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What you need is...

A Kalashnikov electric motorcycle developed for the Russian Army...Single cylinder petrol engines are so last season Comrade...Ian:laughing:

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Re: What you need is...

A little petrol Honda generator in one of the panniers would be helpful in case you run the battery down in the desert.

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Re: What you need is...

Patrick Meagher
A little petrol Honda generator in one of the panniers would be helpful in case you run the battery down in the desert.
A hybrid motorcycle then? :D


email (option): SimonofSweden

Re: What you need is...

With all that desert camouflage how long before someone produces a sandy coloured off road tyre. Now that would finish it off nicely and might just swing it.
I wonder if they are using the American battery unit which can drive a Mazda 3 for 130 miles and recharge in 4 minutes from a standard wall plug. Now a little generator in a pannier would give a few thousand mile range !
Can you imagine that in 80 years time, old farts in sheds will be restoring these as classics...............

well you could get an M20 for a fiver at one time !

email (option): dwrudd at

Re: What you need is...

They could be yours...:laughing: ...Ian

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Re: What you need is...

Just like Rowena the witch, I find them strangely attractive but don't know why, oh dear ! 😂

email (option): dwrudd @ lineone . Net

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