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ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson vs. #16 (1007) Ritchie Valens
#8 (495) Snow Patrol vs. #9 (530) Smokey Robinson
#5 (274) Shania Twain vs. #12 (751) Matthew Sweet
#4 (239) Judas Priest vs. #13 (786) Jesus Jones
#3 (146) Garbage vs. #14 (879) Rascal Flatts
#6 (367) BLACKstreet vs. #11 (658) Editors
#7 (402) Ben E. King vs. #10 (623) Lily Allen
#2 (111) Abba vs. #15 (914) Ride

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson
#9 (530) Smokey Robinson
#12 (751) Matthew Sweet
I think he's okay, but that's better than I think of almost any pop-country.

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 Michael Jackson
#9 Smokey Robinson
#12 Matthew Sweet
#4 Judas Priest
#3 Garbage
#6 Blackstreet
#7 Ben E. King

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

Mikey -- Have to send The King Of Pop into the next round...
Snow Patrol -- This is Smokey the solo artist, and besides "Chasing Cars" I really really like Snow Patrol's catalog. Interesting side note, as I was typing this "Spitting Games" came on my iTunes...
Matthew Sweet -- Shania has her place, but Sweet's power/pop is much superior...
Priest -- Hell bent, hell bent for leather...
Garbage -- Rascal Flatts brand of garbage country makes me want to blow chunks upon 5 seconds of hearing it. Very few redheads sexier than Shirley Manson...
Editors -- Not being a huge modern day R&B fan, I kinda dug BLACKstreet back in the 90's and I know Editors sound like every other Joy Division rip off, but I'll take them in this matchup...
Lily Allen -- It seems blasphemous to choose some female pop star over Ben, but something catchy draws me to Lily, I can't explain it. And I hate cheesy female pop stars...
Ride -- Never liked Abba and all of their songs including "Dancing Queen" cannot hold a stick to the magnificant beauty that is "Vapour Trail"...

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson
#9 (530) Smokey Robinson
#12 (751) Matthew Sweet
#4 (239) Judas Priest
#3 (146) Garbage
#11 (658) Editors
#10 (623) Lily Allen
#2 (111) Abba

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

IMPORTANT!!! I’m voting for Snow Patrol because they are up against Smokey for his SOLO career only—NOT for his 60s stuff with the Miracles (which would run rings around SP—and also, we’ve already voted on it).

So keep in mind that if you vote for Smokey, you ain’t voting for “Tears of a Clown” and “The Tracks of My Tears,” you’re voting for “Cruisin’” and “Being with You” (which are still good songs, but just so you know).

/desperate clarification

1. Michael Jackson
8. Snow Patrol
12. Matthew Sweet
4. Judas Priest
3. Garbage (believe it or not, I have seen both Garbage and Rascal Flatts live)
6. Blackstreet
7. Ben E. King


Ritchie Valens (UMT 1007, AM 431).

Shania Twain (UMT 274, AM 781); Garbage (UMT 146, AM 400); Judas Priest (UMT 239, AM 641).

Snow Patrol, Jesus Jones, Rascal Flatts.

Matthew Sweet (UMT 751, AM 799).

This has nothing to do with the tournament, but check out Garbage’s AM profile: they’ve got two albums and four songs in the top 3000…and they’re still only the #400 artist. Strange.

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 Michael Jackson - darn, and I like Ritchie Valens!!
#9 Smokey Robinson
#5 Shania Twain - kind of surprised she's only a 5...
#14 Rascal Flatts
#6 BLACKstreet
#7 Ben E. King - wow, this was a really tough matchup...I imagine Lily Allen will crush Mr. King, so I'll throw him some support...really a toss up though.
#2 ABBA - I've really grown to like ABBA over the years...maybe because I was too young to catch them the first time around.

Today's favorite: ABBA (MJ close 2nd)
Today's favorite I didn't vote for: Ritchie Valens (Lily Allen close 2nd)
Favorite Song from today's bracket: tons of good songs to pick from...I'll go with "Chiquitita" from ABBA

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 Michael Jackson
#9 Smokey Robinson - I like Cruisin'!
#12 Matthew Sweet
#4 Judas Priest - Breaking the law! Breaking the law!
#3 Garbage
#6 BLACKstreet - No Diggity is just such an awesome single. I'll admit to not having head the Editors yet, but I don't care. Teddy Riley and co. win it.
#7 Ben E. King - Get some enjoyment out of Allen, but not like I have gotten from King.
#2 Abba - But this does not mean I don't think they are very overrated.

Favorite this round - Shockingly, given my very mixed feelings about his solo career, I have to give it to Jackson.

Favorit not voted for - Sorry Valens, but I'll give it by a nose to Allen.

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

Matthew Sweet
Judas Priest

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson
#8 (495) Snow Patrol

PASS - I don't know Matthew Sweet,but sounds like if I did,I'd be voting for him...

#4 (239) Judas Priest
#3 (146) Garbage
#11 (658) Editors
#7 (402) Ben E. King
#15 (914) Ride

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

Michael Jackson

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

1. Michael Jackson
8. Snow Patrol
5. Shania Twain
4. Judas Priest
3. Garbage
11. Editors
10. Lily Allen
15. Ride (great underrated bands always beat out guilty pleasures even if the are the Beatles of guilty pleasures)

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson
#8 (495) Snow Patrol (thanks for pointing that out schleuse)
#5 (274) Shania Twain
#4 (239) Judas Priest
#11 (658) Editors
#7 (402) Ben E. King
#2 (111) Abba

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

#1 (18) Michael Jackson
#9 (530) Smokey Robinson
#12 (751) Matthew Sweet
#4 (239) Judas Priest
#3 (146) Garbage
#6 (367) BLACKstreet
#7 (402) Ben E. King
#2 (111) Abba

Re: ULTIMATE Music Tournament:Bracket #63

Winners in #63...
Michael Jackson 96.4% / Ritchie Valens 3.6%
TIE *** Snow Patrol & Smokey Robinson 50% each
Matthew Sweet 53.8% / Shania Twain 46.2%
Judas Priest 92% / Jesus Jones 8%
Garbage 76% / Rascal Flatts 24%
BLACKstreet 53.8% / Editors 46.2%
Ben E. King 68% / Lily Allen 32%
Abba 69.2% / Ride 30.8%