I’ve been away from this forum these past months, so I don’t really know if there are newcomers.
If you haven’t done so before (or if you feel like doing it again) please tell us a little more about yourself than if you have heard the new TV On the Radio album, or if you prefer New Kids On The Block (or John Mayer) to Radiohead (as I’m sure you all do), or what’s your 17th favourite record of 1987..
For example : your age (or DOB), country/town of residence (and/or of origin), occupation, hobbies, if you play an instrument, where and what you studied, if you’re married, have grand grand children, etc…
I’ve added links to the previous demographic threads below.
A good idea would be to make a sort of book/directory of AMers , but I don’t know how.
Another/related idea would be a Facebook group (secret or closed group). Tell me if it suits you, I know most of you guys are on FB, so if you’re interested, creating an Acclaimedmusic FB group could be great.
Thanks in advance for your comments, we’re a big family here (as I’m afraid that now some of you could be my sons)
There already is a facebook group ! And you are one of its 66 members nicolas
Looks like it needs to be upgraded to new groups formats though.
OK, I've done it before but let's do another (longer) one for the people who don't know me.
My name is Nassim, I'm 26, half French, half Tunisian (that's where my first name comes from) and single, I have been living in Paris for the past 4 years but have been raised in Amiens, a city a hundred kms North of Paris, with the most beautiful cathedral in France.
I've been coming on AM for at least the past 5 years since I was already a regular visitor when the 90s poll started, though I was then known as Lonesome Panda. Even if most of my friends consider me a fount of knowledge in music, reading the discussions here ensure that I stay humble on that matter ; I'm still impressed by the depth of music knowledge showcased by some of you (I won't cite them all, not to make jealous by forgetting someone, but I name a dozen of you I find impressive without much efforts)
I work for Pepsico, on the supply chain department, for Nuts and Cereals market. I am looking for a job in Supply Chain or Production (I'm a graduated engineer in both) in an English-speaking country so if you hear about any job opportunity, don't hesitate to let me know ! Northern Europe could be a fine alternative.
I write critics on indiepoprock even though I don't have the inspiration for more than about one critic a month.
Except music, I love movies, though my knownledge of it seems rather limited to the 00s (I'm starting to correct that but it takes lots of time), I used to read a lot but I've been struggling to find books that grab my attention on the past years.
I used to read a lot of comics too, mostly Marvel. I still try to follow the main cross-overs but not much the regular publications.
I play video-games, less than in my teens but I still like it a lot ; I also enjoy some TV shows, Community and Dexter being my favorites currently on air.
I also like running (quite a recent discover), tennis, drums, losing time in the internet (memebase, oatmeal, smbc, AM...), Pandas... and have good basic knownledge in my teenage centers of interest like astronomy, mythology, dinosaurs and sea mammals.
I think I've posted a couple of lines about myself in a previous thread, but I'll expand a little. Real name: Daniel Meyer. I was born and raised in South Africa but I've been living in the UK for over 10 years now, mostly in London.
I've recently moved to Glasgow in Scotland and work at the Glasgow Film Theatre, where I'm part of the team that organise the annual Glasgow Film Festival.
I've been keeping an eye on this forum for ages now, but I haven't participated in many polls, reason being that my knowledge of pre-90s music used to be atrocious. But over the past year or so I've changed that, thanks mostly to the informative lists you guys have been posting in past polls.
In my free time, if I'm not discovering new music or spending time with friends, I'm watching films or reading non-fiction books about cosmology or evolutionary biology or other (geeky) popular science topics.
I play the piano, but only as a hobby. I've been in a lebenspartnerschaft / civil partnership / same-sex marriage with a German man for the past five years, but my German is not nearly as good as it should be. I don't have any children and although I can see on a daily basis how children enrich people's lives, I'm more than happy to keep spending my free time doing what I actually want to be doing.
I'm not on Facebook at the moment because I have slightly ridiculous privacy issues, but my friends keep nagging me to join, so I might sign up soon. It would be nice be part of an AM group on Facebook. I love this forum and the people on here are great.