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AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

New year has begun. So it's time to recall what were the favourite albums of 09.
I think we keep the same rules we had when Rocky Raccoon hosted AM Pazz & Jop -poll.
So here are the rules. They are copied from AM Pazz & Jop 2008 thread (some details have been edited).

[edited quote]
Here are the rules:

1) List your 10 favorite albums of the year in order.
By the way do you think 10 albums is enough or should we increase it to 20 albums (and to 150 points)?
2) Give each album a score of anywhere between five and 30 points.
3) The total points given out for your 10 albums can not exceed 100.
4) To be eligible, you must submit at least five albums on your list.
5) For every album you are under 10, you must subtract five points from the total 100 you are allowed to give out. For example, if you list eight albums, then you are only allowed to give out a total of 90 points to those albums.
6) The ballots will be due by Jan. 17, with results to follow shortly thereafter.
7) E-mail your ballot to popelton@gmail.com. I will reply with a confirmation and to let you know if your ballot doesn't add up correctly.
8) Please just list your albums in the body of the e-mail. No Word or Excel attachments, thanks.
9) Now go forth and multiply.
[end of edited quote]

So you have only two weeks time to vote. It's not much but I guess many of us have list already done.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Sent you my list. I don't think we should increase it to 20 albums, 10 makes it easier for personal favorites to rank at least somewhat high, which makes for a more interesting list. Also, beyond 10 I would probably end up only giving 5's because the albums get a lot closer.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

2009 was such a great year, it's going to be pretty hard to pick only 10 albums. 20 would so be much better!

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

I guess 10 is good in my opinion. That's what made the originality of this poll and I'd like to keep it.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

We could do both. People who want to do 20 albums, do it and people who want to do with 10, do it too, but Both of them with 100 points. The only difference is that people who posted 20 posted more, but at the end of the day the points will be the same. I would like to do 20 albums too, since 2009 in my opinion had a lot of great releases, only the big ones: MPP, xx, Bitte Orca, It's Blitz and Amadeus, are already HALF of the top 10, and i'm pretty sure these are the albums we will see a lot! With 20 albums the variety is much bigger.

What i'm saying is:
-we could do both (10 or 20 albums) - total points: 100
-we could do 20 albums - total points: 150.
-we could do 10 albums - while total points: 100.

Last year was great. I guess that 10 albums fit 2008 very well, but not 2009. I agree with HRS is pretty hard to pick only 10, it was a pretty good year. With 20, the variety would be great, the chances of discover undiscovered music from last year would be much bigger. If some people can post less than 10 albums i guess others can post more too. We can subtract too, if we need it.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

I like Joans suggestion (total points 100).
I guess that means albums outside top 10 can have score less than five points (else it means if you vote 20 albums you must give your #1 only 5 points).
So if you vote 10-20 albums you have 100 points. Every album in top 10 must have at least 5 points (max 30 points). Outside top 10 albums can have 1-5 points.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

I liked Petri & Joan's idea. It'd be great to have that option. If you don't like it, just make a top 10 list. But have that option would be great. I would totally do it. I just wanted 20, cause i feel sad for leaving some terrific records out of the pool since only 10 records are allowed, so having them inside the top 20, and give them 1-5 points, like Petri said, would be awesome, some might think that 1 point is way too low, but 1 point might decide a tie, and because of 5 points an album could be left out of the top 10. So it would be great do something like that.

1-10 (place): 5-30 (points)
11-20(place): 1-5 (points)

It would be great!

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

I would prefer 10 albums for the following reasons:

- It's impractical to assign points to 20 albums. If you have one album which is your overwhelming favorite, it's going to really suck points away from the lower-ranked albums on your list, while if you have for example 7-8 albums you think are fairly strong, they're going to cancel each other out and their impact on the overall list is much less.

- Not everyone has listened to a great many records from this year; for them picking 10 is hard and to pick 20 would be out of the question.

- If you give the option to pick "as many as you want" the value of each album varies from list to list as there will be a large fluctuation in the number of points the average album gets.

- It's a lot easier to tally - 10 albums, 100 points, it's simple for both the participants and the moderator.

- We're not submitting our "halfway decent" albums lists - this is the "favorite" albums poll.

Either way I will submit a list.

And by the way, thank you, TPFKAPE (the poster formerly known as pop elton) for running this!

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

It looks like this 20 records thing is only making problems. If you wanna do a list containing 10 albums do it. If you want to do one containing 20 albums do it. I guess what we want is the option of making one, we don't want to force anyone to do it. I'm doing 20, i guess it just fits 2009, a lot of great records released last year, pick 20 is gonna be better than only 10, i don't like the idea of cut someone whose album deserves to be in the list as much as any other inside the top 10. It's our personal picks, it's easy to pick something you love, it's hard to exclude it.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Either way's fine, but I'd rather have gone with 10, because I'd rather hear albums a few people think is really great than ones lots of people think is just good.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Good points everyone.
I'm still with Joan and HRS. I'd also rather see everyones biggest favourites of the year. But if you have heard 100 albums there may be 14 albums you really really enjoy and maybe you like as much your #5 and your #14. So I think it's better to give points to all those big favourites.
If you have only few favourites the easiest way to maximize their chance is to vote for only five albums (then you have 75 points).
I guess most of us will vote for 10 albums but if someone wants to praise more than that let them have that opportunity.
I will release the individual lists after AMF-list. So you can send top 50 list and give points to your top 10-20.
I got first list with more than ten albums last night (it was from Rocky Raccoon). So let's keep the new rules.

And very special thanks to Alex D for giving me new name TPFKAPE.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Good points everyone.
I got first list with more than ten albums last night (it was from Rocky Raccoon). So let's keep the new rules.

That's awesome Petri, i was really starting to think that only you, me & Joan were going to do a list with more than 10 albums. I'm re-listening to some records, so i can ensure that i'm not making any mistake, that everything is in its right place. Soon i'll be sending my list.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Back to top + some guidelines.
When you send your list put the artist or band name first (without the and first name first if solo artist) then some punctuation mark (typhen etc.). After that album title + points. It's not obligatory to put the rank (actually it's easier to copy paste to spreadsheet if there isn't anything before artist name.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Only five days left to vote (after today). I have received only one list after first two days of voting so don't forget to vote.
You can send your list also in facebook. I'm the only Petri in AM-group.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Are we going to do a similar poll for the top songs of 2009?

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Are we going to do a similar poll for the top songs of 2009?

Yes, Alex D will be hosting that. I liked the song poll we had last year (hosted by Andre) so I hope it will be similar in most parts.

Here you can find 2009 (songs) recommendation thread.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

3 days left

I will send you my list in time, just a few more listens

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

i wonder what'll win

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

i wonder what'll win

Kidding, I suppose ?

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Of course he is. Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed A Dream" has got this on a tee. Probably Lady Gaga a close second.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Of course he is. Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed A Dream" has got this on a tee. Probably Lady Gaga a close second.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Of course he is. Susan Boyle's "I Dreamed A Dream" has got this on a tee. Probably Lady Gaga a close second.


Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

About 50 hours left to vote(practically it's closer to 60 hours because I won't check the results in the night). So vote!

I have recieved some lists without points. So I rehearse the rules.

Here are the rules:

1) List your 10-20 favorite albums of the year in order.
2) Give each album in top 10 a score of anywhere between five and 30 points. The positions 11-20 can have a score between 1 and 5 points. You can also send your top 20 (or top anything) and only give points to your top 10.
3) The total points given out for your (10-20) albums can not exceed 100.

4) To be eligible, you must submit at least five albums on your list.
5) For every album you are under 10, you must subtract five points from the total 100 you are allowed to give out. For example, if you list eight albums, then you are only allowed to give out a total of 90 points to those albums.
6) The ballots will be due this sunday, with results to follow shortly thereafter.
7) E-mail your ballot to popelton@gmail.com or to my Facebook mailbox. I will reply with a confirmation and to let you know if your ballot doesn't add up correctly.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

I just have to listen 5 other albums and i'm done. It's funny how i found out a lot of "new favorites" songs because of this poll. I can hardly wait to see the whole poll and other people's picks

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Only 12 hours left to vote.
So far following AMers have sent their lists (with scores).
Alex D, Antonius, BillAdama, Brad, Charlie Driggs, HRS, Joan, John, Jonah, Michael, Miguel, Mindrocker,
Moonbeam, Nassim, nicolas, Petri, Rocky Raccoon, SR,
Stephan and Tim.

So there are many regulars who haven't voted yet. VOTE!

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Will I still be on time if I get mine submitted in 4 hours?

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Yes, you will. You have 5 (or 15, if you want to really cut it close) hours left.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

Just submitted mine. Hope I got it in in time.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009


Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

OK, voting is over. 30 list recieved. Thank you for all who voted.
I start releasing the list tomorrow. Now I go to sleep. Good night.

Edit: You can still send your lists. I'll tell tomorrow morning when I'm not going to recieve them anymore.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009

No more voting. Thank you.
I added SuperFurry's list so 31 people send their favorites.
I will start the presentation soon.

Re: AMF Poll: Favourite albums of 2009
