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Re: Alternative camshafts for M21

I came across some Goldstar cams the latest days - scrambler cams(2444) and Touring cams (2448 / 2452).
All these cams have a groundcircle of around Ø22,9 mm where all my M21 cams (2420) have a groundcircle of Ø25 mm.
However if i am going to use one of those Goldstar cams, there is not much left before the camfollower is getting in contact with the axle or the aluminiumhouse- (0,2 mm) - It is possible to remove material but it will most likely weaken the aluminiumhouse.
My impression was that all cams had the same groundcirle (ø25) but it seems not to be so. Or is it only aftermarket cams - these I was looking at was from Phil Pearson.
I would prefer not to mill in the house and in the axle.

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Re: Alternative camshafts for M21

Is the second cam you mention 2450 or 2452?....The 65-2444 is the cam for a 350 scrambler (or racer)...Ian

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Re: Alternative camshafts for M21

Hi Ian,

I was looking at touring cams 2448 and 2450 - sorry wrong writing - both with groundcircle of 22,9 mm
then i was looking at some other cams 2444 (to hot) and a 2454 (scrambler) also with both with a groundcircle og 22,9 mm

It seems (from photo) that only the ZB cams 2436 and 2438 have the bigger gronudcircle as 2420 - but i an not sure

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