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Any idea where that was taken Henk?...Ian
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Hi Ian, This, or actually two photos are for sale on ebay at the moment but nothing is known about them. Here the item number 392113932338 Henk
Here their bikes. Henk
It's amazing what great pictures show every now and than. It once again raises the question, what bikes are there ? The first bike seems a triumph twin, the next a Royal Enfield ?
I bet the gent on the right of the front row has a couple of extra psi in his back tyre :-0 Ant
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Two of the men in the front row of the first picture have quite modern looking goggles. What type are they?
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They look to me like MK111A RAF flying goggles which were introduced around 1942. There were about a dozen MK's of RAF goggles during the war. Ron
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