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Re: G3

16622 is one of 3000 from contract C8934. At 300 a week after April 1941 ( frames 16300 to 19299... 50 were fitted with Tele forks) A non panel tank model. Ron


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Re: G3

Thanks Ron
At least I now know it is a WO bike all ive got to do now is find the missing parts top toolbox and rack

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Re: G3

As Ron already mentioned, this is the 322nd bike from contract C/8934. This was a contract for 3000 motorcycles, being 1500 RASC and 1500 RAOC. But this schedule was amended, and "all" the C/8934 bikes (3000 of them) were sent to Feltham (RASC), where (according to O&M and the Chilwell list) they were issued with census numbers C9389001 - 938929 (29 numbers), and C938941 - 941911 (2971 numbers). But on the RASC receipt cards we find 3 blocks of census numbers: C938901 - 938929 (29 numbers), C938941 - 941861 (2921 numbers) and C941887 - 941911 (25 numbers; or 2975 in total), and a note that 25 bikes were transferred to Chilwell (RAOC) after all. RAOC had its own numbering system, it is currently unclear which numbers the 25 RAOC bikes received. Census numbers for this contract can not be calculated, any number around C939240 would be possible / acceptable.

Here are two war time pictures of G3/WO sister bikes with census number C941xxx and C940xxx. Both pictures seem to have been taken in North Africa or Palestina.


email (option):

Re: G3

I suspect that the RAOC bikes received the numbers allocated to the 25 machines from C9506 which were snet to RASC instead.

Do you mean RAOC cards, by the way ?

Regardless of this, without seeing photos of the bikes and number stampings, I'm increasingly reluctant to confirm anything contract-wise.

Re: G3

Yes, RAOC receipt cards... "Errare humanum est" as the bishop always used to say when he took his nephew...

email (option):

Re: G3

Where did the Bishop take his nephew ? To Bugger ?..I mean, to Brugge ? :fearful:

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