Last month, on April 23, marked the 40th anniversary of the Rolling Stone's "Sticky Fingers" album, my personal favorite of theirs. In honor, I decided to rank the tracks on the album and add a little comentary.
1. "Can't You Hear Me Knocking"
I don't know what's not to love about this song. The guitar/sax solo to close out the song really works well.
2. "Brown Sugar"
The classic from the album, and a great guitar cut as well. It also raised skepticism back in 1971 for it's line "Just like a black girl should"
3. "Bitch"
Some more guitar, brass fussion that works so well.
4. "Wild Horses"
The best of the country cuts on the album. Had I posted this last week, the song would be at least one spot lower, if not more.
5. "Sway"
All of these top five are brilliant all around.
6. "Moonlight Mile"
A very deep lyric.
7. "Sister Morphine"
There are only a few things the Stones know better than drugs.
8. "I Got the Blues"
9. "Dead Flowers"
10. "You Gotta Move"
I'm not gonna lie, I really hate that one.
Funny you should post this today, because yesterday was Exile's 39th birthday which was duly celebrated by me and some of my friends here. My personal favorite is Beggars Banquet though.
"Moonlight Mile" and "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" are definitely the standouts here. Like all Rolling Stones albums though, there's multiple tracks that do absolutely nothing for me ("I Got the Blues" and "Sister Morphine," to name two).
For me, "Sticky Fingers" has always stood as the Rolling Stones top album track for track.
If I was going to rank the tracks: I'd go:
10) You Gotta Move- the only dud on the album
09) Bitch
08) Can't you Hear Me Knocking
07) Sister Morphine
06) Dead Flowers
05) Sway
04) I Got the Blues
03) Brown Sugar
02) Moonlight Mile
01) Wild Horses
You know, I still don't get why this is ranked so high. I just...don't get the Rolling Stones. The only album I think is good of theirs is Let it Bleed.
My ranking of the songs would be something like this:
10) You Gotta Move
09) Dead Flowers
08) Bitch
07) I Got the Blues
06) Sister Morphine
05) Sway
04) Moonlight Mile
03) Brown Sugar
02) Wild Horses
01) Can't You Hear My Knocking
Best Rolling Stones album hands down. It tones that greasy blues sound down enough where I can really get into the music. Even the rockers are pretty pop oriented with blues influences instead of the other way around. Maybe country/folk oriented is a better description.
01) Dead Flowers
02) Sister Morphine
03) Wild Horses
04) Moonlight Mile
05) Brown Sugar
06) I Got the Blues
07) Can't You Hear My Knocking
08) Sway
09) Bitch
10) You Gotta Move