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Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

OK, so now, I must explain how I found this one. Some time ago, after the big update that brought France and Spain to the forefront, someone said "Asia remains the unknown continent". It picked my curiosity, and I made a search. I finally found this blog:


So this list dates back from september 2007, and we learn interesting informations, for instance, list of best albums seem to be currently not very well received in Japan, which may explain why there are very few lists from this country. I don't know if it applies to Asia as a whole, though.

The page also mention a "list of 150 best japanese rock albums" by a magazine called "Snoozer". I think I'm gonna inquire.

So, for curiosity, here's the list. Only one Boredoms album, and "Fantasma" by Cornelius again. These are the only artists I know. There's also a band called "X", but it's not the one we all know. I'll write the translated names, since writing in kanas is long and most of you probably don't read it.

Since you might not know most of the artists, I inform you that the artist's name comes first (although I don't know if this is the firstname are the family name that's at the beginning for solo artists, but I would bet that it's the family name), and the album's name comes after:

1. Happy End; Kazemachi Roman (1975)
2. RC SUCCESSION; Rhapsody (1980)
3. The Blue Hearts; The Blue Hearts (1987)
4. YMO; Solid State Survivor (1979)
5. Yuzawa Eikichi; Gold Rush (1978 )
6. Shoukichi Kina & Champloose; Shoukichi Kina & Champloose (1977)
7. Ohtaki Eiich; A Long Vacation (1981)
8. Fishmans; Kuuchuu Camp (1996)
9. Sadistic Mika Band; Kurofune (1974)
10. Cornelius; Fantasma (1997)
11. Sano Motoharu; SOMEDAY (1982)
12. Arai Yumi; Hikouki Kumo (1973)
13. The Jacks; Jacks No Sekai (1968 )
14. Yamashita Tatsuro; SPACY (1977)
15. X; BLUE BLOOD (1989)
16. Anarchy; Anarchy (1980)
17. Carol; Moetsukiru -Last Live (1975)
18. Togawa Jun; Tamahime-sama (1983)
19. The Plastics; Welcome Plastics (1980)
20. Murahachibu; Live (1973)
21. Friction; Atsureki (1980)
22. Ankoku Tairiku Jagatara; Nanban Torai (1982)
24. Gedou; Gedou (1974)
25. Boredoms; Chocolate Synthesizer (1994)
26. Yano Akiko; Japanese Girl (1976)
27. The Stalin; STOP JAP (1982)
28. The Roosters; Good Dreams (1984)
29. Mute Beat; FLOWER (1987)
30. Endou Kenji; Manzoku Dekiru Kana (1971)
31. Yuukadan; Seibun 59 Mins (1977)
32. Southern All Stars; Ninkimino De Ikou (1984)
33. INU; Meshi Kuu Na (1981)
34. Dir En Grey; Withering To Death (2005)
35. Flipper's Guitar; CAMERA TALK (1990)
36. Char; PSYCHE (1988 )
37. Shonen Knife; Let's Knife (1992)
38. Yonin Bayashi; Isshoku Sokuhatsu (1974)
39. Carmen Maki & OZ; Carmen Maki & OZ (1975)
40. Loudness; Disillusion ~ Gekiken Reika (1984)
41. RC SUCCESSION; Covers (1988 )
42. Zelda; Zelda (1982)
43. Rebecca; IV~Maybe Tomorrow (1985)
44. Sheena & Rockets; Shinkuu Back (1979)
45. Godaigo; CM Song Graffiti Godaigo Super Hits (1978 )
46. Tama; Hirune (1991)
47. Merzbow; Music For Bondage Performance (1991)
48. Kahimi Karie; MY FIRST KARIE (1995)
49. Fushitsusha; 1st (1989)
50. Elephant Kashimashi; Elephant Kashimashi II (1988 )
51. Guitar Wolf; Ookami Wakusei (1997)
53. Itou Seikou; MESS/AGE (1989)
54. Buffalo Daughter; Captain Vapor Athletes (1996)
55. Aburadako; Aburadako (1985)
56. Zunou Keisatsu; Zunou Keisatsu 1 (1972)
57. Murasaki; Murasaki (1976)
58. Ippudou; LUNATIC MENU (1982)
59. Tei Towa; Future Listening! (1994)
60. Rankin Taxi; Wild De Iku Zo (1991)
61. Ken Ishii; JELLY TONES (1995)
62. Creation; Pure Electric Soul (1977)
63. Violent Onsen Geisha; NATION OF RHYTHM SLAVES (1996)
64. Pizzicato Five; HAPPY END OF THE WORLD (1997)
65. Moon Riders; Aozora Hyakkei (1982)
66. S.O.B.; WHAT'S THE TRUTH? (1990)
67. The Fantastic Plastic Machine; The Fantastic Plastic Machine (1997)
68. Takagi Kan; Grass Roots (1992)
69. Ozawa Kenji; LIFE (1994)
70. Rosa Luxemburg; Puripuri (1986)
71. Flower Traveling Band; Satori (1971)
72. Denki Groove; A (1997) (Oddly, it's pronounced "Ace")
73. Salon Music; La Paloma Show (1984)
74. Scha Dara Parr; 5TH Wheel 2 The Coach (1995)
75. BOOWY; JUST A HERO (1986)
76. Puffy; JET CD (1998 )
77. Izumiya Shigeru; '80 No Ballad (1978 )
78. Rino Latina II; Carnival Of Rino (2001)
79. Blankey Jet City; BANG! (1991)
80. Fujiwara Hiroshi; Nothing Much Better To Do (1994)
81. Sandii & The Sunsets; IMMIGRANTS (1982)
82. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra; TOKYO SKA PARADISE (1989)
83. Mr. Children; Atomic Heart (1994)
84. The Street Sliders; SLIDER JOINT (1983)
85. Sunny Day Service; Tokyo (1996)
86. Supercar; HIGHVISION (2002)
87. Thee Michelle Gun Elephant; High Time (1996)
88. Newest Model; PRETTY RADIATION (1988 )
89. Shiina Ringo; Shouso Strip (2000)
90. Rip Slyme; FIVE (2001)
91. Hi-Standard; ANGRY FIST (1997)
92. Number Girl; Shibuya Rock Transformed Joutai (1999)
93. Okuda Tamio; Matatabi (1998 )
94. Spitz; Spitz (1991)
96. Quru; TEAM ROCK (2001)
97. Theatre Brook; TALISMAN (1996)
98. Maximum The Hormone; Bu-Ikikaesu (2007)
99. Utada Hikaru; First Love (1999)
100. Kaji Hideki; TEA (1998 )

Japanese is exhausting to write, even with the occidental alphabet .

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Yes, Acclaimed Music is getting truly global!!!

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Thats brilliant, I,ve heard of practically nothing on this list

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Only 8 from this decade -- they're just like the American Rolling Stone!

Seriously though, thanks for posting this and the other one -- fascinating stuff. I may have to check out some of these...

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

I know next to nothing about Japanese music, but I will say that five of the eight Japanese artists I have an album from are on this list:

Dir En Grey
Guitar Wolf
Pizzicato Five
Rip Slyme

Interestingly, there is no Boris on this list -- maybe the most famous Japanese band in the US? In fact, all the Japanese metal acts I know aren't on the list, though Dir En Grey is pretty metal at points.

Guitar Wolf made this fantastic movie called "Wild Zero." As the tagline of an imdb review put it: "The Greatest Japanese Rock and Roll Zombie Movie Ever Made". It's true.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

This appears to be the Snoozer list:

1. RC Succession:Tanoshii Yuuni [RCサクセション:楽しい夕に], 1972
2. Rosa Luxemburg:Rosa Luxemburg II [ローザ・ルクセンブルグ:ローザ・ルクセンブルグII], 1986
3. Fishmans:Kuuchuu Camp [フィッシュマンズ:空中キャンプ], 1996
4. Murahachibu:Live [村八分:ライブ], 1973
5. Nakamura Kazuyoshi:Taiyô [中村一義:太陽], 1998
6. Boredoms:Super Are, 1998
7. Okamura Yasuyuki: Yasuyuki [岡村靖幸: 靖幸], 1989
8. Rosa Luxemburg:Puripuri [ローザ・ルクセンブルグ:ぷりぷり], 1986
9. Cornelius:Fantasma [コーネリアス:ファンタズマ], 1997
10. SOUL FLOWER UNION:ELECTRO ASYL-BOP [ソウル・フラワー・ユニオン:エレクトロ・アジール・バップ], 1996
11. Ankoku Tairiku Jagatara:Nanban Torai [暗黒大陸じゃがたら:南蛮渡来], 1982
12. FRICTION:Atsureki [FRICTION:軋轢], 1980
13. Scha Dara Parr:Wild Fancy Alliance [スチャダラパー:Wild Fancy Alliance], 1993
14. Yamaguchi Fujio:Himatsubushi [山口冨士夫:ひまつぶし], 1974
15. Les Rallizes Denudes:‘77 LIVE [裸のラリーズ:Les Rallizes Denudes ‘77 LIVE], 1991
16. Sano Motoharu:VISITORS [佐野元春:ヴィジターズ], 1982
17. P-MODEL:Perspective, 1982
18. RC Succession:Single Man [RCサクセション:シングル・マン], 1976
19. thee michelle gun elephant:GEAR BLUES [thee michelle gun elephant:ギヤ・ブルーズ], 1998
20. The Blue Hearts:S/T [ザ・ブルーハーツ], 1987
21. INU:Meshi kuu na [INU:メシ喰うな], 1981
22. Spitz: Namae wo Tsuketeyaru [スピッツ:名前をつけてやる], 1991
23. DOWN TOWN FIGHTING BOOGIE WOOGIE BAND:Kaizoku ban~LIVE FIGHTING 80'S[ダウン・タウン・ファイティング・ブギウギ・バンド:海賊盤~LIVE FIGHTING 80'S], 1980
24. Yōsui Inoue:Kōri no Sekai: [井上陽水:氷の世界], 1973
25. Arai Yumi:Hikōki Kumo [荒井由実:ひこうき雲], 1973
26. Endou Kenji:Tokyo Wasshoi [遠藤賢司:東京ワッショイ], 1979
27. Quruli:Walz wo Odore Tanz Walzer [くるり:ワルツを踊れ Tanz Walzer], 2007
28. Ozawa Kenji:The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on [小沢健二:犬は吠えるがキャラバンは進む], 1993
29. Nanao Tavito:911FANTASIA [七尾旅人:911FANTASIA], 2007
30. Supercar:JUMP UP [スーパーカー:JUMP UP], 1999
31. Nanao Tavito:Ame ni utaeba…! disc 2 [七尾旅人:雨に撃たえば...!disc 2], 1999
32. Happy End:Kazemachi Roman [はっぴいえんど:風街ろまん], 1971
33. Elephant Kashimashi:Uki yo no yume [エレファント カシマシ:浮世の夢], 1989
35. Phew:S/T, 1981
36. Sokabe Keiichi Band: LIVE [曽我部恵一BAND:LIVE], 2005
37. Number Girl:SAPPUKEI [ナンバーガール:SAPPUKEI], 2000
38. Denki Groove:ORANGE [電気グルーヴ:ORANGE], 1996
39. Yamashita Tatsuro:SPACY [山下達郎:SPACY], 1977
40. Sunny Day Service:S/T [サニーデイ・サービス], 1997
41. Yura Yura Teikoku:Kuudou Desu [ゆらゆら帝国:空洞です], 2007
42. Mikami Kan:Hiraku Yume Nado Arujanashi [三上寛:ひらく夢などあるじゃなし], 1972
43. Yuukadan:Seibun 59 Mins [憂歌団:生聞59分], 1977
44. Tokyo No.1 Soul Set:Jr., 1996
45. Nakamura Kazuyoshi: Kinjito [中村一義:金字塔], 1997
47. The Pees:The Greatest Hits VOL. 1 [The ピーズ:グレイテスト・ヒッツ VOL.1], 1989
48. The Timers:S/T [タイマーズ:], 1989
49. Quruli:TEAM ROCK [くるり:TEAM ROCK], 2001
50. Togawa Jun:Tamahime-sama [戸川純:玉姫様], 1983
52. RC Succession:Rhapsody [RCサクセション:ラプソディ], 1980
53. Ozawa Kenji:LIFE [小沢健二:LIFE], 1994
55. Struggle For Pride:YOU BARK WE BITE [ストラグル・フォー・プライド:YOU BARK WE BITE], 2006
57. Kinniku Shoujo Tai:Elise no Tameni [筋肉少女帯:エリーゼのために], 1992
58. Shing02:Ryokuousyoku Jinshu [Shing02:緑黄色人種], 1999
59. HiGE:Thank You, Beatles [髭(HiGE):Thank You, Beatles], 2005
60. Yann Tomita: Music for Astro Age [ヤン富田:ミュージック・フォー・アストロ・エイジ], 1992
61. Jacks:Jacks no Sekai [ジャックス:ジャックスの世界], 1968
62. Fishmans:ORANGE [フィッシュマンズ:ORANGE], 1996
63. Bo Gumbos:Bo & Gumbo [ボ・ガンボス:ボ&ガンボ], 1989
64. Kazufumi Kodama:QUIET REGGAE [こだま和文:QUIET REGGAE], 1992
65. RC Succession:BLUE [RCサクセション:BLUE], 1981
66. EP-4:Showa Taisha - Linga Franca 1 [EP-4:昭和大赦-リンガ・フランカ1], 1983
67. Unicorn:Hige to Boyne [ユニコーン:ヒゲとボイン], 1991
68. The Stalin:TRASH, 1981
69. Carnation:High & Low [カーネーション:天国と地獄], 1992
70. Aburadako:S/T [あぶらだこ], 1986
71. Ken Ishii:Garden on the Palm, 1993
72. PLASTICS:Welcome Plastics, 1980
73. Makoto Kubota & The Sunset Gang:Hawaii Champloo [久保田麻琴と夕焼け楽団:ハワイ・チャンプルー], 1975
74. Shonen Knife:LET’S KNIFE [少年ナイフ:LET’S KNIFE], 1992
75. Nav Katze:Switch Complete 1986-1987, 1991
76. Flower Travellin' Band:Satori [フラワー・トラベリン・バンド:サトリ], 1971
77. Newest Model:Crossbreed Park [ニューエスト・モデル:クロスブリード・パーク], 1990
78. Mitsuyoshi Azuma & The Swinging Boppers:Swing Back With The Swinging Boppers [吾妻光良 & The Swinging Boppers:ウィング・バック・ウィズ・ザ・スウィンギン・バッパーズ], 1983
79. Fushitsusha:S/T [不失者], 1991
80. BLANKEY JET CITY:C.B.Jim, 1993
81. THE HIGH-LOWS:Lobster [THE HIGH-LOWS:ロブスター], 1998
82. Hosono Haruomi: Bon Voyage co. [細野晴臣:泰安洋行], 1976
83. Violent Onsen Geisha:Otis [暴力温泉芸者:Otis], 1994
84. Rei Harakami:Red Curb [レイ・ハラカミ:Red Curb], 2001
85. ECD:S/T, 1992
86. Scha Dara Parr:5TH Wheel 2 the coach [スチャダラパー:5th ホイール 2 ザ・コーチ], 1995
87. Sano Motoharu:Napoleon Fish to Oyogu Hi [佐野元春:ナポレオンフィッシュと泳ぐ日], 1989
88. RC Succession:EP LP [RCサクセション:EP LP], 1981
89. Makoto Kawamoto:S/T [川本真琴], 1997
90. Izumiya Shigeru:Ogonkyo Jidai [泉谷しげる:黄金狂時代], 1974
91. Pizzicato Five:This Year's Girl [ピチカート・ファイヴ:女性上位時代], 1991
92. ZOOBOMBS:Let It Bomb [ズボンズ:Let It Bomb], 1998
93. Hijokaidan:Zoroku no Kibyo [非常階段:蔵六の奇病], 1982
94. Kimidori:S/T [キミドリ], 1993
95. Halmens:Halmens No Kindai Taiso [ハルメンズ:ハルメンズの近代体操], 1980
96. Zelda:CARNAVAL [ゼルダ:CARNAVAL], 1983
97. The Groovers:No.18 [ザ・グルーヴァーズ:No.18], 1991
98. Omoide Hatoba:Suichuu JOE [想い出波止場:水中JOE], 1991
99. Southern All Stars:Tiny Bubbles [サザンオールスターズ:タイニイ・バブルス], 1980
100. Zunou Keisatsu:Zunou Keisatsu Second [頭脳警察:頭脳警察セカンド], 1972
101. Denki Groove:A [電気グルーヴ:A(エース)], 1997
102. Sugar Babe:SONGS [シュガー・ベイブ:SONGS], 1975
103. RC Succession:OK [RCサクセション:OK], 1983
104. Sadistic Mika Band:Kurofune [サディスティック・ミカ・バンド:黒船], 1974
105. Spitz: S/T [スピッツ], 1991
106. Endou Kenji:Manzoku Dekiru Kana [遠藤賢司:満足できるかな], 1971
107. Quruli:Antenna [くるり:アンテナ], 2004
108. Kokufu Tatsuya:Rock Tensei [国府達矢:ロック転生], 2003
109. Masato Minami:Kaikisen [南正人:回帰線], 1971
110. BOOM BOOM SATELLITES:ON [ブンブンサテライツ:ON], 2006
111. Ryuichi Sakamoto:B2-UNIT [坂本龍一:B2-UNIT], 1980
112. Syrup16g:HELL-SEE [シロップ16g:HELL-SEE], 2003
113. Yura Yura Teikoku:Sweet Spot [ゆらゆら帝国:Sweet Spot], 2005
114. Nobuyasu Okabayashi:Watashi wo Danzai Seyo [岡林信康:わたしを断罪せよ], 1969
115. Ohtaki Eiichi:S/T [大滝詠一], 1972
116. Shiina Ringo:Shouso Strip [椎名林檎:勝訴ストリップ], 2000
117. Flipper's Guitar:DOCTOR HEAD'S WORLD TOWER [Flipper's Guitar:ヘッド博士の世界塔], 1991
118. Johnny, Louis & Char:FREE SPIRIT [ジョニー・ルイス&チャー:FREE SPIRIT], 1979
121. Nav Katze:Uwa no Sora, [Nav Katze:うわのそら] 1994
122. HiGE:Chaos in Apple [髭(HiGE):Chaos in Apple], 2007
123. Yoshio Hayakawa:Kakkoiihotoha Nannte Kakkowaruin Darou [早川義夫:かっこいいことはなんてかっこ悪いんだろう], 1969
124. RC Succession:Covers [RCサクセション:カバーズ], 1988
126. Guitar Wolf:Planet of the Wolves [ギターウルフ:狼惑星], 1997
127. Masaki Ueda:Kono Atsui Tamashi wo Tsutaetainya [上田正樹:この熱い魂を伝えたいんや], 1975
129. Itou Seikou:MESS/AGE [いとうせいこう:MESS/AGE], 1989
130. Yano Akiko:Gohan ga Dekitayo [矢野顕子:ごはんができたよ], 1980
131. Flipper's Guitar:CAMERA TALK, 1990
133. Sakana:my dear [さかな:my dear], 1996
134. Supercar:Three Out Change [スーパーカー:スリーアウトチェンジ], 1998
135. Totsuzen Danball:Yokushi Onryoku [突然ダンボール:抑止音力], 1991
136. EGO-WRAPPIN':Michishio no Romance [EGO-WRAPPIN':満ち汐のロマンス], 2001
137. UA:11, 1996
138. dip:WAITING FOR THE LIGHT, 1994
139. Shibusashirazu Orchestra:Shibusa Michi [渋さ知らず:渋さ道], 1993
140. S.O.B.:LEAVE ME ALONE + DON'T BE SWINDLE, 1986/1987
141. Keiichi Suzuki and the Moon Riders:Hinotama Boy [鈴木慶一とムーンライダース:火の玉ボーイ],
142. Yellow Magic Orchestra:BGM, 1981
143. Tamio Okuda:Matatabi [奥田民生:股旅], 1998
144. Moon Riders:Camera Egal Stylo [ムーンライダーズ:カメラ=万年筆], 1980
145. Thee Michelle Gun Elephant:Chicken Zombies, 1997
146. 8otto:we do vibration , 2006
147. audio active:Apollo Choco, 1997
148. Tama:Sandaru [たま:さんだる], 1990
149. Ging Nang BOYZ:Kimi To Boku no Daisanji Sekai Taisenteki Renai Kakumei [銀杏BOYZ:君と僕の第三次世界大戦恋愛革命], 2005
150. NUKEY PIKES:S/T [ニューキー・パイクス], 1991

Source: http://kurutta.blogspot.com/2009/10/150-greatest-albums-of-japanese-rock-n.html

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

#1 alone yells the message all over and over again: it's globally levelling RS, ya sheepees, and it's still pathetic to even think about runnin away from it.. whatever: eager to get an aural glimpse of the ones i haven't heard before yet though.. thanks a lot, S7. like your contributions

edit: fair enough, it's the most "out there" list i ever witnessed considering a RS edition, but so is Japan's popscape...

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

#1 alone yells the message all over and over again: it's globally levelling RS, ya sheepees, and it's still pathetic to even think about runnin away from it.. whatever: eager to get an aural glimpse of the ones i haven't heard before yet though.. thanks a lot, S7. like your contributions

edit: fair enough, it's the most "out there" list i ever witnessed considering a RS edition, but so is Japan's popscape...

Well put, nj.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

This appears to be the Snoozer list:

Source: http://kurutta.blogspot.com/2009/10/150-greatest-albums-of-japanese-rock-n.html

Thanks, Penguin, but I already posted it independently on the forum. Just follow this link:

But thanks anyway.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Wow, S7, excellent material. I would check some of these albums (at least the ones available on Spotify, probably not too many of them). Let's see if finally Asia is less unknown.
I suspect that there are many excellent music coming from different countries that we are missing. For instance, I've checked some of the albums in the list that our fellow Italian AMer Giuseppe compiled and I found some of them very very interesting (http://rateyourmusic.com/list/MrKite/italian_acclaimed_albums). It would be nice to have other lists like the Japanese or Italian ones. Greek albums, Russian albums, etc.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Interesting list, but just a few minor quibbles. Surprised to see that The Mops or Golden Cups are not included. Those were the biggest names of the Japanese 60s scene. Also no Technodelic by Yellow Magic Orchestra (their best album) or United Future Organization, whose Loud Minority "12" is in my 90s top ten.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

So, for curiosity, here's the list. Only one Boredoms album, and "Fantasma" by Cornelius again. These are the only artists I know. There's also a band called "X", but it's not the one we all know. I'll write the translated names, since writing in kanas is long and most of you probably don't read it.

X (better known as X-Japan, but I don't know if they have changed their name to avoid the confusion with the other X or for another reason) is probably the best known japanese band outside Japan. I'm not talking about indie rock audience (for who I think no japanese band REALLY is well known), but for people who are interested in japanese modern culture.
There is a huge cult around hide (without capital letter), their former singer and lead-guitarist, who committed suicide in 1998. 50 000 people attended his funeral and there are still loads of visit to the shrin where his spirit is supposed to rest.
And there music ? Well, I really don't like J-pop and visual kei...

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

Yeah, I have learned some things since I posted the lists. X (X-Japan) or Dir En Grey are effectively visual kei artists, a kind of pop metal. J-pop is somewhat included in this list, with Hikaru Utada for instance, who is seemingly nothing more (but nothing less either) than a japanese Whitney Houston/Mariah Carey or anyone similar on the selected album, "First Love". But this album is included for one reason: it's the best selling album in japanese history, and therefore, is an equivalent to Spice Girls' "Spice": the milestone to which everything in pop that came after was compared.

In fact, I think that these inclusions are linked to the fact that the "best of all time" lists are a novelty in Japan, and it might have been a way to appeal to the broader audience possible. Interestingly, none of these artists are included in the Snoozer list, which is an indie rock magazine. In fact, the only artists on whom both lists seem to agree in the top rank are RC Succession (albeit with different albums), and Cornelius, whose album "Fantasma" is definitely going to crack the top 3000 on the next update.

Re: Rolling Stone Japan 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums

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