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Pre 39 Cams

Could anyone tell me what the numbers were for the pre-39 M20 inlet and exhaust cams were? Ie the cams that ran in bushes in the crankcase and timing cover, rather than being bushed on spindles.

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Re: Pre 39 Cams

Pinion inlet 65-2393
Pinion exhaust 65-2411
Are the same for all models except Y13/G14 in 38

Inlet camshaft 66-2068
Exhaust camshaft 66-2070

Are specific to M20/21 except M19 uses the same inlet

Re: Pre 39 Cams

Many thanks for your quick response Darren. Now I just have to find some. I have a couple of others that will get me started but would like to have the correct profile eventually.

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