The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Hello again. It's time for the albums poll. I still have a little formatting to do, but it will start in 30 minutes or so.
You might think that our personal albums lists are more homogenous than the song lists, but that's not true. And this is something that will be proved right at the beginning of the presentation!
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Hi Henrik, and everyone!
I just got done catching up on yesterday's thoroughly brilliant list - and I am delighted with the top 10. I missed it all as it was being revealed, but I'm here for today's list. Should be interesting - I didn't vote in this one (I did in yesterday's).
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
#100 Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill (1995)
Score: 1317 points
Biggest fans: Neoptolemos (#1), Tim (#20), Twister (#22)
Comments: Catchy tunes. Not much substance behind the “catchy”, but catchy nonetheless. (Rendle)
Place in the 1995 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 69
#99 The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land (1997)
Score: 1334 points
Biggest fans: SuperFurry (#1), Michel (#11), LonesomePanda (#21)
Comments: Have some of the greatest singles of the decade ! (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1997 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 75
#98 Tool - Aenima (1996)
Score: 1339 points
Biggest fans: Torsten and Anthony (#19), Jonah (#29)
Comments: None
Place in the 1996 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 199
#97 Happy Mondays - Pills n Thrills and Bellyaches (1990)
Score: 1354 points
Biggest fans: Fred (#5), Twister (#21), Tim and Mitchell Stirling (#22)
Comments: None
Place in the 1990 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 54
#96 Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine (1992)
Score: 1356 points
Biggest fans: LonesomePanda (# , Henrik (#12), John (#22)
Comments: Zach DeLaRocha annoys me. “Wake Up” is good though. (Rendle)
My other teenager love, "Killing in the name" kinda bore me now, but the rest is still great. And Tom Morello is magic ! (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1992 poll: 3
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 43
#95 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik (1991)
Score: 1362 points
Biggest fans: LonesomePanda (#6), Torsten (#15), Nicolas (#19)
Comments: I find BSSM very long-winded. It could be better in my opinion. (Rendle)
The favourite album of my teenage and still one of my references, I could have lied, suck my kiss and breaking the girl are what RHCP did best. (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1991 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 36
#94 Jane's Addiction - Ritual de lo Habitual (1990)
Biggest fans: Toni (#7), SuperFurry (#15), Torsten (#20)
Comments: I love Paul's Boutique, Ill Communication and Hello Nasty… but I'm never be much a fan of Check Your Head, songs seems colorless. (LonesomePanda)
Addictive beats, powerfull ond original vocals and an impressively capacity of inovation in each, all sprinkled with too much acid humor, make this album a manual of how to make decent rap. (Toni)
Place in the 1992 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 64
#92 Blur - Modern Life Is Rubbish (1993)
Score: 1384 points
Biggest fans: Toni (#4), Johan (#13), Fred (#19)
Comments: This album’s all over the place, but that’s the charm. (Rendle)
Here we have The Stone Roses's legacy taken forwards.This is Blur showing which would be the essencial elements of the next rock movement to dominate England, and, sometimes, the world. It contains high guitars, but is a very sensititive and refinated album. Unfornately, in the time of its release, English had only eyes to Suede and couldn't see that the future was here. As the result, this is, until today, one of the most underrated albums of the 90s. (Toni)
Place in the 1993 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 255
#91 Blur - Blur (1997)
Score: 1385 points
Biggest fans: Toni (# , Twister (#17), Midaso (#27)
Comments: Yes, another Blur album in my top 10. This is a dificult album. All the dirty guitars and the experimental tracks make you need many auditions until you realize how good this is. And, then, you will see that this is not a group of songs put together to support Song 2's high sellings. Again Blur make an album with no bad track, this time playing with electronic sounds, hip-hop, a little psychedelia and much of their genuine rocks, sometimes with an american tendency, sometimes plenty of their usual sensibility. (Toni)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
That is incredible that #s 100 and 99 on the list were picked as #1 by one of the voters. I'm most disappointed by the loss of 'Modern Life Is Rubbish' there, but no great surprises I don't think.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I should mention here that the mid-scoring method for unheard albums probably works better for the top than for the bottom of the list.
By far, the least heard album is "Aenima". 19 of the 39 voters have heard it. It pretty much beats "Fat of the Land" and "Jagged Little Pill" because of its many mid-scores. If everyone had heard all albums then "Aenima" might have been #100, but it could of course also have climbed the list if one or two more voters would have really liked the album.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Morning everyone!
It seems that with the albums list ROCK is the most damaged (with Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jane’s Addiction, Rage Against the Machine and Tool at the bottom of the list), while HIP HOP (with the exception of Beastie Boys) gets some temporary relief.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
#90 Ride - Nowhere (1990)
Score: 1387 points
Biggest fans: Tim (#12), Collin (#17), EdAmes (#24)
Comments: It’s a good album but Vapour Trail lets it reach beyond that. (Rendle)
Place in the 1990 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 190
#89 Suede - Coming Up (1996)
Score: 1388 points
Biggest fans: Twister (#13), Tim (#14), Honorio (#23)
Comments: Brett Anderson overcame the challenge of the difficult third album and the desertion of Bernard Butler. But sadly it was his last great album. (Honorio)
Place in the 1996 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 265
#88 Travis - The Man Who (1999)
Score: 1389 points
Biggest fans: Tim (# , Howlin' Andrew (#17), Paul manusama (#1
Comments: None
Place in the 1999 poll: 7
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 116
#87 Bonnie "Prince" Billy - I See a Darkness (1999)
Score: 1410 points
Biggest fans: EdAmes (#1 , Henrik (#22), Paul Manusama (#23)
Comments: None
Place in the 1999 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 59
#86 Soundgarden - Superunknown (1994)
Score: 1420 points
Biggest fans: pop elton (#9), Chris (#13), Rocky Raccoon (#22)
Comments: I try my best to ignore this album but it really is good. “My Wave”, “Limo Wreck”, and “The Day I Tried To Live” all show hard-grunge at its best. (Rendle)
Place in the 1994 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 128
#85 Wilco - Being There (1996)
Score: 1429 points
Biggest fans: DrDre (#7), Howlin' Andrew and Paul Manusama (#19)
Comments: Wilco decide to start getting experimental with their folk roots, leading to the genre that they one day would capitolize on. (Rendle)
Still their best album. Rootsy Americana, somewhat rough diamond. (DrDre)
Place in the 1996 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 126
#84 Blur - 13 (1999)
Score: 1434 points
Biggest fans: Twister (#4), Chris (#5), LonesomePanda and Slush (#1
Place in the 1999 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 155
#83 Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of… (199
Score: 1443 points
Biggest fans: Howlin' Andrew (#3), Honorio (#5), rendler (#11)
Comments: Yes, I know, “CrazySexyCool”, “Brown Sugar” and “Baduizm” were before, but it was Lauryn who brought the R&B to both the creativity pinnacle and the Grammys. But, contrary to posterior R&B divas, she didn’t need any producer or a rapper behind, she was able to rap, sing, write and produce her material. And brilliantly. (Honorio)
Place in the 1998 poll: 7
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 18
#82 Eminem - The Slim Shady LP (1999)
Score: 1452 points
Biggest fans: Nicolas (#4), Twister (#10), Howlin' Andrew (#1
Comments: None
Place in the 1999 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 79
#81 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Good Son (1990)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Still don't really see any big shock early exits. Blur are certainly a bit of a talking point over the two lists - I for one am disappointed by their low placings.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
At the beginning I will also follow the football Euro 2008 draw. I'm a bit dissapointed alredy. Tool, RATM, Soundgarden, Check your head alredy out. It won't be a ROCK list. Probably I have a negative correlation w/ the final list.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
For most of the way yesterday, I managed to listen to a lot of the tracks as we went long (skipping ones I don't own + a few others). That'll be hard to do with entire albums, but just for starters I dug out my vinyl copy of Pills 'n' thrills. This looks like one enjoyable sunday.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
#80 Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters (1995)
Score: 1454 points
Biggest fans: SuperFurry (#6), Toni (#11), LonesomePanda (#13)
Comments: It’s very good for a post-grunge album, ya gotta give it that. (Rendle)
Can't put it over Nevermind of course… but good grief might be one of the best "grunge" song ever (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1995 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 169
#79 Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes (1992)
Score: 1459 points
Biggest fans: Tim (#2), John (#14), Twister (#19)
Comments: None
Place in the 1992 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 88
#78 Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go (1996)
Score: 1466 points
Biggest fans: Johan (#1), SuperFurry (#7), Fred (#9)
Comments: None
Place in the 1996 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 84
#77 Beck - Midnite Vultures (1999)
Score: 1486 points
Biggest fans: tremolo, Schwah and Toni (#14)
Comments: One of those albums that fades in my estimation until I re-listen to it. I think because it pales in comparison to Odelay, Mutations, and Sea Change. However the tracks are really quite good. The problem is the joke wears thin over an entire album (but at the end, with "Debra," becomes funny again). (Schwah)
Place in the 1999 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 109
#76 Spiritualized - Lazer Guided Melodies (1992)
Score: 1486 points
Biggest fans: SuperFurry (#4), EdAmes and otisredding (#10)
Comments: None
Place in the 1992 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 192
#75 Suede - Suede (1993)
Score: 1493 points
Biggest fans: Rocky Raccoon (#12), Fred (#17), Johan (#1
Comments: None
Place in the 1993 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 83
#74 Neil Young - Ragged Glory (1990)
Score: 1508 points
Biggest fans: Miguel (#13), Greg, Nicolas and Rocky Raccoon (#1
Comments: A renewed Young made the first great grunge album (before “Nevermind” and “Ten” doing his usual album with Crazy Horse. But louder and dirtier. (Honorio)
Place in the 1990 poll: 7
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 85
#73 Sonic Youth - Dirty (1992)
Score: 1511 points
Biggest fans: Jonah (#6), Torsten (#10), Johan (#14)
Comments: For some reason I never warmed to Goo the same way I have to Dirty. I think it was because I was force fed Goo by a college roommate -- an important event in my musical education that woke me up from my blinding fixation on classic rock through high school. But I still resisted it as too much noise. Then when Dirty came out, I got it. I began to get the fun in it -- to hear the melody's relationship with the dissonance, rather than viewing them as antagonizing elements. Pavement soon followed. While Nirvana and Pearl Jam were blowing up for other kids my age, these were the landmarks for me. (Schwah)
Place in the 1992 poll: 5
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 134
#72 Sugar - Copper Blue (1992)
Score: 1514 points
Biggest fans: Fred (#1), EdAmes (# , Harold Wexler (#20)
Comments: None
Place in the 1992 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 118
#71 Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club (1997)
Score: 1514 points
Biggest fans: Miguel (#2), otisredding (# , Henrik (#17)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I don't except "classic" Hip Hop in high ranks, nevertheless. Someone already said that the omission of A Tribe Called Quest and Gag Starr is ashaming for us.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I'd like to celebrate this round by putting Copper Blue on - but strangely, I only own it as a cassette tape, and the player broke down. Talk about technology catching you with your pants down. So it'll be Amos, Beck or Young, I guess ...
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I like the comment by Schwah on "Dirty". Seems like we have the same musical education We will see how far "Goo" will go, what I think of Sonic Youths creative peak.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
#70 The Verve - Urban Hymns (1997)
Score: 1515 points
Biggest fans: Neoptolemos (#4), DrDre (#6), Chris (#11)
Comments: “Bittersweet Symphony” starts off this bittersweet album. It has highs and lows like everything else. (Rendle)
In the shadows of OK Computer. First album half is top of the bill, second half is just great. (DrDre)
way overrated (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1997 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 32
#69 Moby - Play (1999)
Score: 1518 points
Biggest fans: Neoptolemos (#3), Henrik and Michel (#
Comments: None
Place in the 1999 poll: 5
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 34
#68 Tom Waits - Bone Machine (1992)
Score: 1521 points
Biggest fans: Nicolas (#3), Greg (#5), tremolo (#9)
Comments: Far from accommodating with age, Tom Waits approach was even more radical than before, with his hoarse voice coming straight from hell. (Honorio)
Biggest fans: Paul Manusama (#1), Slush (#2), Vgrd (#
Comments: None
Place in the 1994 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 76
#65 Sonic Youth - Goo (1990)
Score: 1528 points
Biggest fans: Torsten (#2), Nicolas (#6), Johan (#15)
Comments: None
Place in the 1990 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 92
#64 Pixies - Bossanova (1990)
Score: 1534 points
Biggest fans: John and Toni (#10), Fred (#13)
Comments: Pixies avoided in the third album the quiet-loud-quiet structures replacing it with a delicate guitar work and a weird sci-fi imagery. (Honorio)
I love Pixies, and this one shows again the capacity of making hermectic songs hidding layers and layers of inspired melodies and harmonies that they had developed in the 80s. (Toni)
Place in the 1990 poll: 4
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 129
#63 Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty (199
Score: 1535 points
Biggest fans: LonesomePanda (#5), Torsten (#7), Michel (#12)
Comments: Ill communication might have been in my top 3, but this one is nearly as eclectic, mad and inventive (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1998 poll: 9
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 148
#62 Depeche Mode - Violator (1990)
Score: 1537 points
Biggest fans: Henrik (#3), Honorio (#11), Chris (#17)
Comments: The masters of 80s techno pop stepped with confidence into the 90s, delivering the first electronica masterpiece of the decade. (Honorio)
Place in the 1990 poll: 2
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 100
#61 Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (1994)
Score: 1547 points
Biggest fans: Jonah (#5), rendler (#6), Chris (#15)
Comments: I really do not like “Closer”. The rest of the album is really good though. I like the original version of “Hurt” better than Johnny Cash’s cover. (Rendle)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Well, of those 10 I only own The Downward Spiral and Bone Machine (it's not that I dislike The Verve, just coincidence, I guess). I'll be putting on Waits -- and vice versa (that's an obscenely dated joke, right?)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I haven't heard NAS for years, look forward to do this next year Have very an astonishing matur album in mind, but here it seems for some to THE best Hip-Hop, will chekck this
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
well, I'm busy today. The wife and my newborn son are back home from the maternity hospital.
Well, I saw some of my favorites already (Tom Waits, Eminem) but I knew they would be at the end of the list
This forum and especially this poll are very indie/college rock/britpop-oriented, and I know Tom Waits isn't exactly a consensus.
I'd be surprised if OK Computer wouldn't win. Even I put it at nb 2
Comments: Well, I only have listened to this one once, guess it could win a few steps on my list with other listening. (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1998 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 143
#57 Pavement - Wowee Zowee (1995)
Score: 1562 points
Biggest fans: Torsten (#1), Michel (#2), Dumbangel (#9)
Comments: None
Place in the 1995 poll: 10
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 320
#56 Weezer - Weezer (The Blue Album) (1994)
Score: 1563 points
Biggest fans: Paul Manusama (#4), Slush (#7), Schwah and Johan (#10)
Comments: Well, it’s not Pinkerton, and it kind of sounds dated, or maybe I’e just worn it out. It’s such an odd album, so happy, but it feels like something’s being held back. (Rendle)
Three fantastic singles do not make a great album. So it is delightful when the deeper cuts are strong. A fun, poppy, rock album. (Schwah)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
no !
My god !
are you sure ?
Holland, France and Italy ?
Ok Let's beat the Italians and romanians and qualify !
You probably know Dr Dre that Italians are our football enemies (it was Germany in the 80's now it's Italy)
So I bet on France and Holland
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
The other groups are so easy
We're in the death group
And it could have been worse : Germany was in the same pot as Romania..
I dopn't understand UEFA and why they don't make their pots according to FIFA's ranking
I'm afraid Italy is a favorite
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
OK, deal, nicolas!
Our football enemies of this decade are Portugal: We missed WC2002 partly because of them, and lost against them at both Euro2004 and WC2006. The last one with 16 yellow cards and the match ending 9 against 9 ...
Well, it's gonna be interesting for sure.
Now, back to the music. What would be today's slogan?
Something like: "OK, dummy, nevermind!" or is that a bit too offensive?
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Top 10 is reasonable for Automatic, yeah, but I would be surprised if OK Computer and Nevermind would not form the top 2. Well, yesterday a lot of us were surprised with Pulp as winner, so who knows ...
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Time for some more voting stats.
Here are the pairs of voters with the highest agreement in the album poll.
1. Harold Wexler and Rocky Raccoon 0.57
2. Harold Wexler and John 0.49
3. DrDre and Anthony 0.48
4. Mitchell Stirling and SuperFurry 0.46
5. otisredding and tremolo 0.45
6. Harold Wexler and Greg 0.44
7. Collin and Jonah 0.42
7. Dumbangel and Twister 0.42
7. DrDre and Neoptolemos 0.42
7. Harold Wexler and Midaso 0.42
7. Midaso and Chris 0.42
12. Greg and Rocky Raccoon 0.41
12. Harold Wexler and Chris 0.41
14. DrDre and Dumbangel 0.40
14. Vgrd and tremolo 0.40
14. Anthony and Chris 0.40
Next time, we could just ask Harold to compile the list for all of us.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Well, if all PJ and B&S fans would have voted for the same album I hope they also would have a Top 10 chance. There is a minor problem when there is no consens fav-album among fans. I did not packed all the albums of my beloved musicians in the Top 10, but distributed them a bit.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Thanks, as I recognized now, I borrowed a lot from MightyMadMax, but that’s my computer delay. I also support “Grace”, but feel a bit uncomfortable with cover-albums/songs. By the way, isn’t it unfair that Nirvana-MTV is not out yet?.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Alternatively, here are everybody's "best friend".
Collin - Jonah
Tim - Mo
Greg - Harold Wexler
Jonah - Collin
Twister - Dumbangel
Torsten - Rocky Raccoon and Nicolas
Rocky Raccoon - Harold Wexler
Dr Dre - Anthony
Dumbangel - Twister
EdAmes - tremolo
Vgrd - tremolo
tremolo - otisredding
Neoptolemos - DrDre
Honorio - Henrik
Anthony - DrDre
Harold Wexler - Rocky Raccoon
pop elton - Jonah and rendler
John - Harold Wexler
Howlin' Andrew - Anthony
Midaso - Harold Wexler and Chris
Mo - Harold Wexler
Michel - Schwah
Fred - Mitchell Stirling and Slush
Schwah - Michel
SuperFurry - Mitchell Stirling
Paul Manusama - Collin
Miguel - LonesomePanda
Chris - Midaso
rendler - Midaso
otisredding - tremolo
LonesomePanda - Torsten
Johan - Honorio and Mitchell Stirling
Nicolas - Torsten
Rendle - Chris
Mike Kelly - Greg
Mitchell Stirling - SuperFurry
Slush - Paul Manusama
Toni - SuperFurry
Henrik - Honorio
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Henrik is the statistician, but not to give a formula, a correlation of 0.57 could be interpreted somehow as that one ranking could be derived by the other to a degree of 57%. The remaining 43 % are your absolutly personal taste.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Well, I'm not bothered by covers
I don't mind if "Hallelujah", "Lilac Wine" or "Corpus Christi" are covers, as long as they sound good, and as long as there are also brilliant compositions on that album (like the title track for instance)
Probably because I'm a blues and country fan
in blues, evrey song in a sense is a cover
if the singer adds something from him or herself to the song, it doesn't matter
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
So then, a personal warm hello, Nicola! My child will be born only in March, so I have still time for this fun. Congratulations to you for the newborn and the good music taste.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I have used Pearson's correlation coefficient, and this coefficient can be anything between -1 and 1. If the lists are exactly the same the correlation is 1 and if they are exactly the opposite the correlation is -1.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Concerning covers: No question I really love "Grace", but for such a list it is hard for me, to compare the additional input of a singer and arrangeur with absolutely new songs, style etc.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
#50 The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (1995)
Score: 1599 points
Biggest fans: Greg (#4), pop elton (#5), Anthony (#6)
Comments: Half of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is brilliant, it has material up there with Siamese Dream, but the other half... not so much. Still good though. “Porcelina” and “Thru The Eyes OF Ruby” are epic Pumpkins at their best. (Rendle)
Would really be higher if there was just one disc with the best songs (LonesomePanda)
Place in the 1995 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 42
#49 Lucinda Williams - Car Wheels on a Gravel Road (199
Comments: If you like alternative country and rough voices, Lucinda is your woman. (DrDre)
Place in the 1998 poll: 6
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 37
#48 Weezer - Pinkerton (1996)
Score: 1611 points
Biggest fans: Paul Manusama (#5), Anthony (# , Slush (#14)
Comments: Love has never looked so ugly. (Rendle)
Upping the angst from The Blue Album, but lowering the fun slightly. (Schwah)
Place in the 1996 poll: 4
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 114
#47 PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (1993)
Score: 1624 points
Biggest fans: otisredding (#4), Torsten (#5), tremolo and Schwah (#
Comments: The uncompromising songwriting of PJ Harvey and the “take-no-prisoners” production of Steve Albini created this raw chef d’oeuvre. (Honorio)
A true artist. Not as great as Songs from the City, Songs from the Sea. But rawer, fresher, and more shocking. (Schwah)
Place in the 1993 poll: 5
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 63
#46 The La's - The La's (1990)
Score: 1625 points
Biggest fans: DrDre (#3), Michel (#4), Tim (#10)
Comments: Best britpop album ever! Too bad they only made one. (DrDre)
Place in the 1990 poll: 3
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 94
#45 Tindersticks - Tindersticks (1993)
Score: 1628 points
Biggest fans: Michel (#1), Torsten (#6), EdAmes (#7)
Comments: The style of the Tindersticks debut could be called “nocturnal”, cause the impact of the music is stronger when the shadows around grows darker. (Honorio)
Place in the 1993 poll: 8
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 201
#44 Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (1997)
Score: 1654 points
Biggest fans: Tim (#1), Mitchell Stirling (#3), Vgrd (#7)
Comments: None
Place in the 1997 poll: 2
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 48
#43 Tricky - Maxinquaye (1995)
Score: 1659 points
Biggest fans: otisredding (#7), Collin and Schwah (#9)
Comments: Black Steel is great, but I don't enjoy the remaining songs as much (LonesomePanda)
I remember arguing at the time this came out with a Brit about the relative merits of Tricky, Portishead, and (post-Tricky) Massive Attack. I think I may still be in the minority on this one… Tricky (or at least Maxinquaye) is better. More sex, more tension, more anger. Portishead does have more pain in Beth Gibbons voice, but it's at a remove. An interesting, cinematic remove... but a remove nonetheless. Tricky has a bit too much of the hip-hop bravado about him, but not too much, and not enough to drown out the more important themes in his album. (Schwah)
Place in the 1995 poll: 7
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 15
#42 Pearl Jam - Ten (1991)
Score: 1663 points
Biggest fans: Anthony and Rendle (#1), Chris (#3)
Comments: A nostalgic favorite. (Anthony)
Believe it or not, this is my favorite album of the nineties... hell it’s my favorite album of all time. Even my two favorite bands (The Beatles and Radiohead, respectively) only hold the second and third spots on my all time list (Kid A and Revolver, respectively). Ten is one of those albums where I think to myself why I like it so much. But I guess I just do because I do, it just fits so perfectly together. Grunge was never as dark as “Jeremy”, “Porch”, and “Once” and never as beautiful as “Black”, “Gardens” and “Release”. (Rendle)
Place in the 1991 poll: 7
Acclaimed Music 1990s rank: 26
#41 Björk - Post (1995)
Score: 1667 points
Biggest fans: Schwah (#6), Torsten and Nicolas (#
Comments: Bjork -- who I adore as a voice, a personality, but above all as a musician -- never created an album that matches up to the sum of its parts, somehow. Post and Homogenic came close, though. (Vespertine, I felt, was not as good.) But with parts this good, I shouldn't complain. And of course, in Hyper-Ballad, it has quite possibly the greatest song of the 90's on it. (Schwah)
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
I'm gonna have to leave you guys to it for a while. I hope to be back for the climax. Before I go I would say that I get the impression that that Spiritualized album is hugely underrated here. Probably would've made my top 10.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Thanks Torsten !
And congratulations for the baby and of course for the musical taste (Björk)
Björk is a real discovery for me as well. IT was not my "natural" style of music, but my wife is a fan, she used to listen to "Post" a lot when we met, and when I listened to her albums I really fell in love again (with Björk or Sophie ? both of course...)
For the moments, her 3 first albums are in my all-time top 100
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
3 personal Top 10 albums out in one block. Only 3 remaining
If "Vs" of Pearl Jam would have made it in 1993 it would have get much more point from me than "Ten". Not so important historically, but sounds fresher today imo.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Unhfortunately I can check in only briefly this morning (yes, still morning here), but I was very happy to see that Exile in Guyville (my #2) still hasn't shown up. I was afraid that it was starting to fall in acclaime (maybe because of Liz's career after that brilliant release--though I think some of what followed has been nearly as good, esp. whitechocolatespaceegg).
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Niiiice list so far!
So my highest level of correlation is with you, Henrik. And yours is with me!! The only think I can say is that it is a complete honour for me and… hooray!!!
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
With Björk the same for me, the first 3 all in my Top 100. And that although my girlfriend thinks she is too exalted. The debut I learnt to love only in the hindsight, but if I'm not wrong will score here the best.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Nicolas, I wish your wife had taken part in this poll too, with such a great taste. Please forward my congratulations to her also about your newborn baby!
What would this list look like if our wifes/girlfriends/sisters did it instead?
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
Henrik, speaking strictly for my own household, a female takeover would tilt the balance slightly towards the mainstream. Like, more Springsteen and less PJ Harvey. But would be nice to have both apects participating.
Re: The top 100 albums from the 1990s - the final results, page 1
You're right Henrik, I noticed the nomination list was there, but realised I wouldn't get around to putting a seriously thought-through vote together, so I'm getting the maximum suspense all for free