Personally I love the album. My favourite probably IS Bros but pretty much the whole album is creative, dreamy and just my cup of tea. I strongly recommend it.
As a whole I think it's pretty good, but sometimes he goes on a little too long to my taste. Comfy In Nautica is a good example of that, where it seems as if the record got stuck. He does the same in Bros, but there it seems to work better somehow.
I've just listened to a few more tracks, and it seems as if his short songs seem too long and his long songs too short. Peculiar. That's my only complaint with the album, he's in my top 10 either way.
That's funny. Good ol' All Music and their constantly changing ratings.
I like the style and a lot of bands that sound like Panda Bear and Animal Collective but I have never liked those two bands minus a couple AC songs. I don't know why, it's music that should be right up my alley but I can't get into it. What really boggles my mind is that this isn't very accessible music yet it's universally acclaimed. I can't put my finger on why I don't like it.
I must admit that I tried Animal Collective and could not get into it at all. Too sparse and freeform for my over structured mind. I feel I can lose myself in Panda Bear's Person Pitch. Like the way he sings which feels like a throwback to Phil Spector (sp?) (or something like that). Anyway I think if you really like Bros? then it's at least worth trying out the rest of the album. Happy Christmas all.
Panda Bear is an Amazing album and all songs are great.
Comfy in Nautica - The Bait.
Take Pills - The Grower.
Bros - The best and longest single of the year.
I`m Not - The Peaceful Bridge between Bros & GG/Carrot
Good Girl/Carrots - Person Pitch .
Search for Delicious - The experimentation.
Ponytail - The hidden gem.
It's a decent little album, even if it is over hyped. My issue with this album is that it sounds too much like he's simply aping Brian Wilson and Co., rather than using them as an inspiration. I'm a singer and it really bothers me when singers adopt some other person's voice and try and call it their own. I wanna hear you - not a pale imitation of someone else! On a side note, I'm pretty sure the title "Bros" must have something to do with the Wilson Brothers (Brian, Carl and Dennis) and their record company Brother records.