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BSA Harley hybrid engine.

I've just seen a picture of a bike with a BSA heavyweight single a la M20 bottom & a Harley Ironhead Sportster top end.
Does anyone know of this being done before? Can't post a picture I'm afraid. I've always thought the older Sportster top ends had a remarkably Big Single look.

Re: BSA Harley hybrid engine. Ron

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Re: BSA Harley hybrid engine.

Yes it's been done before...I've seen two others and there may have been more at various times...I've also seen a Matchless OHV top end on an M20 and of course there's the Italian Gruppo Velox OHV conversions...Ian

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Re: BSA Harley hybrid engine.

Just an overdue thank you for the responses to my question.

Re: BSA Harley hybrid engine.

Just an overdue thank you for the responses to my question.

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