As the recent owner of a pile of bits which I hope one day will resemble a complete machine I,m reading up on anything relating to this bike contract number S1050 and frame number 48802
On the chainguard near the front pump mount is what I would presume to be a fitting to allow oil to be supplied to the chain ???.
My question is where would the oil be piped from to supply this fitting ?.
as far as i know there was never a chain oiler factory fitted to the WD G3L. Possibly you are looking at the crankcase/engine breather pipe, which exits the left hand crankcase behind the primary chain case via a union screwed into the crankcase into a short pipe that is pointed down to the ground.
Hope this is of help to you, any other WD Matchless questions drop me a line & I will try to help you
Lex, yes thats correct, anything else you can tell me would be much appreciated.
It was cast in 1960 and was taken off the road in 1978 , I have had it since August , and am hoping to have it on the road for next summer
I am very grateful to those who have offered advice , and help.