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ID WD Saddle Frame Please


I picked up this saddle frame recently, and am trying to ID it without success. Military green paint (olive drab) is visible over it's entirety where rust hasn't interfered. I'd appreciate any input on this item from our learned collective!

***FYI I am busy running through Jan's excellent treatise on WW saddles trying to find an exact match!!




Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Hi Bruce,

My list on HMVF is by no means conclusive... I keep on finding "mystery saddles" that are not (yet) in my survey. And this is one of them.

Your saddle has the typical angle iron back rail construction of a Lycett saddle. But round holes for the mattress springs, no slots for the bungee hooks. So it has to be a Brooks B182 saddle. Small problem though... The B182 in my HMVF illustration was derived from the Norton Lycett: vertical side of the L profile facing downwards and clips for the rear springs. You seem to have a Brooks that has been derived from the BSA - Matchless - Lycett: vertical side of the L profile facing upwards and brackets for the rear springs riveted to the outside of the angle iron. Interesting!

Lycett had been bought by Brooks in 1920, and it looks as if we have another case of "badge engineering" here. Both companies making (almost) the same saddle with a different badge (and different springs). Maybe the Brooks version with coil springs had been introduced because of the rubber shortages in 1942? Just a thought...

Is it OK if I add your pictures to the HMVF saddles thread Bruce?


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Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Most probably an Ariel WNG saddle,the brackets on the front look similar , in the parts books that I have the brackets are shown as being bolted on though,are the saddle studs 7/16 dia and 2 and 1/2 inch long.

Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Groete Jan - en baie dankie vir die inligting!

Appreciate the feedback.

You can use the pics with pleasure - and if you need any more from other angles, or more detail, please shout.

FYI there are 15 holes at the back, and 7 at the front.

Let me know if you need any measurements and I will happily oblige.



Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Hi Steve - thanks for the feedback.

The studs are indeed as you say! 7/16 diameter and 2 and a 1/2 inches long! Looks like you may be onto something here! Do you have pics in your parts book perhaps?



Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Hi Bruce,

Long time no hear! Glad to see you're back! 😃

Yes, it could be an Ariel Brooks. But as you may have noticed on HMVF, there are some doubts about the Ariel Lycett. It was definitely used, but I'm not sure about the details...

@ Steve: do you have a genuine Ariel saddle? Any chance of some pictures here?


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Re: ID WD Saddle Frame Please

Don't think I've got an Ariel saddle, Bruce's saddle looks similar to the saddle on Chris's wehrmacht Ariel, same saddle studs about 8 or 9 coil springs, but can't see what the frame type is with the saddle cover on, maybe Chris could take a photo of the saddle frame minus the cover, might help discover if Bruce has the same type of saddle.

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