Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Jeff Buckley – GRACE (1994)
Total Points = 628.91
Appeared on 15 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: twister (#5), SuperFurry (#7)
I remember when this record came out, my girlfriend fell immediately in love with the singer, but I didn't blame her. I found on the contrary that she had lots of taste, and Buckley was not a big threat. I remember when we parted, I cried alone in my dark room and I listened to Lilac Wine and Hallelujah.
There are so many things to say about this album, but where to start? Well, besides having a huge importance in my life (it’s tied to three distinct events, two good and one terrible), it’s a record of enormous quality, rivaled by a shroud of mystery that seems to grow larger with each year. An artist of immense talent, Buckley refused to be pinned down by genres or enclosed by musical boundaries, and the genre-hopping on Grace that would normally be criticized has become its appeal (likely due to his premature death in 1997.) The record is the archetypal mixed bag: an ethereal hymn, a grunge stomp, a love ballad, an Eastern-tinged closer, a transcendental Cohen cover – it’s all there. And this is where the mystery comes in - together with the recurring themes of death and mortality that run through the album (taking a cue from Robert Johnson), one has to wonder whether Buckley knew his time was limited. Not to waste a single moment, he proceeds to pack every style of music he can onto one album, tours briefly, immediately gets to work on demos for his follow-up album, all before tragically getting swept under by the current on the night of May 29, 1997 (not suicide nor drug-related, just a freak accident.) Of course, it's likely not the case that Buckley knew of his impending death, but it seems that way sometimes.
It’s been frequently speculated that if Buckley hadn’t died prematurely, his stunning talent and creativity, together with his artistic ambition, would’ve translated into career longevity, echoing that of the greatest songwriters (Dylan, Springsteen, et al.). But with only one official album, a collection of frustratingly incomplete demo recordings (and a vault that’s likely empty by now), one can only imagine what type of career Buckley would’ve had. My guess is that it would've been long, varied, acclaimed, and at times, genius. If he was still around, chances are this wouldn’t be the only album making this list.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
My third Rolling Stones album on the list, and hopefully the other 2 are still waiting. I didn't include Jeff Buckley, but once again an album that could have been in there if I had been in a different mood.
I think the only album so far on the list I couldn't see myself placing in a top 200 is Plastic Ono Band. And maybe the Pavement entries.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
To quote Jim Morrison (of whom I assume we've seen the last appearance this time around), "Music is your only friend" - eloquent testimonies from ANthony and Nicolas bear witness to that.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Sorry to disappoint anyone, but I won't be posting the entire top 50 today.
Aside from having a nasty cold right now, it's my girlfriend's birthday, which I should probably make an appearance at (regardless of how crappy I feel.)
Besides, since I'm a fan of golf, it's tempting to turn this into a four-day event.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
You are definitely right about the mood and ranking subject.
this is how I made my list : there is not an album in that list that I havent’t listened to at least once since July. So I kept my list as long as I could so that some new album could emerge at the last moment (and it happened : I added Hotel California last Thursday). I kept a little notebook, now battered and torn, full of esoteric figures, and wrote in the subway, at home, sometimes right in the middle of the street, because each song received a mark between 1 and 5; so each album got a number of “points” expressed by a percentage. Of course, I made corrections after that and ranked the albums on a “desert island” criterion, but it helped me build something on solid ground without turning everything upside down every day. I gave second listens to some albums and rearranged the whole thing after so it fit my tastes and not my calculator of course.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
R.E.M. – MURMUR (1983)
Total Points = 640.24
Appeared on 15 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: DrDre (#3), Stammer (#3)
Murmur was instantly highly acclaimed in the US, but it took a while for the European critics to recognize this fantastic album. Maybe because it sounds like 'ordinary' traditional American folk and garage rock, but it has much more to offer, still being as distinctive as it sounded almost 25 years ago.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
The Stone Roses – THE STONE ROSES (1989)
Total Points = 662.67
Appeared on 14 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Toni (#3), Midaso (#4), twister (#9), Jacek (#10)
Almost its songs are perfect masterpieces (and the remaining ones are amazing tracks either). It's homogenic like few other excelent albums, and during all its almost fifty minutes, melody flows effortless from Brown's voice and squire's guitar. I love its breezy, windy climate. And in days when people always say human's capacity of creating art is becoming over, this album's history in English late 80's can show us that when everything seems to have already been invented, there's still something great waiting to be discovered. Favorite tracks Song for My) Sugar Spun Sister, She Bangs the Drums, Made of Stone.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Neil Young – AFTER THE GOLD RUSH (1970)
Total Points = 669.28
Appeared on 16 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Schwah (#3), nicolas (#6), DrDre (#10)
Peculiarly, I don't usually like music such as this -- rootsy and spare, and a touch languid. But there is such grand, undeniable beauty in these songs and in the slightly rough harmonies.
Not a cheerful record, by any means! But beautifully executed gloom, and ends on a light note.
It contains (almost) all the Neil Young past, present and future. We have Buffalo Springfield pop (“Only Love Can Break Your Heart” , C,S,N&Y harmonies (“Tell Me Why” , aching piano-ballads (“After the Gold Rush” , spectral country (“Oh Lonesome Me” , soft-rock (“Don’t Let It Bring You Down” and furious rock with lengthy solos (“Southern Man” . Who could ask for more?
What makes it the best Neil young album? I guess it has to do with the exceptional quality of the songs and the frailty of Neil's voice and the instrumental performance. It's the perfect singer-songwriter album: no technical virtuosity, just pure expression.
The only 70's album in my top 10, but Neil's finest folk and country rock surely belongs there.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Sufjan Stevens – ILLINOIS (2005)
Total Points = 671.19
Appeared on 15 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Weezy (#4), Mike (#5), jonmarck (#7)
Even in a time where offbeat alt-pop has come close to displacing mainstream music Stevens' tribute to his neighbouring state seemed to come from left field. Angular rhythms were mixed with Charlie Brown piano, trumpet lines that sounded fresh out of a high school stage band and whispered vocals (even when sung by a choir), then given names that sometimes ran as long as paragraphs for the first truly successful prog-folk album. "John Wayne Gacy, Jr." and "Casimir Pulaski Day" highlight Stevens' sensitive side, "Jacksonville" is blissful eccentricism, and "Chicago" and "The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts" are rockin' glory. The manic tone wouldn't be the same without Stevens' characteristic humility. It kills me to have to wait for a follow-up.
An album of remarkable ambition; “adventurous” doesn’t even begin to describe this masterpiece - it’s original, humorous at times, and full of emotion. I’m not sure if Stevens will be able to top (or equal) the achievement, but it’ll be interesting to see what he’s got up his sleeve. Illinois’ successor can’t come soon enough.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Anthony, four days suits me wonderfully. I will be copping out sometime to put the boy to bed, and experience tells me it can be a timeconsuming process.
AND HERE COMES MURMUR. Talking about soundtracks of our lives: I'm not sure the copy of that album that was pretty much glued to the living room record player in my student commune in the mid-eighties was the first one in Denmark, but we considered ourselves mighty avant-garde. And it has stood up to the hype as well as the ravages of time. It's as mesmerizing as ever. Incidentally, I don't feel a terribly big difference between underground R.E.M. and chart-top R.E.M. -- for some reason Stipe decided to begin articulating, but the catchy tunes and fine songs are still from the same source.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I've just borrowed The Stone Roses at the library, and will try "Murmur" and "Daydream" soon.
3 albums that I don't know and never heard.
Love Sonic Youth, I only know "Goo", which is my number 98 now (97 in the list I sent Anthony but being in perpetual movement, it has shifted since)
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Wow, I thought we were too high to have anything from this decade. Nice suprise, and another in my small handful of top 100 in this countdown.
I just have to put in a plug to my local library, since I got to listen to at least two solid albums (The Band and Grace), plus many other classics for the first time over the past year. I couldn't give most of the albums top 100 points, but I feel like I've listened to a much wider range of albums in a short time.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Radiohead – THE BENDS (1995)
Total Points = 673.31
Appeared on 20 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Midaso (#9)
Goal A for The Bends to have more a solid hit. Radiohead were dangerously close to being pegged a one-hit wonder as they hadn't even won a solid fanbase in their own country yet. Fortunately the one group unaware of this goal was Radiohead. As much as their label/management were dying to turn them into a reliable chart-topper the band insisted on creating music on their own terms, leading to the art-rock nuances of "Planet Telex", "Sulk" and "My Iron Lung". MTV still got their hits with "Fake Plastic Trees", "High and Dry" and "Just" and the mopey Pablo Honey fans (who probably listened to too much Smiths) got "Street Spirit", "Nice Dream" and "Bullet Proof". Part post-grunge guitar anthems, part weepy brit-pop, all highly conceptual, this was Radiohead's first work with lasting value.
Lonesome Panda:
Always hard to choose between those two… my favourite songs are in the Bends but OK Computer sometimes seems a little more consistent as an album.
The thing about The Bends is, when you listen to it (even now), it's the sound of a band that has found their footing and is on the path towards something spectacular, but are still not quite there yet (one album away from greatness, as it would turn out.) For someone like me, it detracts slightly from the enjoyment of it, but if you take it for what it is, it may just be the poppiest collection of Radiohead songs in their catalogue. Songs like "High and Dry" and "Black Star" are pure pop - catchy hooks and big choruses (the type of thing that Yorke grew to detest, as he would mention in Kid A-era interviews), and other moments like "Fake Plastic Trees" and "Street Spririt", which trade choruses for refrains, are just as memorable. Many bands would give their collective right arms for an album like The Bends, but I think at this point, Radiohead themselves are almost relegating it to "Pablo Honey" status.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Neutral Milk Hotel – IN THE AEROPLANE OVER THE SEA (199
Total Points = 683.00
Appeared on 18 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Harold Wexler (#3), Anthony (#10)
See, I really am “hip” for an old guy!! (referring to the inclusion of this album on his list. - Anthony)
AllMusic called it a “marching band on an acid trip”, and you can’t really beat that analogy. An indie cult-classic if there ever was one, “In The Aeroplane…” was the final album from the group; the last statement of leader Jeff Magnum, who hasn’t been heard from for the last 10 years. Apparently, he had nothing more to say, which is probably the reason why many have embraced this album – it's the last words of a songwriter equally gifted and mysterious. When you wonder “what could’ve been?”, it always makes an artist/band’s final statement that much more special.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I saw NMH open for Superchunk in 1997. When Jeff pulled out the handsaws If you would have said this band would have a highly acclaimed album 10 years later I would have rolled mmy eyes. That said it deserves it.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
The Rolling Stones – BEGGAR’S BANQUET (196
Total Points = 692.53
Appeared on 18 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: otisredding (#5), Rocky Raccoon (#9), Stammer (#9)
Makes me want to take back every nasty crack I’ve ever made about the 60s. The Stones returned from their ill-advised psychedelic trip to make their most powerful album (and followed this with Let It Bleed, almost as good). Maybe the reason I like it so much is that, as far as I can tell, mixed in with “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” and all the great blues revival stuff are a couple of very credible forays into country-tinged rock, but without Allman-type shagginess: “No Expectations” and “Stray Cat Blues.”
The best blues-rock album ever. Instead of aping it, they use it as an influence and play their own songs.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
And you should have chosen the European cover with the Johns
That's a great album, my favorite Stones', and my number 51.
For those interested, I have the original version of "The Prodigal son" by Rev. Robert Wilkins, recorded at Newport. It is 9 mn of exceptional wonder
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Prince and The Revolution – PURPLE RAIN (1984)
Total Points = 702.69
Appeared on 19 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Rocky Raccoon (#6), Henrik (#9)
Each of the nine songs contained within would become unmitigated anthems, the shadow of which Prince could never quite escape. With Purple Rain, Prince garnered his legendary status through both his music and the film itself- an unprecedented feat.
Prince made a master stroke with this one. He reached a higher audience using elements of rock (distorted guitars, slow building songs as “Purple Rain” and synth-pop (synthesizers, “Computer Blue” . But never forgot his black audience, using funk (“Baby I’m a Star” or soul ballads (“The Beautiful Ones” . And even mixing all four styles in a song, the superb “When Doves Cry”.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
U2 – ACHTUNG BABY (1991)
Total Points = 710.26
Appeared on 16 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: Toni (#6), Midaso (# , schleuse (#9)
Crushes everything else in their catalog flat. Bono had decided that his righteousness needed to be tinged with irony if he wasn’t going to put everyone off (turns out he was right). Who knows if that has anything to do with the finest songwriting of the band’s career—“Even the Better Than the Real Thing,” “One,” “So Cruel”—for those who could deal with the jagged production, it runs rings around The Joshua Tree (no mean feat). Plus, hey, there’s the stupid fun of “The Fly” and “Zoo Station”—as I suggested in my comments on Highway 61, I can’t really trust music that’s afraid to be goofy.
U2's last great album, and while they've been trying ever since to acheive the same level of grandeur and brilliance with subsequent albums, all they've done is spent the better part of a decade-and-a-half grasping (unsuccessfully) at relevance with half-arsed electronica and MOR rock. It's probably fair to say that Bono and co.'s best days are behind them; Achtung Baby remains the pinnacle of their career.
In "The Fly" Bono sings "Every artist is a cannibal/Every poet is a thief". Though the Irish quartet were safe from charges of plagiarism this idea best described their approach to their next decade of work. With cheerful irreverence Bono et. al. dissect the public's fascination with celebrity. Though equally interesting, the other albums of this period (Zooropa, Pop) would lack Achtung, Baby's confident enthusiasm. Lead single "The Fly" combines Edge's falsetto with Bono's spoken word for a soaring chorus, "Until the End of the World" tackles Bible stories from a romping guitar riff and "One" proved to be the group's "Under the Bridge".
The Edge changed radically his way of playing guitar and it made all the band's sound look a decade more modern. If U2 isn't considered just an 80's group today, much is due to this classic. Favorite tracks: The Fly, One, Even Better than the Real Thing.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Talking Heads – REMAIN IN LIGHT (1980)
Total Points = 710.50
Appeared on 18 ballots (out of 47).
Fans: DrDre (#1), Michel (#3), Juan (#5)
David Byrne's weird narrative singing, combined with afro-dance rhythms, what more can you ask for. It's just one long trip, from start to finish I am in a trance. "And the beat goes on!"
At last the time of vindication of Talking Heads has come! Its sound was almost entirely new, almost pure innovation. The angular pop of previous albums is here perfected (“Once in a Lifetime” but adding elements of cold funk (“Born Under Punches” and attempts at world music (“Houses in Motion” . Never dance music was (and will be) so cerebral.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Time for some catching up.
Quite a few albums included in my list coming up now, Achtung Baby (#34), Purple Rain (#48), Beggars Banquet (#22) and Remain In Light (#86). And two albums that probably won't be near my top 200, The Bends and Loveless, but which are undeniably great albums.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Nice selection. I'm very happy "Daydream Nation" made the list this year. What surprises me is that "Illinois" made it. Always thought this album was just good and overhyped, apparantly many people feel different. Many of last poll's top 20 already appeared on the list (Joy Division, Prince, Stone Roses) so it will interesting to see what replaced them. I just hope it won't be the usual Beatles/Dylan/Beach Boys/Radiohead combination (no Beatles or Dylan album so far). I mean, how cool it would be if "Blonde on Blonde" or "The Beatles" weren't on the list at all?
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
It would indeed be cool, Jacek! (And I actually didn't vote for any of the two, although I guess Blonde on Blonde would have been my # 101 on the day I made the list, and had I been dumped on a desert island with the 100 chosen, I would probably soon have grown to regret the omission).
There must be one or two real surprises up there among the top 35, surely ...
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Perhaps, Snusmumrik. Perhaps.
Maybe this is just the flu talking, but I'm getting really tired and irritated reading about ill will towards music greats like the Beatles, Dylan, Radiohead, Beach Boys, et al.
I just don't understand it. All of us come to this site regularly, and we know the big names that sit atop the Top 3000, yet the majority of people here seem to harbor these negative opinions and ideas that these bands and artists really shouldn't be ranked where they are.
And that ideology manifests itself in polls like this, with people saying "Hey! Wouldn't it be great if there were no Beatles albums at all !!!" or "Four Beatles albums in the top 10 is way too many!!"
I'm all for rooting for an underdog from time to time, but it's almost as if some people here are in complete denial about certain acclaimed bands and artists. It's wiser to realize that certain groups like the Beatles and Stones, or artists like Dylan and Springsteen are consistently ranked high because they deserve it, rather than get upset or frustrated by their presence.
Here's a thought. When the top 35 drops Monday (or whenever), try be a mature music lover. We all know the greats will be making an appearance. Nobody wants to hear how many Beatles albums you think should or shouldn't be in the top 10, or whatever. Accept it and move on.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Honestly, Anthony, I think we're at cross-purposes. I love, revere and adore Dylan, and as for the fab B-word band, putting one of their albums on is one of the surest ways in the world to bring a smile to my otherwise grumpy cynical face, and I wouldn't say a bad word about them. But part of the fun in polls like this is the surprises, and discovering something reltively unacclaimed which our fellow AM'ers love enough to put it in the top 10 *would* be a fun and pleasant surprise. To me, in saying that, there's no ill will whatsoever against the names usually appearing there. And I'd hate to spoil your temper after the fine job you've been doing for us all.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Oh, shit, I missed completely the part 3. Just came from the Three Magic Kings Parade with my kids. In Spain it’s not Santa Claus who brings present for the children but the Three King from Orient. An old Spanish tradition that it’s been slowly but firmly replaced for Santa Claus (sadly).
Interesting part 3, with again not so obvious choices being probably “Illinois” the most unexpected (well, “Aeroplane” is another not obvious choice but not in the context of this forum).
And, Anthony, come on… I won’t be able to join on Monday. But it’s up to you.
And happy birthday to your girlfriend.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
If you take a look at my list Anthony you will see I bear no ill will for the Fabs and love the majority of their most acclaimed works, all except The White Album and Magic Mystery Tour. Same for the Beach Boys, Radiohead etc. However whenever I see that among the top 10 albums recorded in the last half a century or so in any country and by any musician or band six or seven spots are taken by only two or three artists I can't help feeling it's just plain unfair. Yes, the Beatles are great, but it's not like there aren't tens of albums as good as any individual Beatles album.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Of course there are plenty of other good albums but this list is merely a mathematical thing. The Beatles and Dylan are the ones that appear the most because they are the more consensual, that is all.
Don't expect to find anything original in a collective list which is an average and not an individual ranking.
if you want to be surprised, I think the individual lists will do that.
But personnaly I don't see anything wrong if there are several Beatles albums in the top 10.
In my own top 10, there are 2 Beatles albums.
Anthony, please it would be much better for everybody if the 50 last albums were known tommorrow. So don't punish everybody because one person expressed his frustration.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Not too many surprises this time around. I'm thinking the last third will be fairly predictable Beatles/Dylan/Radiohead entries. I'm hoping some Zeppelin and Hendrix make it in too, though I'm really holding out for the individual lists (and maybe top 100-200 list).
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Well unfortunately I'll miss the end of the countdown - I'll catch up with it about this time next week. I'm off on holiday today,no i-net for a week,hope something good wins. Slightly surprised with some of the results so far - many albums I expected to be much higher. A bit disappointed no Beatles have appeared yet,means it may be another groan-worthy Beatles-dominated top 10.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Well my picks of albums from the top 50 last poll dropping out, "Who's Next", "Kind of Blue" and "Unknown Pleasure" are still looking good.
Anybody have any picks of who may break the stranglehold of the fab four in the top ten? With the strong showing of indie/alternative artists I say it might be the Clash or Television. Personally I'm holding out for Husker Du but I don't think that's happening.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Henrik did this for the last poll:
Here are the top 35 albums (according to AM) that have not shown up so far. Which do you expect to see on this list?
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
The Beatles - Revolver
Nirvana - Nevermind
The Velvet Underground & Nico - The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main St
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
The Clash - London Calling
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced?
Radiohead - OK Computer
The Beatles - The Beatles ("The White Album")
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon
Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Television - Marquee Moon
The Beatles - Rubber Soul
Led Zeppelin - IV
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
The Who - Who's Next
Ramones - Ramones
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
Stevie Wonder - Innervisions
R.E.M. - Automatic for the People
Love - Forever Changes
Sly and the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On
The Clash - The Clash
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
Beck - Odelay
I'm thinking the Clash and Stevie Wonder are due for some respect.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
We just can't seem to lay this Beatles thing to rest can we? I'll second Anthony's comments, although a little less grumpily (but I don't have a cold or the flu to further aggrivate me).
Personally I don't care if the entire top 10 is all Beatles and Dylan. The whole point of this poll is to see which albums we as a music-loving community think are the best. If they all happen to be by Dylan and the Fab Four, then so be it. Given the diversity of tastes in this forum that would be just as surprising as having a Decemberists' album make the top 10.
An inane comment such as singling out a couple of albums and saying that it would be great if they didn't make the list only displays a personal bias that is completely pointless and counter productive.
As far as my personal tally goes that makes seven more I voted for. Now a grand total of 28, with two of my top 10 finally making an appearance. But wouldn't it be great if "Ziggy Stardust" and "The Queen Is Dead" weren't on the list at all? Just kidding
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I think it would be easier to list which of those albums WON'T make the list, jonmark. Capt. Beefheart, Fleetwood Mac, Sly and the Family Stone, James Brown, Ramones, Miles Davis and Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland." I think a majority of the others have a very good chance of being in the top 35.
P.S. I'm going to try and get up early enough to watch this thing live tomorrow. I missed it by a few hours today.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced?
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
Ramones - Ramones
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
Love - Forever Changes
Sly and the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On
The Clash - The Clash
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
I wouldn't be surprised if none of those albums made the list. We all know that not many of us like Trout Mask Replica and I haven't heard anybody express their admiration for any of the others. Of course, we wrote Murmur off for dead yesterday and it was the first album revealed today. All of these will probably be on.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Some more fun facts:
Compared to the last poll: - 37 albums have shown up on both lists, meaning at least 28 have fallen in terms of opinion.
- participation has more than doubled since the last poll
Compared to the AM list: - 42 albums appear on both lists, meaning we differ with the critics on at least 23 choices.
- The last poll shared 66 albums with the AM top 100, meaning so far we're more in line with the critics, especially since you can almost confirm our top 20 are going to be in the AM top 100.
- likelihood of Ok Computer taking top place has quadrupled...because it's so great.
- likelihood of Antony having a nervous breakdown at the next Beatles comment: very likely
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I don't think any of the comments about the top of the list were made with any animosity towards the bands or the process. But sometimes a little change can be good. I know that it doesn't apply to anybody at this sight but like top 40 radio, it sometimes seems we are told what we are supposed to like and we go along with it. I personally wouldn't care if it was all Beatles at the top either and I had (3) Stones, (3) Dylan, and (1) Beatles album in my list but if none of them made it I would applaud the diversity of the picks, and maybe find some new music in the process. A shake up of the status quo can be good. Lord knows we need it in our country (U.S.).
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Are You Experienced?
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
Ramones - Ramones
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
Love - Forever Changes
Sly and the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On
The Clash - The Clash
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
I wouldn't be surprised if none of those albums made the list. We all know that not many of us like Trout Mask Replica and I haven't heard anybody express their admiration for any of the others.
That said, let me express my admiration for:
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
Ramones - Ramones
James Brown - Live at the Apollo
Love - Forever Changes
Sly and the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
All fantastic, though I probably "admire" Trout Mask more than actively love it. The Love and Sly albums were in my Top 30.
An I do, do hope that Innervisions and Kind of Blue make the Top 35. Both permanently changed the way I listen to music. (And both are super-accessible and completely free of filler.)
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
An inane comment such as singling out a couple of albums and saying that it would be great if they didn't make the list only displays a personal bias that is completely pointless and counter productive.
I suppose that was for me, so let me explain myself. For starters, it was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek, I'm really surprised it caused such passionate reactions. Second, I don't know about you, but for me a few critical omissions would make the list more interesting. So you have "Pet Sounds" in the top 10 as usual, big deal. Now if somehow "Pet Sounds" didn't make the list at all, it would have people scratching their heads and trying to figure out what the hell happened. Oh, and the albums I mentioned were examples, might just as well be "OK Computer" and "Revolver", or what have you.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I agree with most of the guesses of what will not make the top 35. Strange that nobody included Odelay, though. I guess there has been a lot of love for the 90s so far.
So, which dark horses will appear on the list? Hm, probably Kid A, In Utero, Doolittle (something to look forward to, Jacek), Unknown Pleasures, Harvest (what with all the love for Neil Young), Born in the USA (other 80s mega-sellers made it), maybe Bringing It All Back Home...can't think of any others now.
Finally, nothing like a poll to bring people back to the forum - first Jacek, and now sonofsam
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
OK everybody. I devised a proprietary scientific method to determine the remaining 35 albums. Here's what the computer spit out (It's real shaky on the last two):
1. RADIOHEAD "OK Computer"
2. THE BEATLES "Revolver"
3. THE BEACH BOYS "Pet Sounds"
4. THE BEATLES "The Beatles"
5. THE CLASH "London Calling"
6. NIRVANA "Nevermind"
7. THE BEATLES "Abbey Road"
8. THE BEATLES "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band"
9. DAVID BOWIE "Ziggy Stardust"
10. THE VELVET UNDERGROUND "The Velvet Underground and Nico"
11. PIXIES "Doolittle"
12. BOB DYLAN "Highway 61 Revisited"
13. THE SMITHS "The Queen Is Dead"
14. BOB DYLAN "Blonde on Blonde"
16. THE FLAMING LIPS "The Soft Bulletin"
17. BOB DYLAN "Blood on the Tracks"
18. JOY DIVISION "Unknown Pleasures"
19. R.E.M. "Automatic for the People"
20. TELEVISION "Marquee Moon"
21. THE ROLLING STONES "Exile on Main Street"
22. PINK FLOYD "Dark Side of the Moon"
23. THE BEATLES "Rubber Soul"
24. THE ARCADE FIRE "Funeral"
25. RADIOHEAD "In Rainbows"
26. LOVE "Forever Changes"
27. MARVIN GAYE "What’s Going On"
28. STEVIE WONDER "Innervisions"
29. NIRVANA "In Utero"
30. FRANZ FERDINAND "Franz Ferdinand"
31. BJORK "Debut"
32. MILES DAVIS "Kind of Blue"
33. THE WHO "Who’s Next"
34. JIMI HENDRIX "Are You Experienced?"
What do you think?
Could TV On The Radio Be In The Top 35?
Could There Be Two Jimi Hendrix Albums still to come?
Will Springsteen be shut out?
Will Zeppelin be shut out?
Will A 4th Dylan album sneak in?
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
So far we've seen 20(!) 90s albums, and of the top 20 of the 1990s poll we haven't seen these yet:
1. Radiohead - OK Computer
2. R.E.M. - Automatic for the People
3. Nirvana - Nevermind
4. Beck - Odelay
8. The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
15. Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
19. Björk - Debut
I expect the top 5 from that list to still show up, seeing as Yoshimo was #90 and everything else from the top 20 pretty much made an appearance.
For the people who are interested, 60s have 9 albums so far, 70s 15, 80s 14 (they 80s are making a comeback), 90s 20 and 00s 7. Taking into account we're only in 2007, statistically the 00s have more albums included than the 60s! Although I have no doubt that by the end of tomorrow that won't be the case, it's still quite surprising.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
James Brown won't make it - for sure
Sly ? I doubt that
Given the result of the '90s poll, the only remaining black artist with still a chance is Marvin Gaye's What's goin' On, and (I do hope) Hendrix.
I don't understand that debate, so I will have to repeat myself.
This top 100 will not show the "best" albums, but the MOST RECOMMENDED OR ACCLAIMED
And that's a difference. That means you've got to exclude everything which is not supported by at least 15 people.
I'm currently making a list of the 35 I think will appear but I'll keep it for myself.
Let's keep the suspense and not break the magic of it all. We know more or less what albums will be in the last 35, but not in which order, and there will be some surprise.
But I think we've got to refrain from expressing any frustration. Saying that the list is not what we would have loved it to be won't change a thing.
If you don't want to see the sun, you can close your eyes but that won't make it go away.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
We'll see !
I hope Springsteen will make it; I'm kinda confident, the Boss's got supporters here (including Neo, Anthony and myself of course).
Now it's late I'm going to bed. My little baby (1 month) is sick and we're a little worried but it is not serious for the moment (a cold ), just impressive due to his age.
See ya tomorrow
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
A few minutes before dinner; just enough time to check in...
Am I frustrated? Yeah, a bit. Is this cold making it feel like my brain has exploded and is running out of my nose in the form of a clear, mucilaginous fluid? Yes, and it sucks. Are the two related? Perhaps.
But I stand by my previous comment. And thanks Rocky Raccoon; you're right - spouting off about how it would be great if such and such doesn't make the list is COMPLETELY counterproductive.
Plus, you guys are completely denying the numbers game. Jacek - you mentioned how you "can't help feeling it's just plain unfair" if the top 10 is dominated by the usual suspects. You're entitled to feel that way, but you're forgetting that it's representative. You don't need a statistics degree to know that with 47 voters, the outlying data gets tossed to the side. In other words, the chances of surprises are more likely at the bottom of the rankings, not at the top.
I don't want to spoil the fun, but I will if I have to. All the big names are there in the remaining 35. You know it, and I know it. There are NO SURPRISES remaining. I was using the Beatles as an example before, but I might as well use them again - there are 5 albums of theirs in the remaining 35. So any of you who say "that's way too many albums!!!" - you might as well slap us all across the faces and tell us that our picks are terrible, because that's really what you're doing.
Let's just all enjoy this ride and accept the fact that each album deserves its place.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Hey, I know I got a few of 'em right!
Sorry if I offended anyone with the list. Seems like a bunch of us were playing the guessing game. I just attached numbers. But really its just a clueless guess.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I had both Jimi Hendrix in my top five and Smiths in my top 20.
A few surprises. I'm surprised Daydream Nation is down so far, and I'm surprised Sticky Fingers was below Let it Bleed and Beggars Banquet.
Boo to see U2 in the top 50.
I wish there was more Neil Young on the list. If you guys didn't put Tonight's the Night in the top 100, my opinion of the coolness of this forum will decline.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
As you might have guessed, I was out all day - otherwise, the revelation of #42 would obviously have elicited a reaction from me. When I inquired of Anthony whether any albums from outside the AM top 500 had crashed our list, it was probably easy to figure out which particular one I had in mind, and I'm highly gratified that IN THE AEROPLANE has such a devoted following.
I really wish more people knew the first New York Dolls album or RADIO CITY by Big Star - they're both in my top ten, and are the only entries among those ten that clearly aren't going to make it. Having said that, I have no problem with any of the ones that are going to appear, whatever they are, and I'm with Anthony and Rocky 100% as far as the "boy-I-hope-such-and-such-doesn't-make-it" comments being truly pointless. I'm eagerly looking forward to the gradual unveiling of the top 35 tomorrow even if there are (no alarms and) no surprises.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Only 3 albums of my top 100 are in the final list for the moment...
I have great expectations for the Magnetic Fields. I'd be very happy if "69 love songs" made the top 20 or the top 30. Concerning my other personal favourites, I think they haven't a chance to make the top 35 anymore.
Come on 69 !!!
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Hey Harold. Great to see another Big Star fan. I actually have "#1 Record" and "Radio City" just outside my top 100 but Third Album/Sister Lovers At #5. Though "September Gurls" is my 2nd favorite song of all time.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I want to think an Elliott Smith album will still creep in but after Survivor maybe not.
Also, I want to rescind my earlier comment (on the first day) about Unplugged in New York being the best live album ever. I can't even believe I said that because Stop Making Sense is in my top 10 and it saddens me that it won't make the list.
Also, I wouldn't throw Big Star out of the game just yet. Maybe, but I'm not giving up hope. Although the double albums do hurt their chances.
Anthony, I haven't read any post that was negative. Only yours. I think you're misreading peoples comments as negative when we're merely speculating.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Going back to what DrDre said about Astral Weeks: "Two options: either you like this album, or you love it."
That must be very true, because despite appearing on less ballots than the 12 albums behind it (39-50) it still out-pointed all of them. Interesting how an album dearly loved by a few competes with albums that have a broader appeal in these polls. Personally I'm more of a Moondance person.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Alright, one last response. Of course I know it's all mathematics and those top albums deserve their place in the way they got the most points, after all I voted many of them myself (I had four Beatles' albums in my top 50 for instance). I just expressed a sentiment that it would be fun if some of the usual suspects were left out, as that would make the list more surprising, which has nothing to do with my alleged frustration or closing my eyes on reality. It wasn't meant to offend anybody, and I didn't mean to tell you that your lists sucked, as one of the posters implied, since I'm often guilty of the same crimes. It was a casual remark that didn't merit all the negative responses it got, the way I see it. Don't take it so seriously, guys. Now let's end this discussion and focus on the list.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I suppose the big question at this point is which album will be number 1. If the previous poll is anything to go by "OK Computer" and "Revolver" should slug it out, as those two had a considerable advantage over the nearest competition. But I feel this time one or two of Dylan's albums might challenge for the top spot. Also we might be in for another Springsteen-less list: he didn't make it last time and to me it looks it might be the same now.
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
that would be very sad for a guy like me with 3 Boss albums in his top 10
I was confident but now you tel me he wasn't on the 2005 top 100...
Well, this discussion is not so bad because I'm prepared for that now
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
If you have BtR in the top 10, and so do I, we only need 4 more voters to place it on an average place to surpass "Ten". I cannot believe that less than 4 people had Born To Run in their list. He HAS to be in there!
(I realize we're way past Ten now, so apparently a lot more than 4 more voters)
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Yeah, now the average of ballots is more 15-20
Slight chance I would say but I'd rather be prepared to a Springsteenless list, so that will be a great surprise if ever he shows up...
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Was there no Springsteen in the 2005 top 100? Man, my memory's going. Well, it goes to show, surprises *do* occur. I mean the guy's the # 6 most acclaimed artist ever in AM. Could it be that, apart from an occasional basher of the highly acclaimed just for bashing's sake, the Boss's brilliance is universally accepted, but opinions are rather broadly scattered as to which album is the best? I know BtR usually tops lists, but several others come close, I think?
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
Well let's wait for the results, but I don't think the "scattered votes" explanation would be the right one, because BtR outshines the rest in term of acclaims (although it's not my favorite, but still #5 in my top 100).
And Radiohead will probably have 3 albums, The Pixies 2, The White Stripes (???) 2, The Flaming Lips probably 2, Pavement 2.
no comments
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
The thing with Springsteen is that he's huge in the US, but I think not so much in other countries. So if American posters were in the minority it might explain his poor results. But of course at this point it's still speculation, as "Born to Run" might still make it (unlikely any other albums of his will IMO).
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I think it is the contrary on this forum
I can tell you the Boss has a lot of fans in Europe.
And the 2 most obvious Springsteen fans here are Neo (from Holland) and myself (France).
Re: 2008 AM Forum Top 100 Albums Poll - RESULTS (Part 3)
I have 3 Springsteen albums in my list, although not in the top 10. But despite the acclaim I've never been able to like BtR quite as much as some of his other albums.
I've just put BtR on the player, and songs like Thunder Road and Born to Run do make me wonder if the whole album should rank higher with me -- they would definitely be high on my song list, but many of the other songs lag a bit behind.