Since I know some of you are getting antsy, and I'm going to be out of town for a while, I thought I'd post this now.
— Voting will be open until January 14th.
— Send ballots to, do not post them here
— Rank your 10 favorite albums of 2007, assigning each album a score from 5 (minimum) to 30 (maximum)
— The point total of all your albums should not exceed 100 points.
— Rank a minimum of five albums, but subtract 5 points from your total for each album under ten. For example, if you only send a list with eight albums, your point total for all the albums on your list is only allowed to be 90 points.
— I will post all the ballots here when the poll is finished, so if you would like to include comments and "bubbling under" albums, go ahead.
If you have any questions, post them here. I'm leaning against allowing such albums as "Back to Black" and "Boys and Girls in America," since they are both really 2006 albums. But If I'm out voted we can include them. Other than that, have fun. Here's an example ballot in honor of Moonbeam.
1) The Beatles - Rubber Soul (30)
2) The Beatles - Revolver (15)
3) The Beatles - Let It Be (10)
4) The Beatles - Help! (8)
5) The Beatles - Abbey Road (8)
6) The Beatles - Meet the Beatles (7)
7) The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night (6)
8) The Beatles - The Magical Mystery Tour (6)
9) The Beatles - The Beatles (White Album) (5)
10) Prince - 1999 (5)
On the site, "Back to Black" date of release is january 29, 2007.
It is frustrating not to include her.
I mean if we do that, she won't appear in 2006 lists nor in 2007, and that is not fair.
The same goes for the Alela Diane album, "Pirate's gospel" which was out in the Us in 2006, but in Europe in 2006.
So far I have received lists from Netjade, Alan Jackson, Chris Clark, Neoptolemos and Jonah. If you have sent a list but aren't named here, let me know. Also, if you want to be referred to as your AM name, include it with you ballot.
I sent mine today (Christmas) and forgot to give my username. My username is in my email address so I'm thinking you should be able to figure out which one it is. If not let me know and I'll send it again.
I believe I messed up on the scoring rulues (some albums I gave less than 5 points). Plus, I'm catching up with some acclaimed albums from '07. I think I was to eager to make a list and rushed things.
You can count on me Rocky, but I'll send my list as late as possible (so I can discover new albums in the meantime), so that'll probably be around the 14th.
Ballots received so far: Netjade, Alan Jackson, Chris Clark, Dumbangel, Miguel, Loophole, Twister, Neoptolemos, John, Rocky Raccoon, David, Collin and Jonah (who is revising his list to conform with rules.)
If you have sent a list but don't appear on the above list, please let me know.
So far it's an extremely diverse set of albums that have been voted for.
Updated ballots received so far: Netjade, Alan Jackson, BillAdama, Dumbangel, Miguel, Loophole, Twister, Neoptolemos, John, Rocky Raccoon, David, Collin, Lonesome Panda, Rendle, Slush, Mitchell Sterling, Anthony, EdAmes, Chris and Jonah (who is revising his list to conform with rules, but I still haven't received it yet.)
20 voters, so that's already one more than the last couple of years.
It is with great regret that I can't participate for a number of reasons. 1) I simply am unable to keep up with new music to the extent that I'd feel compfortable listing the few albums I've heard from this year; 2) I'm in the middle of a demanding period at work, and finishing up the top-200 songs list will be tough enough as it is. I will follow along with interest though.
Sorry, Moonbeam, I don't think I received your list yet.
Also, I know it's late in the game (with only two days left to vote), but since Amy Winehouse's album seemed to be released everywhere but England in 2007, I'm going to allow it. If you've already sent in a list and want to include it, go ahead and send an update. Thanks.
Updated ballots received so far: Netjade, Alan Jackson, BillAdama, Dumbangel, Miguel, Loophole, Twister, Neoptolemos, John, Rocky Raccoon, David, Collin, Lonesome Panda, Rendle, Slush, Mitchell Sterling, Anthony, EdAmes, Chris, Jonah, Michel, Andre, MightyMadMax, sonofsamiam, Eduard, Dan M, Tim, Snusmumrik and agent provocateur. (29 votes)
My yahoo sent mail folder indicates that it went through on Saturday, January 12th at 9:14 AM, but yahoo has been known to lie to me before, so I'll try sending to again right now. Please let me know if it doesn't come through, and we'll try something else.
Giuseppe, Harold, nicolas and Henrik, I got all you lists plus a few more. The polls are officially closed.
Because there were about twice as many ballots cast as the last couple of years look for the results in a couple of days.