Vote for your winners, results posted on Monday:
#1 Radiohead vs. #5 Daft Punk
#3 PJ Harvey vs. #7 The Verve
#1 Arcade Fire vs. #4 Elliott Smith
#3 Portishead vs. #2 Massive Attack
#1 The White Stripes vs. #5 TV on the Radio
#3 Kanye West vs. #2 Beck
#1 Oasis vs. #4 M.I.A
#3 Queens of the Stone Age vs. #2 Eminem
Radiohead | Perhaps the easiest choice of the day. and I really do like Daft Punk...
The Verve | Comes down to who I would rather listen to...
Arcade Fire | Okay, I take back my Radiohead comment, this is the easiest choice of the day...
Portishead | agonizing vote...
White Stripes |
Kanye | This could be one of the more interesting votes in the 3rd round...
Oasis | I almost voted against them giving my ever growing disdain for "Wonderwall" & "Champagne Supernova" and huge admiration for M.I.A., but Oasis has so many great songs for me to ignore...
#1 Radiohead
#3 PJ Harvey
#4 Elliott Smith
#2 Massive Attack
#5 TV on the Radio
#3 Kanye West (that was tough, but Beck has really tailed off lately)
#4 M.I.A
#3 Queens of the Stone Age
#1 Radiohead - I think Discovery may be better than any Radiohead album, but Radiohead has a far more substantial discography.
#3 PJ Harvey - Blow out of the day.
#1 Arcade Fire - Tightest call of the day. Each has two albums that I think are fantastic. But Arcade Fire's third best (Neon Bible) beats Smith's third best (Either/Or). Of course I also have to consider all of Smith's other albums, but if I factor in preferring Funeral (slightly) to XO, Arcade Fire takes it.
#3 Portishead - To me, this is not close.
#1 The White Stripes - Another very difficult call.
#2 Beck - I'll tell you, as much as I love Beck, I actually did have to confirm that he should be the victor her for a minute. But West, as great as he is, does not have the musical range or the thematic depth that Beck has. West could get there, but he has to get back to more of what he showed on College Dropout.
#4 M.I.A
#2 Eminem - Another tough call. I just listened to for the first time Songs for the Deaf and enjoyed it, probably more than Marshall Mathers LP as a whole. But throw in some of Emiem's other intriguing work, and he jumps ahead.
We start off today with easy choices, and they mostly get harder as we go along.
RADIOHEAD. Daft Punk is brilliant, though.
PJ HARVEY. I like the Verve well enough, just never quite got why so many people put them on a par with (or even above) bands like Blur and Pulp.
PORTISHEAD. These two artists overlap quite a bit, so it’s a pretty apples-to-apples comparison…
THE WHITE STRIPES. Only by a hair; I’m a little surprised at my own choice here.
BECK. Also very close. Give me another year or so to fully process Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and I might go the other way.
M.I.A. Not close. The Gallaghers had one brilliant song (“Live Forever”) which was on a very good album. Besides that, they had a Ms. Ciccone-like knack for publicity.
QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE. I’m really, really warming up to them, mostly on the basis of Songs for the Deaf. But this is another close matchup.
#1 Radiohead
#3 PJ Harvey
#4 Elliott Smith : well, if he has to lose one time or another, I'm fine with him losing against a band who did one of my top 20 albums ever. Still, my ranking would go like this : (Either/Or > Funeral > XO > Elliott Smith > New Moon > The Suburbs > From a Basement on the Hill > Roman Candle > Neon Bible > Figure 8 )
#3 Portishead
#5 TV on the Radio
#3 Kanye West
#1 Oasis
#3 Queens of the Stone Age : tied for fav band ever, I like Eminem but he can't compete. Songs for the Deaf is my fav QOTSA album but they also have to be appreciated for how Rated R and Lullabies to Paralyze are great but very different albums.
#5 Daft Punk (farewell Daft Punk!)
#7 The Verve (Let England Shake made it close, but Voyager 1 seals the deal)
#4 Elliott Smith
#2 Massive Attack
#5 TV on the Radio
#3 Kanye West
#1 Oasis
#2 Eminem
The Verve (sorry PJ, the Verve were among my favorites growing up and I just HAVE to give the edge here, for old times sake)
Arcade Fire
Portishead (not as hard a choice as one would think)
White Stripes (2nd closest matchup next to Verve vs. PJ Harvey)
Queens of the Stone Age (by a hair)
#1 Radiohead (Not one of them)
#3 PJ Harvey (Or this one)
#1 Arcade Fire
#3 Portishead (Six of one, half-dozen of the other, or in this case 6.5 of one ...)
#1 The White Stripes (Two of my favorite acts of the last decade. Tough choice)
#2 Beck (But Kanye is catching up)
#4 M.I.A. (Oasis would have won 15 years ago)
#2 Eminem (Probably closest matchup for me)
Radiohead 83.3% / Daft Punk 16.7%
PJ Harvey 65.7% / The Verve 34.3%
Arcade Fire 63.6% / Elliott Smith 36.4%
Portishead 52.9% / Massive Attack 47.1%
The White Stripes 75% / TV on the Radio 25%
Kanye West 56.8% / Beck 43.2%
Oasis 67.6% / M.I.A. 32.4%
Eminem 61.1% / Queens of the Stone Age 38.9%