Are these random bloody picture questions when you post getting worse? I had 8 in a row on the Ariel W/NG post. NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, VERIFY, VERIFY, NEXT etc. Traffic lights, crossings, signs, cars etc. Is it all necessary? :angry: Ron
The trouble is, Ron that you're a rivet-counter so you click on every square that includes even the tiniest part of an object....I know this because I do too :-) The software isn't as clever as you (doesn't suffer from OCD either !) so it only recognises the basic forms - and keeps going until you get it right / come round to an American computer nerd's way of thinking.
.... irritating, but educational I suppose as I now know what a 'crosswalk' is. Interesting how the rest of the world always has to learn American English.... wouldn't it be fun to return the learning experience so that the folk in the U.S. had to find each square with a 'zebra crossing' in it.... :smile: