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Front brake (wisdom please)

Apart from making sure that everythink is set up as BSA intended, has anyone experience of improved M20 front wheel braking? For info the pre war BSA M24 Gold Star website is being updated. I would be pleased to hear of any M24 top end parts for sale. Bob

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Re: Front brake (wisdom please)

My experience with Nortons indicates that original woven linings are much more effective than anything modern and non-asbestos. When new, the bikes were stopping at around 30' from 30 mph.

Re: Front brake (wisdom please)

If Originalality isn't a problem fit a 8 inch single sided brake and paint it black.

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Re: Front brake (wisdom please)

In addition to what Rik has mentioned - your bike would have had a brake rod operated by a short cable & combination levers
The original cable was 3mm od & was made from thicker strands of wire compared to modern type / that is if you can find a maker - not so easy

Clutch cable was made from same strand & thickness of wire
The combo levers also grabbed hold of these older cables far more securely than any modern fine strand cable

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