so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
ok, here we go.. as a tribute to the infinite Velvet Underground vs the Henry case and our last contributor of the previously stated über:obvious, Mr. BillAdama, why don't we just merge all of our common "been there, said that, said that again, and said it another time" comments, so nobody ever has to say them again..
my first ten entries:
10. nicolas doesn't like cold music
9. greg doesn't like Animal Collective
8. nj doesn't like The Arcade Fire
7. schleuse doesn't like The Doors
6. Moonbeam doesn't like The Beatles
5. Jonathon DOES like Wilco (a LOT)
4. schleuse DOES like R.E.M. (and suggests that everybody who doesn't is a Taliban)
3. Moonbeam doesn't like the Beatles
2. listyguy likes everything prior to 1972 and hates the rest
and my
1. Moonbeam cannot stand the fucking Beatles
- GOT IT??
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Good thread idea. I'll add a few
11. Jackson does not like Bob Marley, Simon & Garfunkel, or Bruce Springsteen (except "Thunder Road" and "Born to Run," I might add).
12. Sonofsamiam loves jazz, soul, rap, and pretty much any kind of black music you can think of
13. Romain hates Bob Dylan
14. Moonbeam loves Prince (might be the most obvious one on the whole board)
15. Tim E loves a certain kind of indie pop and absolutely hates the rest of it
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Good thread idea. I'll add a few
bonus cut:
16. but Jackson does like jazzzz (a LOT)
17. Sonofsamiam loves jazz, soul, rap, and pretty much any kind of black music you can think of (as long as there are lots of strings and harps in it)
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
stephan has a crush on kim carnes
john hates songs that are loger than 4:00 mn
romain and nassim can't stand dylan's music
mindrocker can't make a list with less than 250 items including 175 youtube links
no one can beat honorio's decade polls (with the final result coming 6 months after the poll (but hon that's cool)
nj can't make a list with more than 10 % of acclaimed stuff
Andre is back
but we still miss damosuzuki
but not Sinder Velvin
henry is amused because so many AMers are enthralled with the VU
nicolas loves to post demographic threads avery 6 months even if everybody has already done it 10 times
nj found a sort of funny demographic thread
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
I love Arcade Fire. And I love Moonbeam's posts - withouth them this forum would be boring. But you can't seriously have a top 10 of "We Get It" without Moonbeam's dislike for The Suburbs. Examples below...
Overrated Album: Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (likely the overrated album of the decade)
Awww, I was hoping The Age of Adz would place in the top 3, and especially beat the pitiful The Suburbs.
The Suburbs is painfully boring
I'd rather the Grammys (and critics) celebrate something that was truly unique and vibrant rather than a watered-down whimper extended over 64+ minutes. At least when the Grammys recognized the likes of Taylor Swift, etc., a lot of people could see through it. However, this is going to lend credibility (however, churlish that sounds) to both the Grammys and an undeserving album, in my book. Now, The Suburbs will be forever known as the album saw indie break down the mainstream barriers, and I honestly can't think of a worse album from 2010 to have done it.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
like the perfect moment for the ventriloquist to quietly leave the stage..
When you talk in riddles like this, I don't get you. For a moment there I thought you were being offensive about a perfectly innocent comment I posted. Do you mind explaining yourself?
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
i just made fun of myself...
step 1: MB actually likes the previous records of AF, stupid lil nj clearly doesn't
step 2: MB thinks The Suburbs is underwhelming, nj greedily agrees with him
step 3: chat by chat, stupid lil greedy nj proceeds to convince MB that The Suburbs is taah worst album evvvaaaa
you're quoting all of these MB bash posts and not one single bit of mine... and whyyyyyy....?
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
i just made fun of myself...
step 1: MB actually likes the previous records of AF, stupid lil nj clearly doesn't
step 2: MB thinks The Suburbs is underwhelming, nj greedily agrees with him
step 3: chat by chat, stupid lil greedy nj proceeds to convince MB that The Suburbs is taah worst album evvvaaaa
you're quoting all of these MB bash posts and not one single bit of mine... and whyyyyyy....?
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Dan M
i just made fun of myself...
step 1: MB actually likes the previous records of AF, stupid lil nj clearly doesn't
step 2: MB thinks The Suburbs is underwhelming, nj greedily agrees with him
step 3: chat by chat, stupid lil greedy nj proceeds to convince MB that The Suburbs is taah worst album evvvaaaa
you're quoting all of these MB bash posts and not one single bit of mine... and whyyyyyy....?
echoing some pathetic super villain laughter all along the night rite now..
Fair enough. I should really just chill the out. My apologies, nj. Long day + feeling a bit lost in translation with you sometimes.
You're not wrong, though, Dan M.
Here's my review of the album, which I wrote at work once I arrived after hearing it for the first time. Subsequent listens (and conversations!) did make me downgrade my rating, but I really was disappointed by it moreso than any other album I can remember, to the point where it actually has made me question my regard for the first 2 albums.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
another one
find the wrong line (an easy one)
nicolas loves Springsteen
Jonah loves Frank Zappa
sonofsamian loves Coltrane
Nick loves Radiohead
BillAdama loves Hendrix
Midaso loves The Smiths
Stephan loves Bob Dylan
Romain loves Gainsbourg
Snusmumrik loves Pearl Before Swines
Henrik loves Portishead
Petri loves Arcade Fire
Alex D loves Led Zeppelin
Brad loves the Verlaines
Greg loves The Cure
Mindrocker loves Magma
Miguel loves Van Morrison
otisredding loves Otis Redding (no shit man)
Henry loves Pink Floyd
Tim E loves Camera Obscura
nj loves Van Dyke Parks
Jackson loves The Kinks
Dan M loves Jacques Brel
Honorio loves David Bowie
Moonbeam loves Lynyrd Skynyrd
Harold Wexler loves The Beatles
andre loves Wilco
schleuse loves REM
Georgie loves Steely Dan
listyguy loves Queen
nassim loves Elliott Smith
john loves The Beach Boys
Dr Robert loves the Shins
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
another one
find the wrong line (an easy one)
nicolas loves Springsteen
Jonah loves Frank Zappa
sonofsamian loves Coltrane
Nick loves Radiohead
BillAdama loves Hendrix
Midaso loves The Smiths
Stephan loves Bob Dylan
Romain loves Gainsbourg
Snusmumrik loves Pearl Before Swines
Henrik loves Portishead
Petri loves Arcade Fire
Alex D loves Led Zeppelin
Brad loves the Verlaines
Greg loves The Cure
Mindrocker loves Magma
Miguel loves Van Morrison
otisredding loves Otis Redding (no shit man)
Henry loves Pink Floyd
Tim E loves Camera Obscura
nj loves Van Dyke Parks
Jackson loves The Kinks
Dan M loves Jacques Brel
Honorio loves David Bowie
Moonbeam loves Lynyrd Skynyrd
Harold Wexler loves The Beatles
andre loves Wilco
schleuse loves REM
Georgie loves Steely Dan
listyguy loves Queen
nassim loves Elliott Smith
john loves The Beach Boys
Dr Robert loves the Shins
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
but we still miss damosuzuki
And yes, we miss damosuzuki. There's somebody else I miss but I can't remember his username, it's been a couple years.
Jacek and Dumbangel haven't been around much.
Also, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this one yet:
JR really really loves Madonna
Schleuse is the mad scientist
Tim E hates lofi male singers and loves pop
nj becomes a sad puppy when normal music wins out over weird music
Anthony loves artists with 1 album
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
4. schleuse DOES like R.E.M. (and suggests that everybody who doesn't is a Taliban)
No, actually, I would never say that about someone who doesn't like R.E.M. - I have friends whose opinions are otherwise mostly sound who don't like them.
Now, anyone who doesn't like Pixies? Taliban.
nj, thanks for simultaneously confirming my fears that I've become far too easy to peg...but also showing that everyone else is, too. I might move Bread and DeBarge into my top ten artists just to confuse people now.
Oh, and I also miss Anthony, damosuzuki, Paul, and others whose names elude me right now.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Well, I can feel my beard growing and my flight is being diverted to Kandahar...
Seriously, I wouldn't listen to the Pixies everyday or every week, but I recognize they're a great band. They created a very special universe of their own.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Now, anyone who doesn't like Pixies? Taliban.
Well, I can feel my beard growing and my flight is being diverted to Kandahar...
Seriously, I wouldn't listen to the Pixies everyday or every week, but I recognize they're a great band. They created a very special universe of their own.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
another one
What's Harold Wexler gonna do when he finally gets to 3000 ?
At the exact moment I'm gonna reveal the top 30000.
I'm still sitting at 2,998. I had presumed Warm Thoughts would be part of Hip-O Select's next solo Smokey Robinson release, but they've backtracked for his earlier live album Smokin' instead. I assume WT will be issued - undoubtedly as a twofer with Being With You, a bubbling-under album at AM - sometime before the end of 2011. At which point I will resume my search for Rue de Siam.
Sorry, didn't mean to go off-topic on the thread, but since it was brought up I figured I'd update.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Now, anyone who doesn't like Pixies? Taliban.
Well, I can feel my beard growing and my flight is being diverted to Kandahar...
Seriously, I wouldn't listen to the Pixies everyday or every week, but I recognize they're a great band. They created a very special universe of their own.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Rocky Raccoon
Everyone except Dan M and nicolas pretend they understand nj, but nothing she has ever said has made any sense.
That thread would be a "Yeah, thanks, we don't get it" list.
P.S. I think the percentage is more 50/50, but 20 percent of that time she doesn't understand herself.
I decided years ago that nj was keeping Gramscian postmodern critique of capitalist hegemony alive through a ludic praxis of difference. Hey, somebody has to.
Oh, and Rocky, I'll come clean: I'm not really from Texas. I'm from North Dakota, but I needed a state to root for with a better contingent of AM artists. North Dakota only has Peggy Lee.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
another one
What's Harold Wexler gonna do when he finally gets to 3000 ?
At the exact moment I'm gonna reveal the top 30000.
A few more:
-Listyguy has unrooted hate for John Lennon's solo career, but loves the Beatles.
-Moonbeam hates the Beatles
-Biladama love the White Stripes
-Stephan hates the Beatles
-nj has a strange sarcastic sense of humor i'm yet to figure out
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Wonderful thread!
Although I secretly hope I am not mentioned here because my taste it too complex to pin down (right...), I know I am not mentioned because I haven't been around for too long (bit more than a year) and I haven't participated in an All-time best album poll yet (which I hope will change soon). I guess it's easier for people to nail down my film preferences.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
anyone got anything for me?
dammnnnnn, i wish i could.... but, seriously... your nick is... umm.. just.. Nick. even randomly discarded flower baskets next to a sicillian wedding provide more bull's eye..
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
anyone got anything for me?
dammnnnnn, i wish i could.... but, seriously... your nick is... umm.. just.. Nick. even randomly discarded flower baskets next to a sicillian wedding provide more bull's eye..
I'll take this to mean that my taste in music cannot be summarized in a simple sentence, and this I will take in stride.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Which one did Schleuse run again?
Ones. AM Survivor, Bracketology, and of course the Hall of Acclaim.
And two of the three have been redone because they were such great ideas. (And the results were much different for both)
Hall of Acclaim was arguably the greatest though, and the ridiculously high standard schleuse set with his attention to detail, as well as the amount of time he put int it, are probably part of the reason that it hasn't been redone.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Which one did Schleuse run again?
Ones. AM Survivor, Bracketology, and of course the Hall of Acclaim.
And two of the three have been redone because they were such great ideas. (And the results were much different for both)
Hall of Acclaim was arguably the greatest though, and the ridiculously high standard schleuse set with his attention to detail, as well as the amount of time he put int it, are probably part of the reason that it hasn't been redone.
Thanks. The Hall of Acclaim was my favorite, too--even though (or maybe because) it took the largest amount of bookkeeping. I also have very fond memories of bracketology, which was sprung on an unsuspecting Forum almost exactly five years ago.
I look back on those with some amazement at how well they went, and a very large part of that comes from the massive collective musical knowledge of the people who played along.
I haven't really had an idea that revved me up into full mad scientist mode since the HOA, and anyway, I no longer have that kinda time. But sometimes I wonder...I've never really done anything with the album list...
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Oh, and in my previous post, I was remiss in not giving props to Matt Schroeder and listyguy for reviving bracketology and Survivor, respectively.
I should apologize to listyguy for not getting involved in Survivor II. I still have very ambivalent feelings about the original. But I see it's still going on...maybe I'll check out that thread.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
I haven't really had an idea that revved me up into full mad scientist mode since the HOA, and anyway, I no longer have that kinda time. But sometimes I wonder...I've never really done anything with the album list...
Not even enough time to make the votes for the 2010 HOA alumni ? (I'm not sure we have done 2009 either)
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
Alex D
BillAdama and Stephan like games.
Yeah, but schleuse is the best at creating them.
I think this comment was unfair. Schleuse definitely deserves all the praise he can get, but BillAdama's moderately acclaimed game is just as great if you ask me, and there are many other great games I have taken part in through the years. Thanks everyone!
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
-Nick's lists are coincidentally (and unwittingly) all equal to the ones in AM rank.
-John loves the "bridge" Beatles.
-Daniel really loves Christian rock.
And talking about missing people: where has been Slush?
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
-Nick's lists are coincidentally (and unwittingly) all equal to the ones in AM rank.
hahahaha, this is true (somewhat). After one of the polls, somebody went along and calculated whose rankings were the most similar to the AM rank and the closest to the average of the AM voters in the poll. I won both. It's not that I have a obsession to agree with critics though, there's many songs/albums I feel need much, much more acclaim (Summerteeth!!!) and many albums that really leave me scratching my head as to why they're acclaimed. However, with 5 of my top 10 albums in the AM top 10 albums, and 6 of my top 10 artists in the AM top 10 artists, it's fair to say my taste is the closest to the AM lists. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
Re: so be it... the ultimate AMF "Yeah, thanks, we get it" list
I haven't really had an idea that revved me up into full mad scientist mode since the HOA, and anyway, I no longer have that kinda time. But sometimes I wonder...I've never really done anything with the album list...
Not even enough time to make the votes for the 2010 HOA alumni ? (I'm not sure we have done 2009 either)
Wow...thanks for reminding me, Nassim.
I'd be happy to take three weeks to run the 2009, 2010 and 2011 elections. However, I can't do it yet, since the acclaimed song list only goes up through 2007. Next site update, I promise (and remind me if I forget!).
Fun thread- we all have our mega-likes (or dislikes in some cases), don't we?
Of course, we all can make our top or hate (of acclaimed artists)
My top untouchable:
- Prince
- Gainsbourg
- Bowie
- Brassens
My hate :
- Dylan
- Springsteen
- Van Morrisson
Of course, we all can make our top or hate (of acclaimed artists)
My top untouchable:
- Prince
- Gainsbourg
- Bowie
- Brassens
My hate :
- Dylan
- Springsteen
- Van Morrisson
Cream of the crop, although I don't necessarily like all of their albums (and sadly they're all a predictable choice, but I really don't care):
The Beatles
Bob Dylan
Charles Mingus
Not so much "artists I hate"; more like "artists whose acclaim I get but just can't get into":
Led Zeppelin
Marvin Gaye (I love some of his singles though... just not his albums)
Pink Floyd
Let's join in. Limiting myself to the top 200 most acclaimed artists:
1. Bob Dylan
2. The Rolling Stones
3. Bruce Springsteen
4. The Who
5. Neil Young
996. Radiohead
997. Chic
998. Hüsker Dü
999. Nirvana
1000. John Lennon
I used the #1000 to indicate they're really near the bottom of my artist list, but I see now that 196-200 would probably have been better since I limited myself to the top 200 on AM. Actual rankings of those five artists would be more like 400, 1000, 1000, 2000 and 3000. Probably.
1. The Cure
2. Kraftwerk
3. Depeche Mode
4. The Beatles
5. Björk
6. Bob Marley
7. Prince
8. Massive Attack
9. David Bowie
10. Radiohead
Each of the artists below also have their moments, but it's rare that I want to listen to them.
191. Jay-Z
192. Randy Newman
193. Thelonious Monk
194. Aerosmith
195. Grateful Dead
196. N.W.A
197. Eric B.& Rakim
198. Rod Stewart
199. Derek & The Dominos
200. Hüsker Dü
Maybe we can make a new thread with top 10 (or 5 or 3) and bottom 10 for each of us for knowing who is the most acclaimed and most hated artists in AM forum.
With al the statistician here, maybe it's simple to make a rule for this ?
"..sooner or later, AMers can't resist to spam threads with their ego quantities (that's personal rankings for those who still speak Huttese .. and thanks, we get it, folks. have a nice soul stevening)"
"..sooner or later, AMers can't resist to spam threads with their ego quantities (that's personal rankings for those who still speak Huttese .. and thanks, we get it, folks. have a nice soul stevening)"
Once again, nj is incomprehensible by me...but one day...I understand his words !