitchell Stirling (65)
Pop Elton (95)
BillAdama (100.5)
Nicolas (136)
Miguel (141)
Lonesome Panda (199)
Honorio: Brian Wilson made a titanic effort to obtain what many people consider the best song ever. Seven months of recordings in four different recording studios, creating small musical fragments later placed in a meticulous sound collage, complex but accessible, innovative but addictive, luminous, magical, exciting. But now we know that this creative effort left the unstable Brian exhausted and disturbed.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
Because I just realized we're still missing that one, and Karma Police was only #20 in the 90s poll.. sooo I don't think we'll be seeing anymore Radiohead stuff.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
7. The Kinks- Waterloo Sunset (1967)
Total points: 655.59
Place in the 2005 poll: 15
Appears on: 17 ballots
Ranked by:
Miguel (1)
Midaso (5)
Ozphoenix (13)
Stammer (13)
Eduard (19)
Mark Propp (30)
Georgie (40)
Mitchell Stirling (40)
Jonah (42)
Nicolas (56)
Schwah (57)
Honorio (82)
Mo (97)
John (123)
Slush (130)
Lonesome Panda (157)
Otisredding (17
Moonbeam: The stuff of legend! Even better than Aqua’s “Barbie Girl”!
Fanthony: Oh my gosh, this song! I made my username “Fanthony” because I’m such an überfan of this brilliance!
JadeNet: The sincerity with which the guy sings “I’m tryin’ to kick it toniiiight” brings a tear to my eye every time!
Moptoptolemos: Have you seen the video? True visionaries! The way the cameraman’s shadow is visible rockin’ it in the background gives the whole thing a dark edge.
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
excellent !
Was it my "what's that smells like fish" post that got you to post this or was it a complete hazard ?
i already saw that clip when u posted it , it's awesome !
Re: 2008 Acclaimed Music Songs Poll: The Results (Part 4)
6. The Beatles- Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
Total points: 707.34
Place in the 2005 poll: 6
Appears on: 14 ballots
Ranked by:
Honorio (2)
Rocky Raccoon (3)
Mark Propp (6)
Toni (9)
Mitchell Stirling (12)
Otisredding (1
Georgie (22)
Giuseppe (23)
Mo (23)
Miguel (65)
Pop Elton (87)
Rendle (87)
Nicolas (90)
Midaso (113)
Honorio: Nostalgic vignettes of a misty Liverpool dreamed from the sunny Almeria. Lennon turned his childhood memories into a psychedelic trip where “nothing is real” and “living is easy with eyes closed”. Now we know that his infancy was not exactly happy, being abandoned by his parents and evolving hardly from the classroom strangest boy to the working class hero he would become.
Rocky Raccoon: I honestly can't quite put my finger on why I like this one so much, and maybe that's part of the reason I do, because of its subconscious effect; like a dream you fade in and out of.