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History of my bike

Perhaps somebody can shed some light on the history of my M20 as the restoration nears completion. Unearthed in a barn about 2 years ago the machine was made in March 1946, and so was not, as I had originally thought, and hoped, a War Department machine. The document that I have a copy of shows my machine with frame number 1011 leaving the factory in March 1946 with a destination that looks like Netherlands, but the handwriting is not too clear. Quite a few other machines on the page have the same destination. Oddly the bike has a registration PTO86G and is not known to the DVLA before G registration. So, was my bike exported just post war and if so for what purpose (surely not civilian sale in Holland given the state of the country just after the war) and was it then brought back to be registered with a G plate? Any ideas would be most welcome as I would love to know more about the history of the machine that I have been working on for nearly 2 years.
Thanks. Mike

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Re: History of my bike


Does your BSA have XM20 1011 as frame number? If so I can see what I can find about your BSA.


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Re: History of my bike


I can't answer your question but my 1941 ex WD M20, which I have owned for 48 years has reg no PTO 84G, and was demobbed in 1968.
By the way, are you or were you a teacher at Shelford school ? There can't be too many Mike Paduanos about.

Peter Smith [ retired architect]

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Re: History of my bike

My 1939 framed 1940 engined WM20 has the registration number PTO 73G and was sold by Dawson Motors Nottingham in 1968.

Re: History of my bike

Yes Henk, I think so,but it does look like YM20 1011 rather than XM20, but it's not really clear. Any information would be most welcome. Thanks. Mike

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Re: History of my bike

Hi Peter, yes to Shelford School. I remember you well. I am semi retired, hence am pursuing my interest in old machinery. Had no idea you were a fellow motorcycle enthusiast.
Best wishes. Mike

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Re: History of my bike

Hi Mike,

I have send you the info I have to your email address. It's pretty hard for me to read being Dutch but you will probably be able to read it.


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Re: History of my bike

Why such a cluster of bikes with similar registrations I wonder. And are there more out there?

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