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carb studs

Just a quickie

Dose any one know who stocks the longer carb studs for a m20 ?.

iam wanting to fit a tufnell heat spacer but the ones currently fitted are not long enough .

Re: carb studs

Buy a bolt with a cut thread for one end .
Cut the heads off and tap them for the other thread
Note one is longer than the other

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Re: carb studs

Thanks could be one way to go , i would have thought some one would have stocked them but up to now i have not been able to source them .
There seems to be none on ebay which is usually a good source .
Have you a i dear of the thread die i would need ?

Re: carb studs

They are 5/16" cycle thread on both ends...Ian

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Re: carb studs

Thanks Ian

i think i have some bolts that size so i will go with that option

Re: carb studs
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