Vote for your winners, results posted tomorrow:
#1 Pearl Jam vs. #4 Franz Ferdinand
#3 Jay-Z vs. #2 Wilco
#1 Blur vs. #4 Weezer
#3 Coldplay vs. #6 Vampire Weekend vs. #2 Pavement
#1 Bjork vs. #4 Gorillaz
#3 The Strokes vs. #2 The Smashing Pumpkins
#1 OutKast vs. #5 Foo Fighters
#11 The Notorious B.I.G. vs. #2 LCD Soundsystem
Pearl Jam | Looking forward to the PJ20 concert here over Labor Day Weekend. So far The Strokes, Queens of the Stone Age and Mudhoney are also on the bill...
Jay-Z | Not a huge fan of either, both are better served in small doses...
Blur | Weezer's past few efforts have really tainted the overall image of this band. It is kind of like that ex-girlfriend who used to be really hot that let herself go a bit...
Vampire Weekend | Difficult decision in a decent 3-way...
Gorillaz |
The Strokes | Is it me or are The Pumpkins not aging well???
OutKast | I hate voting aginst Foo, but in this case I kind of have to...
LCD Soundsystem | Never really got into Biggie, I count 5 artists I did not vote for today that I would have taken over LCD...
#1 Pearl Jam
#2 Wilco : tough call, but I'll go with YHF beats the Blueprint
#1 Blur
#6 Vampire Weekend
#4 Gorillaz
#2 The Smashing Pumpkins
#1 OutKast vs. #5 Foo Fighters
#2 LCD Soundsystem
Today's songs on my all-time top 100 (quite a lot) :
Outkast - B.O.B (#4)
LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends (#10)
Foo Fighters - Hey, Johnny Park (top 50)
Pavement - Filmore Jive (top 50)
Gorillaz - El Mañana (top 50)
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great
Outkast - Ms Jackson
The Strokes - Reptilia
Foo Fighters - Good Grief
Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Wilco - Radio Cure
Weezer - El Scorcho
Alive, Tonight Tonight, Everlong and I Am Trying to Break Your Heart might be in it too, not far anyway.
#1 Pearl Jam
#2 Wilco
#1 Blur
#6 Vampire Weekend (one of the toughest votes ever, between all three of them)
#1 Bjork
#2 The Smashing Pumpkins
#1 OutKast
#2 LCD Soundsystem
#4 Franz Ferdinand
#2 Wilco
#1 Blur
#2 Pavement
#4 Gorillaz SOOOO hard, two of my three best artist of the decade.
#3 The Strokes
#2 LCD Soundsystem
#4 Franz Ferdinand
#3 Jay-Z - Not a question. I'm sorry, but Wilco is a very average band to me.
#1 Blur - Tough call. Weezer's first two albums are more consistently good than any of Blur's. But Blur has more range, and never fell off even close to the way Weezer did.
#2 Pavement
#1 Bjork
#3 The Strokes
#1 OutKast
#2 LCD Soundsystem
#1 Pearl Jam (geez what a weak matchup)
#3 Jay-Z
#1 Blur
#2 Pavement
#1 Bjork
#2 The Smashing Pumpkins (more good songs in totality)
#1 OutKast
#11 The Notorious B.I.G.
PEARL JAM. Holding my nose, yes, but FF, although I enjoy them, are something of a flavor of the month. PJ is a bit more than that. A bit.
WILCO. A tough matchup, but I saw them in concert last week. I would have taken them over Jay-Z anyway, but that sealed the deal.
BLUR. Looks like they’re carrying AM, which they’ll probably need to beat Weezer. And actually, I think they have two or three albums better than Weezer’s first.
BJÖRK. Hate to vote against Gorillaz, but I figure I’m covered since I’m voting for Damon’s original band today.
SMASHING PUMPKINS. Changed my mind at the last minute on this one, when I decided Siamese Dream > Is This It.
#1 Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam is a good band, and I think they get unfair backlash from the hype they got at the beginning.
#2 Wilco
#1 Blur
#2 Pavement
Close match. All three good.
#1 Bjork
I can't get enough Bjork, and her poppy eccentricity.
#2 The Smashing Pumpkins
#1 OutKast
#2 LCD Soundsystem
I really hope Biggy doesn't win through 'Haven't heard LCD Soundsystem' votes. He's one of the posterchildren of "I have lots of guns and money and women and am therefore awesome" rap.
I really hope Biggy doesn't win through 'Haven't heard LCD Soundsystem' votes. He's one of the posterchildren of "I have lots of guns and money and women and am therefore awesome" rap.
#1 Pearl Jam (Good matchup of what are middle seeds in my estimation)
#2 Wilco (I think the Blueprint is a little overrated)
Don't care (Either advancing is fine with me, although there are some losers today I would take over either)
#2 Pavement (As much as I like Vampire Weekend, they just haven't built up the catalog to compete yet)
#1 Bjork (Surprisingly not a tough choice)
#2 The Smashing Pumpkins (I'll go with the Siamese Dream > Is This It reasoning, too. Although by a hair)
#1 OutKast (Foo Fighters are consistently good, but rarely great)
#2 LCD Soundsystem (I wanted to go with the Cinderella #11 seed, but I have to admit I like LCD marginally better)
I really hope Biggy doesn't win through 'Haven't heard LCD Soundsystem' votes. He's one of the posterchildren of "I have lots of guns and money and women and am therefore awesome" rap.
we get it, billadama, we really do
Look, I'm just trying to discuss the competition. Personal attacks are uncalled for.
Excuse me for wanting less exposed acts to have a fair chance.
I really hope Biggy doesn't win through 'Haven't heard LCD Soundsystem' votes. He's one of the posterchildren of "I have lots of guns and money and women and am therefore awesome" rap.
we get it, billadama, we really do
Two out of three is pretty awesome.
P.S. Don't really think it was a "personal" attack. Or even an "attack" for that matter.
I really hope Biggy doesn't win through 'Haven't heard LCD Soundsystem' votes. He's one of the posterchildren of "I have lots of guns and money and women and am therefore awesome" rap.
we get it, billadama, we really do
Look, I'm just trying to discuss the competition. Personal attacks are uncalled for.
Excuse me for wanting less exposed acts to have a fair chance.
Right now LCD Soundsystem is up 7 (though e-mail has Biggy 8-4 with probably only 2 or 3 people left to vote)... Your scenario is not going to unfold...
Pearl Jam
Wilco (If Jay-Z wins, I will hunt down the email voters)
Pavement (Ditto the Jay-Z Comment, but this time apply it to coldplay)
I've seen the "we get it" line before as well. It can be effective as it encourages one to consider lightening up on a particular topic. For me it was my difficulty enjoying VU. Hopefully, I won't "drone" on about VU so much in the future.
It's 90s vs. 00s for the most part. 00s own the 90s for me.
#4 Franz Ferdinand: Easiest choice in a day full of easy choices. I really don't like Pearl Jam, and despite the backlash, I still love Franz Ferdinand, although some of my favorite tracks have changed around (e.g. I now really prefer "Walk Away" to "Do You Want To?" from the 2nd album.)
#1 Blur: How cruel it is that I advance Blur but don't get to advance the far superior Gorillaz.
#2 Pavement: Strictly an anti-Coldplay vote.
#1 Bjork: Björk is a top-5 artist for me. Gorillaz are near the top 30, but that's not enough in this matchup.
#3 The Strokes: I get that The Smashing Pumpkins are talented, but I just don't like most of their stuff. Meanwhile, The Strokes are a heck of a lot of fun. Cheap fun, yes, but fun nonetheless!
#1 OutKast: OutKast probably shouldn't be a #1 seed, but they run circles around Foo Fighters.
#2 LCD Soundsystem: I like some Biggie stuff, but LCD Soundsystem was my biggest surprise of the 00s.
1 Pavement vote from the e-mailers? Out of 15? I'm not saying it's entirely unjustified to prefer Coldplay to Pavement (although it probably is). I actually like Coldplay better than a number of people here on AM. But just 1 vote?
You know the demographics among the e-mailers better Slick. Is it that they're likely never to have heard Pavement, or just far more mainstream in their tastes?
1 Pavement vote from the e-mailers? Out of 15? I'm not saying it's entirely unjustified to prefer Coldplay to Pavement (although it probably is). I actually like Coldplay better than a number of people here on AM. But just 1 vote?
You know the demographics among the e-mailers better Slick. Is it that they're likely never to have heard Pavement, or just far more mainstream in their tastes?
Most of the e-mail voters are between 35-40. A number of them were in college radio with me in the early '90's, are people with music collections in the thousands that enjoy multiple genres, or are just music geeks like myself.
There are a few people who decided to join when I opened up an invite among people I knew that would not fit in with the AM point of view, but out of the 17 or 18 e-mail voters only 5 I know of fit this popularity point of view
I actually counted four Vampire Weekend votes here at AM. How accurate are these tallies? Could make a big difference in a close vote.
The original tallies are right Pavement 16 (42.1%) / Coldplay 15 (39.5%) / Vampire Weekend 7 (18.4%)... I was trying to keep track with red and black pens so I can differentiate and that 2 should be a 4.