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Random thoughts on Embryonic.

I think The Flaming Lips may have released one of the decade's greatest albums, late into the decade (much like Soft Bulletin in the '90s). After hearing it four times, I think it definitely has the potential to eventually climb up the AM charts and end up near the top percentile of the 2000s.

The thing is, this might take time. It's one of those challenging, experimental records that probably won't be immediately appreciated. The reviews are pretty mixed, for one. Hopefully the EOY lists will be kinder to it. But if Henrik continues to update this site for, say, another 5 to 10 years, I think Embryonic will get its due in future all-time lists. Kid A style.

Personally, I agree with NME and Pitchfork. I'd honestly call it the year's best. It's more interesting and wild than MPP, and I get the same blissful feeling as I did from that album.

Re: Random thoughts on Embryonic.

Flaming Lips affaire stems from the haste to have some means for making lists.

First, the decade began on 1 January 2001 and end on 31 December 2010. It is basic but you can not do anything because the tendency is to forget this very basic.

In any case, it would have to wait until end of the year 2009. In addition we need a little perspective to compare the latest in autumn 2009 with the records of the principle of the decade. Therefore journals should make the lists by mid-2010.