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8" headlight stays, correct ones?

Dear All

Looking to put an 8" on the WM20, will these stays fit? Good old ebay hey...

pre war vintage BSA V twin others long headlight brackets 9 1/2 & 6 1/4 long ebay uk173466591680

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Re: 8" headlight stays, correct ones?

An 8" headlight will fit the 6" stays nicely. These stays on ebay are not correct for your M20.


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Re: 8" headlight stays, correct ones?

Good to know; I had to do some minor tweaking of the original stays when replacing the 6 inch with an 8 inch lamp, and was not sure if I should have needed longer stays, but ultimately everything fitted properly. Still, I’m glad to have it confirmed that it wasn’t a bodge-up!

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Re: 8" headlight stays, correct ones?

Thanks Henk

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