I was guilty the other day of seconding the motion that it would be fun if something unexpected happened in the top 10. As it’s the nature of a poll to approximate what we ourselves agree on, of course expecting surprises is pretty much like saying “boo” to yourself in the dark. But I might conceivably be surprised by the next two guys’ choices. So I just did my little completely unscientific statistics to see which albums are highly regarded (criterion: in their individual top 10) by more than one person and still didn’t make the cut. There’s seven of them.
● Prince – 1999 (# 1 and 7)
● Van Morrison - Into The Music (# 3 and 10)
● King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (# 6 and 8)
● Belle And Sebastian – Tigermilk (# 7 and 7)
● Hüsker Dü - New Day Rising (# 8 and 10)
● Leonard Cohen - Songs Of Leonard Cohen (# 8 and 9 ... AND # 2 in Greg’s unincluded list, which also has Darkness on the Edge of Town at # 3 and Disintegration at # 1, so one more ballot coulda made a big difference)
In addition, several bands/artists are in three or four different people’s top 10 but with different albums: Big star, Zappa, Blur, Prince, REM. In Big Star’s case. that means every damn album they recorded (prior to late reunions) is in somebody’s top 10! Not bad.
Now, I’m off to see if I can find a copy of “1999”.
Aw, for crying out loud, I can't even count to seven anymore, forgot Sly:
● Prince – 1999 (# 1 and 7)
● Van Morrison - Into The Music (# 3 and 10)
● King Crimson - In the Court of Crimson King (# 6 and 8)
● Belle And Sebastian – Tigermilk (# 7 and 7)
● Leonard Cohen - Songs Of Leonard Cohen (# 8 and 9 etc
● Husker Du - New Day Rising (# 8 and 10)
● Sly and The Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On (# 10 and 10)